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Tips and Tricks From Some of the Best Personal Brands Around

Sadia Umer
5 minutes

We’ve all done a google search on our names at some point. And for most of us, our Facebook profile or LinkedIn handle pops up first. Yet, for those who want to build a personal brand, this is not enough.

Bloggers, YouTubers, photographers, or budding businesses often turn to personal branding strategies. The more people recognize you, the stronger your brand value. If you are someone who wants to shine out from the crowd, then these tips and tricks might help. 

What is personal branding?
Source: Freepik 

What is Personal Branding? 

Building a personal brand is as essential as your company’s reputation. Marketing is no longer a detached, depersonalized space. The modern-day customers prefer a one-on-one experience instead. 

The market is a social space where buyers and sellers interact. Business, in its very essence, depends on building human connections with people. And your customers are the best brand ambassadors you can get!

With personal brand building, you give your customers a glimpse of your personality. It is more than a mere extension of the business brand. With a personal brand, you try to change the public perception. It puts you in a position of authority. 

Personal brand building and profit

Most B-schools have a section on individual brand building. Here, the students learn all about personal branding and how to market themself. 

As a marketing student, you often get to dapple with research tools as well. The most popular of them being SWOT analysis or PESTLE to gain valuable insights. 

A SWOT analysis report gives you all the information on the internal and external micro factors that affect the brand. The acronym SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. You can apply this not only to products and services but also for people. 

For instance, the entrepreneur’s personal influence and expertise is a strength for the brand. Personal brand building allows the businessman to become an authority figure. And once they have the trust of the customer, they might even tweak the market trends to their benefit. 

Marketing students looking for some marketing assignment help are in luck. Here are some simple personal branding tricks that you explore.

Be more visible 

The first thing you need is a strong web presence. Your company might enjoy a good reputation online, but do the customers know you? Do the people recognize you outside your brand? 

Your brand value can add to your company’s reputation as well. Entrepreneurs like Elon Musk or Steve Jobs are famous, even outside their companies. People recognize them beyond Tesla or Apple. 

Most businessmen enjoy celebrity status in the media. People want to know everything about their personal life, family, and experiences. With personal branding, you can put all that out there. The first step to building your reputation online is by having your own personal website. If you’d like to try it, you can create it yourself using a website builder like Zyro.

Related: The Ultimate Guide to Online Branding and Building Authority

Find your niche 

You cannot be an expert in everything sector or industry. Customers prefer brands that cater to their needs and preferences. You must find your niche and area of specialization.

If you are a content creator or blogger, deliver credible and well-cited articles. Here are some ways you can increase your online credibility.

  • Collect relevant market information from analytical tools
  • Look for updated content through content discovery
  • Read up on the research that already exists in your industry
  • Conduct a thorough SEO research
  • Identify the key search words and terms that people use 
  • Add high-quality links to research papers and journals 
  • Cite all your sources 
  • Add plain text descriptions to the images or graphics used 

Note that content creation is a mix of what you want to say and what people want to read/see. If you have an area of interest, pursue it.

Also, note that profit is not the sole motive here. Personal brand concerns more with sharing your life and experiences with people. You don’t have to stick to your industry or line of business. Viewers love personal anecdotes, fun stories from your life. You can even highlight social causes and talk about your political opinions. 

Find your niche
Source: Freepik 

Be active on social media 

Social media networking is the easiest way to connect with an audience. We see many influencers, posting their opinion on a variety of topics. Social media influencers enjoy celebrity status. And if you have a good following online, you can get great brand deals and earn a fortune

Instagram and Twitter are the trending social media platforms that everyone’s at. For building professional connections, you can check out LinkedIn. You can even explore Pinterest if your content is more image-oriented.

So, instead of using social media for marketing your brand- have a little fun with it! Talk about your hobbies, interests, and opinions. Post pictures and Insta stories from your social media handle. Post regularly, see how often should you post on social media . Share a slice of your life, it makes you more human and approachable. 

Gain expertise in your industry 

You must know the ins and outs of the industry. As an entrepreneur, you need to be aware of the latest developments in the business. This also involves an in-depth competition analysis. A detailed PESTLE analysis allows you more profound insights into the business environment. 

Also, you need some level of expertise and credentials in your industry to make it big. Personal brand building is not about creating an artificial image. It focuses more on humanizing the entrepreneur to the audience base. 

Having an effective CTA strategy also impacts your personal brand. People can reach out to you with their queries, complaints, or positive feedback. CTA increases lead generations and divert more traffic to your business as well. 

Gain expertise in your industry
Gain expertise in your industry

Source: Freepik 

Practice 2-way networking 

Most people believe that networking is all about identifying your needs and fulfilling them. What networking lacks is a feeling of empathy. So, instead of focusing on your needs, put yourself in the other person’s shoes. 

2-way networking is a more holistic alternative. It ensures that everyone involved in the transaction benefits in some way. What are you offering to the other party? How is your brand adding to the customer’s value? These are a few questions you need to ask. 

This approach ensures a more secure connection with people. It also contributes to your personal brand. You should make a list of all your contacts and create custom-made messages to approach them. 


Personal brand building is different from business marketing. I hope that these tips would help budding entrepreneurs, students, and freshers. You can use it to raise awareness, talk about important issues, or support a good cause. Good luck!


Author Bio: As an Assignment Expert, Bella delivers online sessions at Expert Assignment Help, helping students with writing essays and assignments. She is the co-founder and education consultant at Top My Grades. Beyond work, you can find her baking a fresh batch of cookies in her kitchen. 

Sadia Umer
Sadia Umer works on putting together high-quality content for Replug customers to read. When she isn't writing, she can be found reading and trying random life experiments.

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