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Top 4 reasons to cloak affiliate links [with practical benefits & tools]

Amna Yawar
8 minutes

Alright, before getting into the fun stuff, let’s clear up one thing: “Link cloaking” isn’t something to freak out about. Sure, the word cloaking might give off some horror movie vibes, but trust me—this isn’t about shady URL links waiting to trap you. And considering you’ve probably survived more than your fair share of clickbait nightmares, I get why you’d hesitate.

But here’s the good news—link cloaking is actually the opposite of shady! It’s here to protect, not trick. So, let’s unravel the mystery, clear up the myths, and discover the top reasons to cloak links.

Ready? Let’s dig in!

What are affiliate links?

Cue the eerie music…

You’re scrolling through a website, and everything seems normal—until you spot it. A link. But not just any link… an affiliate link. 

Dramatic gasp.

At first glance, it looks harmless. A normal URL, maybe even disguised. But there’s something more lurking behind it. Affiliate links are special, designed to track your clicks and guide you toward products or services. Behind the scenes, while you’re shopping, the affiliate quietly earns a commission for every purchase you make.

In easier terms, if you cloak affiliate links, you’ll get a clean and branded URL that gives confidence to potential buyers, all while earning some money. No tricks, no hidden dangers!

So no, they’re not out to trap you. In fact, affiliate links are the lifeblood of the marketing world, helping creators and marketers recommend products while earning a reward for their efforts. It’s all part of the plan, hidden in plain sight… and ready to work its magic.

Link cloaking vs. link shortening

Unlike its cousin link shortening, which is often a wildcard used by anyone, for any reason, without much branding—link cloaking or link masking, steps in with a disguise that’s not only sleek but, trustworthy as well. For affiliate marketers, understanding the benefits of link cloaking can add an extra “wow” factor to their promotional game. 

Link cloaking turns those tangled URLs into a clean, branded link that’s all about you and your brand. When someone sees your affiliate link, there’s no mystery left—they know exactly where your URL will take them.

Branded Short Links

Create and track branded short links for your business for better conversions.

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Branded Short Links

The comparison: shortened links vs. cloaked links

Now, let’s compare the two through an example:

A standard link shortener might turn:

generic unbranded URL


short URL

It’s short, sure, but it’s generic. 

With link cloaking, you’ll get something like:

cloaked link

This is clean, branded, and crystal clear about where it’s leading; ideal for affiliate programs.

Related: How to Disguise a Link in Text: Step-by-Step Guide

Award-winning reasons to cloak affiliate links

There are multiple reasons to cloak links. Here’s a list of the top contenders for the best ones to do so! Drumroll, please… 

1. They build trust

Leading the pack, we have increased link trust, the first and foremost reason to cloak affiliate links. Users love clicking on clean, branded links. Think of long, messy URLs as the bad guys in a romantic comedy—always getting in the way of the perfect link-building love story. But with a branded link, your audience can confidently click without hesitation, like the hero stepping in to save the day.

Not only this, this trust leads to enhanced CTR (click-through rate). This means more affiliate clicks, and more affiliate commissions and sales. Cha-ching! 

Here’s how Pat Flynn, a famous affiliate marketer, uses cloaked links in his Instagram bio to promote Adobe. The audience knows that the shortened link will lead them to Adobe’s AI assistant page as soon as they see it:

Cloaked link of affiliate marketer Patt Flynn in Instagram bio

The actual (generic) link looks like this:

uncloaked affliate link of Abobe

The actual link is long and messy, and most likely, no one will bother to click it because of how spammy it looks. On top of that, the “paid promotion” at the end of the URL might ruin credibility and trust.

Related: How to use an affiliate link shortener: A quick guide 

2. Protection from link hijacking

Next up, we have protection from link hijacking. In the world of affiliate marketing, hijackers are like the villains who secretly rewrite your story, redirecting your traffic and stealing your commissions.

But here’s where a link cloaker saves the day. Through advanced link management tools, you can block the bad guys from messing with your links—your traffic stays on course, and your commissions remain secure. 

Matt Diggity the CEO of Diggity Marketing and SEO expert uses branded affiliate links to promote various brands. With his own domain name in the URL, i.e. “diggitymarketing.com”, he maintains his brand identity and protects his links from link hijacking. Here’s an example of how he promotes Elementor, a leading website platform, through a cloaked link in his video description:

Branded affiliate link of Matt Diggity in YouTube description

This link in his description leads to Elementor’s pricing plans:

Uncloaked affiliate link of Elementor

This way, no one can steal his links, making sure that his commission is in safe hands. 

So basically, cloaking adds an extra layer of security, protecting your efforts and affiliate revenue. No dramatic heist, just a smooth path to success with your earnings safe and sound.

3. Memorable and easier to share

Let’s welcome our next contestant: the ease of sharing! Cloaked affiliate links aren’t just secure; they’re also memorable stars in the spotlight. Think of them as the blockbuster hit “Titanic”—almost everyone remembers the name and has watched it more than once!

One of the non-negotiable reasons to cloak links is that your audience can type it in without a second thought, making it simple for you to share in blogs, posts, emails, and more. So, instead of those long URLs that look like tongue twisters, you get polished links that your audience can easily recall and re-click. 

Here’s an example of how The O’Brien Brothers (Nate and Mike O’Brien), founders of the popular YouTube channel Santrel Media, mask links in their descriptions to promote Squarespace, a leading website building and hosting platform:

Santrel Media cloaked affiliate link in YouTube bio

The link is short, easy to type, and memorable; especially for people who are regular viewers or subscribers of their channel. You can also see that they explicitly mentioned that by clicking this link, they may receive a small commission! We love this because it’s honest, straightforward, and again, builds brand trust.

Now that’s affiliate marketing done right. 

You may also like: How to sign up for the Replug affiliate program?

4. Better tracking analytics

And last but certainly not least, one of the best benefits of link cloaking is that you can easily track your analytics.

With cloaked links, you gain the superpower to track your affiliate URL performance like a pro. You can analyze which links steal the show and which ones need a little extra work. For instance, if you have two links pointing to different shopping bag pages, cloaking them helps you see which one attracts more traffic.

Advanced tools like Replug make this process smooth and easy, allowing you to measure and optimize your success. 

Replug link analytics

Related: The importance of tracking click data in digital analytics

Why do I need to use an affiliate link shortener?

Here’s a list of the top reasons to use a good affiliate link shortener to reap the full benefits of link cloaking:

  • Advanced redirects: Manage complex URL paths and user navigation by directing traffic based on specific criteria, while preserving SEO value.
  • Automatic keyword linking: Automatically convert designated keywords into links, enhancing SEO and user experience without manual input.
  • Affiliate link tracking: Analyze user engagement through detailed metrics on link clicks, enabling data-driven marketing strategies.
  • Auto-create branded short links: Generate branded shortened URLs automatically from original links to streamline content sharing and management while maintaining trust.
  • Destination cloaking: Transform lengthy URLs into shorter, user-friendly versions while hiding the destination URL for added security.
  • Geographic redirects: Direct users to different content or pages based on their geographical location, enhancing relevance and personalization.
  • Create bio links: Utilize a single link that aggregates multiple URLs for social media bios, directing followers to various content easily.
  • QR code generation: Create scannable QR codes linked to your URLs, bridging online and offline marketing efforts seamlessly.
  • Domain name management with SSL support: Oversee domain names while ensuring secure connections through SSL certification for enhanced trust.
  • Collaboration tools for team management: Facilitate teamwork by providing tools for link management, access control, and real-time collaboration among team members.

Best affiliate link management tools

We’ve narrowed down the list of the best affiliate link management tools to disguise links effectively:

ToolKey Features
Replug• Branded links
• Traffic routing
• Custom call-to-action buttons
• Retargeting links
• Create bio links
• Generate deep links
• QR code generation
White-label solution
• Advanced link analytics
Pretty Links• Auto-create branded short links
• Auto link keywords
• Advanced redirects
•QR code generation
• Track click statistics
• Geographic redirects
Rebrandly• Custom-branded short links
• Link management and analytics
Traffic routing and SEO-friendly 301 redirects
• Domain name management with SSL support
• Collaboration tools for team management
• Create bio links
Bitly• Auto-create branded short links
• Link redirects
• QR code generation
• Create bio links
Thirsty Affiliates• Link shortening and destination cloaking
• Automatic keyword linking
• Basic statistics report

Why Replug should be your first choice to cloak affiliate links

Alright, now let’s give Replug the spotlight it deserves.

Replug isn’t just about cloaking links; it’s packed with advanced features that make it stand out from the crowd. We’re talking branded links that boost trust, traffic routing to keep everything on course, and even custom call-to-action buttons to engage your audience like never before.

Shorten your links, amplify your brand.

Create shareable, trackable and fully customizable branded urls. Get more clicks with absolute link management features such as Bio Links, retargeting, deep Links, CTA’s and more.

Learn More!
fully customizable bio link

Not only does it keep your links clean and branded, but it also has an advanced features that most tools don’t offer—all at a more affordable price. 

But here’s where the tool truly shines: Replug offers QR code generation, white-label solution, and advanced analytics—features you won’t find in many higher-priced tools. It’s a comprehensive solution that gives you everything you need to elevate your affiliate marketing, without the hefty price tag.

FAQs for top reasons to cloak affiliate links

Can affiliate links be shortened?

Yes, you can shorten affiliate links using link cloaking or shortening tools. Some of the reasons to cloak links using these tools are:

  • They turn long, complicated URLs into clean, branded ones that are easier to share and look more professional.
  • They can track results and analytics.

How do I shorten affiliate links?

To shorten an affiliate link, you can use a link cloaking or URL shortening tool. Simply paste your original link into the tool, customize the shortened version if needed, and it will generate a cleaner, shorter link that’s ready to share.

Does Replug work for affiliate links?

Yes, Replug is a great option for cloaking and managing affiliate links. Some of the benefits of link cloaking it provides are:

  • Creation of branded links
  • Tracking results
  • Protecting your commissions
  • QR code generation
  • Custom calls to action

Can link masking affect my SEO?

Link masking, when done correctly, won’t negatively impact your SEO. In fact, it can even enhance your branding and improve click-through rates by making your affiliate links look more trustworthy and appealing to your audience.

Amna Yawar

Amplify Your Marketing With Optimized Link Sharing

Over 35,000+ marketers, agencies, businesses, e-commerce stores and brands optimize and track their links using Replug and get better returns on their marketing efforts.

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