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How to increase sales on Amazon: Understanding A10 [Updated]

Manahil Asif
9 minutes
how to increase sales on amazon

In 2023, Amazon witnessed a record-breaking $575 billion in sales, proving its power as a selling platform.

But with such a massive opportunity comes intense competition!

Increasing sales on Amazon demands more than just listing your products; it requires a strategic approach. And to help you out we created this guide.

This guide isn’t just another “how-to” – it’s the only roadmap you’ll ever need to master top sales tips and tricks in Amazon’s vast market.

So let’s get started:

The A10 Algorithm: What Amazon wants from sellers

According to Maacro Trends, Amazon invested $85.6 billion in research and development from March 31, 2023 to March 31, marking an 8.6% increase from the previous year. Before we get to the tips and tricks, let us give you a quick overview of Amazon’s algorithm. Amazon’s algorithm, currently called A10 (though some sources still reference A9), focuses on delivering the most relevant products to users based on their search queries.

Here’s what you need to know:

  • The A10 algorithm favors products with positive customer reviews, high ratings, and low return rates.
  • Boost your listings by using Amazon links across your website, blog, social media, and other platforms. This external engagement shows Amazon that your product has a broader appeal.
  • Sponsored links and PPC campaigns are less effective under A10 compared to A9. Instead, prioritize organic traffic and authentic customer engagement for better results.
  • Products with a strong sales history are given priority. Consistent sales signal to Amazon that the product is popular and reliable.
Amazon logo

Related: 9 ways to multiply your sales with eCommerce retargeting

Insider tips and tricks for ranking and on Amazon

Here’s a detailed breakdown of some of the best strategies:

1. Optimizing your listings for maximum visibility

On Amazon, where millions of products compete in order to stay on the top. Standing out requires strategic optimization of product titles, descriptions, and keywords to align with customer search behaviors.

Manually researching and selecting the perfect product category can be a tedious task. The Product Classifier automates this process, saving you valuable time and effort.  It uses the most up-to-date information to specify your product type, add your brand name, and compelling selling points directly into the title.

The best part is that it automatically updates its suggestions based on trends so your listings stay relevant and discoverable even as Amazon’s catalog grows and adapts.

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2. Use customer-centric keywords 

Put yourself in your customer’s shoes. What terms would they use to search for your product? Understanding your customer’s perspective is key to optimizing your product listings on Amazon.

  • Research is Key: Use keyword research tools or conduct manual searches on Amazon to identify high-traffic, low-competition keywords relevant to your product.
We have short-listed top keyword research tools, so you don’t have to: Helium 10 Jungle Scout  SellerApp  AMZScout
  • Long-tail advantage: Don’t just focus on broad, generic keywords. Target long-tail keywords – more specific phrases that shoppers will likely use later in their buying journey. For example, instead of just “blender,” consider “high-performance countertop blender.”
  • Strategic Integration: Weave your target keywords naturally throughout your listing. Include them in your title, description, backend search terms, and even in product variations (e.g., color options).

It’s important to have relevant keywords that closely relate to what the person is searching for,” says Macfarlane.

Amazon wants your title to be short, descriptive and to the point, they do allow for between 150-250 characters”.

3. Visual appeal: Why high-quality content matters

Great images and videos grab attention in a flash. They make your content pop, not just look pretty. Cool charts and clear pictures can explain things way faster than words alone. This keeps people hooked, turning them from scrollers into viewers who get your message.

Here are some of the factors you should know:

  • The main image should have a white background, 85% product fill, and no text/logos/watermarks.
  • Images should be clear, and free from blurriness, pixelation, or jagged edges.
  • Number of Images: 7 recommended, avoid overwhelming with too many.
  • For videos, amazon suggests a minimum resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels (HD).

An easy way is to use the Amazon A+ Content tool which allows you to enhance your product detail pages with videos, customized text placements, shoppable product-comparison charts, and more, effectively showcasing your products and telling your brand’s story.

Important note: Make sure that all visuals are optimized for mobile viewing. With a significant number of consumers shopping on mobile devices, your images and videos should be responsive and load quickly on smaller screens without compromising quality.

Related: Content Marketing Best Practices

4. Mask your affiliate links

If you’re an affiliate marketer this is the most important tip for you. Rather than using raw Amazon affiliate links, opt for branded link shorteners. 

Affiliate links

One popular link shortener is Replug, which not only makes your links appear more professional and trustworthy but also provides valuable analytics and tracking capabilities.

Here are some other major advantages;

  • Cross-platform consistency: Branded link shorteners allow you to maintain consistent branding across different platforms and channels.
  • Aesthetic appeal: Shortened and branded links are often more appealing to users, leading to higher click-through rates compared to long, complex URLs. This can result in increased Amazon sales and traffic to your affiliate products.
  • Easy management: Using a branded link shortener centralizes the management of your affiliate links. You can easily edit, update, or redirect links as needed without having to change the URLs embedded in your content, saving time and effort.
  • Commission protection: Masking your affiliate links helps protect your commissions from link manipulation or hijacking.

Also Read: A Quick Guide on Affiliate Decloaking 

5. Win back customers with multi-channel retargeting

While Amazon offers a massive audience, relying solely on it can limit your earning potential. To expand your reach effectively, strategically place advertisements on social media, search engines, email newsletters, and other platforms where your target demographic is active.

multi-channel retargeting

A highly effective approach involves incorporating retargeting pixels. Retargeting is a significant move for the retailers to bring the customers towards your website repeatedly. Use retargeting ads on platforms like Facebook and Instagram to re-engage potential customers who have shown interest in your products.

Pro tip: Sellers! Don’t let valuable audience data slip through your fingers. Go beyond basic retargeting by utilizing demographic and interest-based targeting options.

Also Read: 9 ways to multiply your sales with eCommerce retargeting

6. Get more positive reviews

Did you know that over 95% of online shoppers read reviews before deciding to buy something? On Amazon, having lots of positive reviews not only boosts your product’s search visibility with their A10 algorithm but also enhances its perceived quality.

Customers are often willing to pay more for products that have received good reviews. After your product has been delivered and they’ve had a chance to use it, sending a follow-up email asking for a review can be really effective.

If they haven’t left a review after your first request, a friendly reminder a week or two later can often nudge them to share their thoughts. It’s a great way to build trust and attract more buyers to your listing.

7. Win the Buy Box

The Buy Box is prime real estate on Amazon, and securing it translates to increased Amazon sales and brand visibility.  To become the top contender, optimize your product listings with high-quality images, detailed descriptions, and relevant keywords.

Additionally, prioritize account health by maintaining a competitive price, exceptional fulfillment speed, and a stellar customer service record.

Also Read: How to post affiliate links on Facebook?

8. Provide excellent customer service

Excellent customer service

Prioritize providing prompt, helpful, and friendly customer service to build trust and loyalty.  Respond to inquiries quickly and efficiently, address issues with empathy and understanding, and go the extra mile to exceed expectations.

Positive customer experiences translate to positive reviews, which can further strengthen your Buy Box position.

9. Make sure you have a competitive pricing strategy.

Start by analyzing the prices of similar products, identifying your main competitors, and understanding the average price range in the market.

Setting your price too low might make customers question the quality, while pricing too high could discourage potential buyers. Set competitive yet profitable prices that attract buyers while considering factors like shipping costs and Amazon fees.

You can use tools like Amazon’s pricing analytics or third-party options such as Helium 10’s Market Tracker and Insights Dashboard.

Another option is to automate your pricing strategy with tools like RepricerExpress or Feedvisor, which can help you stay competitive and save time.

10. Outsource your tasks

Start by identifying tasks that can be outsourced. Common tasks for Amazon sellers to outsource include

  • Customer service
  • Product photography
  • Order processing
  • Product Listing
  • Inventory management
  • Marketing campaigns
  • Complete store management

Choose reliable partners or freelancers with expertise in Amazon operations to streamline processes, improve efficiency, and maintain a high level of service and productivity.

11. Test campaigns, ads, images, etc.

Testing campaigns, advertisements, product images, and descriptions on Amazon allows you to optimize performance and identify what resonates best with your target audience.

A/B test product pages, images and more

Conduct A/B testing to compare different elements and strategies, such as ad copy variations, image styles, and campaign settings, to improve engagement, click-through rates, and ultimately, conversion rates.

12. Offer multiple payment methods

By catering to a wider range of payment preferences, you remove potential barriers to purchase and encourage more customers to complete transactions.

Accept all major credit and debit cards like Visa (including the Amazon Rewards Visa Signature Card), Mastercard/EuroCard, Discover Network, American Express, JCB, and China UnionPay (credit card only).

Also Read: How to increase online sales?

13. Track your performance and analyze data

Regularly monitor your Amazon Seller Central account to track your sales performance, identify top-selling products, and analyze customer reviews. Utilize the data to identify areas for improvement and optimize your strategies for better results.


Key customer metrics to track:

Sales performanceTotal revenue generated over specific periods (daily, weekly, monthly) to assess growth trends.
Conversion ratePercentage of visitors who make a purchase, indicating listing effectiveness and customer interest.
Customer lifetime value (CLV)Projected revenue from a customer over their entire relationship with your business.
Average order value (AOV)The average amount spent per customer order, guiding pricing, and promotion strategies.
Conversion ratePercentage of visitors who make a purchase, indicating listing effectiveness and customer interest.
Advertising performanceMetrics like CTR, CPC, and ROAS to evaluate ad effectiveness and return on investment.
Buy Box percentagePercentage of time your product wins the Buy Box, impacting visibility and sales.
Return ratePercentage of orders returned, indicating product quality and customer satisfaction.
Inventory levelsMonitoring stock levels and avoiding stock-outs to maintain sales continuity.

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14. Engaging with Amazon live

Show off your products in real time, answer customer questions live, and build a connection with viewers.

Demonstrate your products in action, offer exclusive deals during your live stream, and run fun polls or quizzes to keep people engaged. Limited-time offers or free gifts with purchases can create a sense of urgency and encourage customers to take action.

Besides that, this is a fantastic way to put a face to your brand and connect with potential customers on a personal level. You can even partner with relevant Amazon Live personalities to reach a wider audience.

Also Read: How to Create Affiliate Links and Keep Track of Affiliate Results?

15. Sell a unique product

If you use your money to create exceptional products, you don’t need to spend it on ads,” says Seth Godin.

A unique product, with key attributes to retain customers and no market duplicates, is essential.

Amazon sales statistics
Source: https://capitaloneshopping.com/research/amazon-statistics/

Before designing a product, gather information about market trends, competitors, and customer behavior. This helps identify high-demand products. On Amazon, sellers generate over $65,614,726 in sales per hour. Amazon supports new sellers by encouraging unique products with positive feedback potential.

The Omnichannel Buying Report shows 78% of global respondents have made a purchase on Amazon.

To maximize revenue, sellers must target specific segments, identify customer hurdles, and offer unique solutions. As marketing strategies evolve, understanding customer preferences through sale conversions is vital.

You may also like: Amazon Link Shortener: 10 Reasons For Amazon Sellers To Try

Other key tips:

  • Offer discounts: If you want to increase sales, then offering discounts is a very effective strategy to draw customers into your stores.
  • Competitor analysis: It’s imperative to analyze your competitors. Before offering a product or service to the target market, you need to find the gaps in the competitor’s marketing strategies and try to fill up.
  • Stay up-to-date with Amazon policy changes: Amazon’s policies and procedures can change frequently. Stay informed by regularly reviewing Amazon Seller Central announcements and updates to ensure you’re adhering to the latest guidelines.
  • Boost Amazon sales by incorporating bio links: Increase Amazon sales using bio links in your social media profiles, directing traffic to your product listings. Leverage platforms like Instagram and TikTok to engage followers with compelling content and seamless access to purchase options through these links.


Remember, success on Amazon is not a one-time achievement but an ongoing journey of adaptation and optimization.

Stay tuned in to policy updates, keep an eye on how you’re doing, and always be ready to tweak your approach based on what the data tells you.

With each step, you’ll navigate Amazon’s ever-changing terrain with a sense of assurance and purpose.

FAQs on increasing sales on Amazon

How can I improve my product’s visibility on Amazon?

To improve product visibility on Amazon, focus on keyword optimization, high-quality images, compelling product descriptions, and utilizing Amazon advertising options.

What strategies can I use to win the Buy Box?

Winning the Buy Box requires competitive pricing, positive seller feedback, fast shipping, and maintaining stock availability.

How do I effectively manage pricing to stay competitive on Amazon?

Manage pricing effectively by utilizing repricing tools, monitoring competitors’ prices, offering competitive pricing, and adjusting prices strategically based on demand and market trends.

What are the benefits of using Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA)?

Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) streamlines order fulfillment, storage, shipping, and customer service, saving time and improving chances of

Manahil Asif
Meet Manahil - A wordsmith who practically buddies with B2B and B2C businesses to create digital magic. With a dash of humor and a sprinkle of wit, she whips up content more addictive than your morning coffee.

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