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How to Evolve your Content Strategy Over Time

Sadia Umer
6 minutes
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“We always overestimate the change that will occur in the next two years and underestimate the changes that will occur in the next ten.” — Bill Gates

These words are taken from Microsoft founder’s book “The Road Ahead,” published in 1996. In his book, he talks about the prevalence of the internet and its impact on the world of computing. We can see the immediate change in the world, such as the popularity of TV, radio, smartphones among the public.

A traditional way of advertisement through which you can grasp the attention of the limited audience is by doing cold calls and investing a large amount of money in them.

With the advancement of technology, the way we communicate with the audience, consume a piece of relevant information, and our marketing tactics; have also evolved. Now, people are more inclined towards the internet of things. They find more ways of utilizing the internet to smartly automate their tasks.

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In the Digital Marketing world, marketers are well-prepared to persuade the audience towards their product or brand and create an inclination that automatically attracts their target audience.

Social media is the most powerful way of acquiring customers and building a firm strategy to hold a concrete position for your product in the market.

Through the Internet, you can easily target a wider audience and address them without leaving your seat.

Here, we have some guidelines which could help you evolve your marketing strategy with time.

Educate your Audience

Billions of people engage with several social media channels to get aware of the latest fashions, find the trending content on different websites, and share it on their social media channels.

They acknowledge the content that has factual grounds which also holds value for them. To produce content that is actually useful for your audience, observe the level of information they require.

You can share the product-related information to give a direction to your audience to choose the right product for themselves. To attract the audience towards your product you need to build up a sense of urgency among your audience. Align your company’s goal with your audience’s needs and make them focus on how to best utilize your product.

Educate your Audience - Replug

Visual marketing has a vibrant impression in the market. Statistics tell us that the human brain forms the first impression in under 50 milliseconds. Visual images are naturally self-explanatory and hold the capability to make a constructive first impression.

Use different images, infographics, and graphical tutorials through which you can effectively educate your audience. This will help your audience absorb your special features and establish a better understanding of your product.

Message Promotion

As we all have an idea about cold and warm audiences. The most essential thing to consider when taking a pace into the market is to strategically target the right kind of audience.

Your content doesn’t matter to the cold audience; but on the other hand, the warm audience takes interest in what you’re providing them. So, in simple words, you have to find the audience and try hard to promote your message among them.

Message Promotion - Replug

Before writing a message, think about the fundamental element that could sell your product. To attract your target audience towards your idea, you need to convey a message that addresses their pain-points.

Your message should be simple, concise, and laser-focused. If your message fails to hit the right strings, people will avoid the messages which are sent to them; until they receive an immediate value.

Social Media advertisement is the best way to enhance your customer engagement, generate more leads and traffic which resultantly would raise your conversion rate.

Ruairi Galavan, a Product Education Manager at Intercom, discloses the most effective messaging strategies to build up customer engagement.

Market Research

Market Research gives a wholesome picture of the market which is very helpful for marketers to identify all the prospects of the marketplace. It could be about the obstacles the customers face, your rival’s product position, or the paths you have to choose to introduce your product to the market.

You can also analyze the audience’s behavior towards your competitor’s product which gives you an idea about the necessary things you have to take care of while entering the market.

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After Market research, marketers can interpret their product’s position. They can narrow down the target audience.

To put it briefly, there are two main ways to research the market.

Primary Research: The data is collected firsthand through conducting interviews, questionnaires, phone calls, online surveys.

Secondary Research: You can gather data that is already published on websites by someone. It includes market statistics and reports.

There is a 5 step guide to help you do market research and accomplish an in-depth place for your product. Let me summarize these points for you.

  1. Define Your Buyer Persona
  2. Engage Your Target Audience
  3. Prepare Your Research Questions
  4. List Your Primary Competitors
  5. Summarize Your Findings

Practice Empathy

Empathy is the ability to “Walk a mile in someone else’s shoes”. It’s a characteristic that should be practiced by businesses to retain their loyal customers.

For a better relationship with your customers, you should take care of your customer’s emotions, preferences, and values. You must be concerned with the customer’s priorities and try to create customer-friendly content.

Practice Empathy - Replug

If the customers feel valuable then they will automatically be attracted to your product and become your advocates. It helps you to promote your product through the word of mouth.

The customer taste, preferences change over time. If your product is not demanded by the audience then the purpose of your existence fails.

Brand Voice

An important for marketers to remember while writing content is that they should be able to define their purpose of existence.

Give your brand a unique voice by assigning an identity.

The Logo is an element that is essential and gives an idea related to the product to the customers. If you have not added the logo to content then it is hard for the viewer to relate your content with your brand.

Brand voice enables the companies to keep clarity between the product and the customers whom they are targeting. It also helps customers while interacting and purchasing the product.

Brand Voice - Replug

So, while writing content, it is mandatory to explain the personality of your brand, the purpose of your existence, and illustrate the specification and features of your product.

Nevertheless, you must not exaggerate or overdraw the picture for your audience. That will merely raise their expectations from your product and deceive them.

“Trying to fake your voice is like putting lipstick on a pig.”

Your brand should provide value in real terms rather than fake-furnishing the product to the target audience. That’s an unhealthy practice that results in a bad imprint on your credibility.


The customer’s loyalty depends on the customer’s satisfaction which the marketers fulfill by providing the product.

Customer Loyalty - Replug

When companies bring innovative products into the market over time and engage with customers with new concepts. Then the customers feel valued and more inclined towards the services you provide them.

Once your actual customers become your promoters then they will be able to help you gain loyal customers.


Sadia Umer
Sadia Umer works on putting together high-quality content for Replug customers to read. When she isn't writing, she can be found reading and trying random life experiments.

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