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Replug’s Latest Integrations to help grow your email list: Episode#1

Wasiq Naeem
5 minutes
Replug announces its latest Integrations

This October, Replug gives you a little extra feast, think of it as our way of Trick-or-Treating you.

Replug has always paved ways for its users to improve their digital marketing campaigns.

Recently, we have announced 3rd party integrations to boost your email marketing. Now, you can integrate your Replug account with different email newsletter applications, SMS messaging services, and email marketing tools.

The social media revolution has introduced many communication channels to us. But, businesses use email marketing to grow their sales.

Yes, Email Marketing is still in-house!

Capterra states that with each dollar spent on email marketing, you can generate a revenue of  $44.25.

Make your own branded call to actions with Replug and request users for email subscriptions. You can forward these email addresses to the integrated email marketing tools.

Track the best leads with Replug and escalate your consumer outreach.

In this week’s article, we’ll discuss the three integrations that can change the perspective of email marketing for you.


Sendy is an email newsletter application which helps digital marketers send newsletters via email through Amazon’s Simple Email Service (SES).

Sendy is the best tool to economize your newsletter emails to the masses.

How to integrate with Replug?

You can easily integrate the two platforms in very easy steps demonstrated below.

Sendy + Replug Integration

Step#1: Find Sendy’s API key

Sendy’s API key is the unique key which enables its integration with other tools. To find your API key, go to Account Settings. You’ll find your API key on the right side of your screen.

Your key will look something like this.

Step#2: Access Sendy’s List ID

As explained earlier, Replug collects leads and redirects them to your Sendy account. To maintain that list, Replug requires Sendy’s list ID.

Go to your Brand and click on View all lists

Replug Sendy Integration

You’ll find an encrypted List ID for your account here.

Hover over to view the complete ID.

Replug Sendy Integration

Step#3: Sendy and Replug’s Connection

Now, you have to connect these two accounts to start the magic.

Go to your Replug account and then go to Integrations.

replug Integrations

Here, you’ll find the whole list of third-party integrations available in Replug.

Click connect for Sendy.

Connect Sendy with Replug

Fill in all the details and click on Connect.

sendy form


Step# 4: Create your Call to Action in Replug

In this step, you will create the branded CTA using Replug. Select your campaign and start creating your CTA.

  • Select the CTA type as Form.
  • Select Sendy as your Email Service Provider.
  • Select the Account.
  • Select the email list (the same for which you entered the List ID)


After a successful integration, all the email subscribers will be sent to your Sendy list.


ConvertKit is one of the most popular yet simplified email marketing tools. It provides marketing automation to small-scale businesses at a very reasonable cost.

Connect your Replug account with ConvertKit today and scale your email subscribers.

How to integrate with Replug?

The integration is very easy. Let’s begin.

ConvertKit+Replug Integration

Step#1: Find ConvertKit’s API Key and API Secret

In order to connect your ConvertKit account with Replug, you need to find your unique API key and API Secret.

Go to your Account Settings. Along with your basic account information, you’ll find both of the encrypted figures.

ConvertKit Replug

Step#2: ConvertKit and Replug’s connection

To connect these two accounts, go to your Replug account and click on Integrations in Account Settings.

replug Integrations

Find ConvertKit among the list of all Integrations and click on Connect.

convertkit connect

Step#3: Enter your Information in the pop-up

A pop-up box prompter will appear.

Enter your ConvertKit API Key and ConvertKit API Secret here and click on connect.

Step#4: Create your Branded Call to Action in Replug

In this step, you have to create your branded CTA using Replug.

  • Select the CTA type as Form.
  • Select ConvertKit as your Email Service Provider.
  • Select the Account and the email list.


Replug has made a handshake with another major marketing automation tool; Sendinblue.

It is a cloud-based marketing automation SaaS suite.

They provide organizations the services to communicate with their clients via email and SMS.

How to integrate with Replug?

You can easily connect both of your accounts to get the most of your marketing campaigns.

Sendinblue+Replug Integration

Let’s start.

Step#1: Find your API Key

Find the API key in your Sendinblue account.

To do that, log into your Sendinblue account.


The front Dashboard will appear.

Go to your personal account settings and click on SMTP & API.

Replug Integrations


You will be redirected to a page where you’ll find your API Key. Copy your API key.

Replug Integrations

Step#2: Sendinblue and Replug’s connection

Go to the Integrations list and find Sendinblue. Click on Connect.

Replug Sendinblue Integration

On the next screen, you will be asked to enter the API key to complete the connection.

Replug Sendinblue Integration

Choose the list that you’d like to connect with your Replug Account and press Save.

Replug Sendinblue Integration

Step#4: Create your Branded Call to Action in Replug

Create a call to action in Replug and start routing your traffic to your Sendinblue list. To create a CTA.

  • Select the CTA type as Form.
  • Select Sendinblue as your Email Service Provider.
  • Select the Account and the email list.

This is not it, we have some more exciting news for you. Wait for our second Episode to get more insights into Replug’s latest Integrations.

We can’t wait to hear from you. Share your experiences in the comment section below.

Wasiq Naeem
Wasiq Naeem is a content and digital marketing veteran who is passionate about his writing. Extensive research and producing high-quality content is just another day at the office for him.

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