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Tag: facebook

How to Put a Link in Your Facebook Bio?

Arslan Jadoon
7 minutes

Unlock the full potential of your Facebook profile by adding clickable links to your bio. Whether you’re a business promoting your services or an individual sharing your latest projects, strategically placed links can make a significant impact. 

This guide will walk you through the quick and easy steps to incorporate links into your Facebook bio. Elevate your online presence and make it easy for visitors to explore what matters most to you. 

Let’s dive in and optimize your Facebook profile for maximum impact.

The term “Link-in-bio” on Facebook refers to including clickable links in your Facebook profile, particularly in the About section. This concept originated on Instagram, where users are limited to featuring only one link in their bio. To overcome this limitation, creative users developed link-in-bio landing pages that house a collection of links under a single URL.

While Facebook doesn’t have a restriction on the number of website addresses you can include in your bio, some users still choose to adopt the link-in-bio strategy. This approach offers a cleaner and more organized way to direct visitors to various pages on their website. 

Some key takeaways:

The key takeaways and recommendations include:

  • Include multiple links: Businesses are encouraged to include multiple links in their Facebook bio to guide visitors to specific information and convert them into regular website visitors or customers.
  • No limit on links: Unlike Instagram, Facebook doesn’t limit the number of websites you can add to your bio.
  • Keep links up to date: Regularly update your links and ensure they support a clear call to action that aligns with your Facebook posts.
  • Short, branded, and UTM-tracking: Optimize your links by making them short, and branded, and including UTM-tracking information for better analytics.
  • Reputable link management platform: Utilize a reputable link management platform to track traffic from your social media bios and campaigns effectively.

Create bio links for Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn.

Create fully customizable bio link webpages to drive traffic from and to your social media channels, online store, website and much more.

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fully customizable bio link

Adding links to your Facebook profile is a simple yet powerful way to enhance your online presence. Whether you’re using the Facebook app on your mobile device or the desktop version, here’s a step-by-step guide:

On Mobile:

  1. Open the Facebook app and tap on your profile picture in the upper left corner.

2. Navigate to your profile page and tap “Edit profile.”


3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and tap “Edit” next to “Links.”


4. To add social media handles, tap “Add Social Link,” choose a platform, and enter your username.

5. For other website links, select “Websites,” enter the URLs, and tap “Save” when finished.


Also read: How To Put A Link In TikTok Bio?

Create bio links for Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn.

Create fully customizable bio link webpages to drive traffic from and to your social media channels, online store, website and much more.

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fully customizable bio link

On Desktop:

  1. Log in to Facebook and click your profile image in the top left corner.

2. Select “Edit profile” below your profile image.

3. Scroll down to “Edit your About info” and choose “Contact and basic info.”


4. Navigate to the “Websites and social links” section and click the pencil icon to edit.


5. Select “Add a website,” enter the URL, and repeat for additional sites. Click “Save” when done.

6. To add social media links, click the edit icon, choose “Add a social link,” and select your platform.

7. Enter your username (Facebook will generate a clickable link), and click “Save.”

These simple steps empower you to customize your profile, making it easy for visitors to explore your online presence effortlessly. Whether you’re on the go or at your desktop, optimizing your Facebook profile with links is a quick and effective way to showcase your interests and connect with others.

Also read: What Does Link In Bio Mean: All You Need To Know

Create bio links for Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn.

Create fully customizable bio link webpages to drive traffic from and to your social media channels, online store, website and much more.

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fully customizable bio link

Adding links to your Facebook page on a desktop is a straightforward process. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you seamlessly integrate links into your Facebook page:

  1. Navigate to the “Intro” section of your Facebook page.
  2. Look for the “Edit details” button and click on it.
  3. After clicking “Edit details,” you’ll see a pop-up screen.
  4. Click the blue “Update Your Information” button at the bottom of the screen.
  5. Locate the pencil icon next to the “website and social links” section.
  6. Click the pencil icon to edit and enter your website URL.
  7. Click the “Add a website” button if you have more than one URL to add.
  8. To include social media links, click “Add a social link.”
  9. Choose a social media platform from the drop-down menu.
  10. Enter your username (Facebook will automatically create a clickable link).
  11. Once you’ve added the desired links, click the “Save” button to apply the changes.

By following these simple steps, you can effectively customize your Facebook page with relevant links, providing visitors with easy access to your website and social media profiles.

Also read: How to Add Multiple Links to Instagram Bio Using Replug?

Best practices for boosting traffic to your Facebook profile

Optimizing your Facebook business profile is essential for driving traffic and engaging your audience effectively. Here are expert-backed best practices to ensure your profile stands out and serves its purpose:

1. Keep your profile up-to-date:

Regularly update your Facebook profile as part of a social media audit, ideally every six months or more frequently if you offer specials and promotions.

Provide all necessary links to fulfill a call to action directly on Facebook, eliminating the need for users to leave the platform.

3. Leverage the message tool:

Take advantage of the Message button for direct communication, especially as more people prefer text and messaging over traditional calls.

4. Utilize every aspect of your About page:

Populate as many fields on the About page as possible, including contact information, links to social profiles, company privacy policy, services/products, and reviews.

5. Craft an informative intro section:

Use the Intro section to concisely communicate whom you serve, the results you help them achieve, and what you assist them in avoiding.

Also read: 15 Proven Facebook SEO Techniques to Try in 2024

6. Use emojis and graphics thoughtfully:

Maintain engagement with visually appealing content while ensuring it aligns with your brand tone and doesn’t feel overly corporate.

7. Share achievements and unique value proposition:

Showcase unique offers, stories, and achievements that provide a deeper understanding of your company beyond what’s available on the website.

8. Track your metrics:

Regularly monitor follower stats and engagement activities to ensure your audience aligns with your target demographic, and your content resonates.

Use a link management platform to create short branded links that still track key analytics, enhancing the professionalism of your shared URLs.

Consider using a link-in-bio microsite for a clean and professional presentation of multiple links, allowing visitors to explore your top content easily.

Opt for shortened, branded URLs to convey professionalism and enhance brand identity, ensuring a memorable and credible online presence.

By incorporating these best practices, your Facebook business profile can become a powerful tool for attracting and engaging your audience while maintaining a professional and cohesive online presence.

Optimizing your Facebook profile with Replug link-in-bio:

In a world dominated by social media, where nearly three billion users scroll through Facebook, standing out and capturing a customer’s attention is essential. 

Enter Replug bio links — a powerful tool to transform your Facebook profile into a dynamic hub for your brand. This customizable microsite allows you to strategically guide visitors to the content that matters most, all while seamlessly integrating branded and shortened URLs. 

Learn how Replug streamlines your analytics, providing a comprehensive view of link performance across social media channels. Elevate your brand’s presence on the world’s most popular social platform and discover why countless brands choose Replug to make their mark.

Create bio links for Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn.

Create fully customizable bio link webpages to drive traffic from and to your social media channels, online store, website and much more.

Learn More!
fully customizable bio link


Is there a limit to the number of websites I can add to my Facebook page?

While there isn’t a strict limit, it’s recommended to avoid adding too many links for a cleaner and more professional appearance.

Yes, you can. Click on “Add a social link,” choose a platform, enter your username, and repeat these steps for additional social media links.

  • Locate the pencil icon next to the “website and social links” section.
  • Click on the pencil icon to edit, update, or remove a link.
  • Click “Save” to apply the changes.

Can I add a link-in-bio to my Facebook page?

While link-in-bio features are more common on platforms like Instagram, you can create a curated list of links using a link management platform and share it on your Facebook page.

Yes, consider using Replug’s Platform to track analytics and performance metrics for all your links in a single dashboard view.

Arslan Jadoon
Meet Arslan, a skilled website blog and content writer who combines creativity and expertise to deliver engaging and informative pieces that captivate audiences.

The Ultimate Guide: How to Change URL for Facebook Page in 2023

Arslan Jadoon
4 minutes

Are you looking to change the URL of your Facebook Page? Despite Facebook’s previous stance that it couldn’t be done, the process is actually quite simple. 

This guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of changing your Facebook Page URL or username. We’ll also provide essential tips and best practices to ensure a smooth transition. 

So, let’s dive in and unlock the power of a new Facebook Page URL!

What is a Facebook page URL or username?

A Facebook Page URL or username refers to the unique web address associated with your Facebook Page. It is part of the web address that comes after “https://www.facebook.com/”. This URL or username is often used to represent your brand, business, or organization on Facebook and can be customized to reflect your Page’s name or a relevant keyword.

For example, if your Facebook Page is named “ABC Company,” your Page URL or username could be “facebook.com/ABCCompany” or “facebook.com/ABC”. It is a direct link to your Page and can be easily shared with others.

Having a memorable and relevant Facebook Page URL or username can make it easier for people to find and access your Page on the platform. It also helps in branding and promoting your Page across various marketing channels.

Also read: How to Change Facebook URL on Mobile and Desktop?

Important rules for Facebook page URLs:

Prior to changing a Facebook page URL, you should know these important rules:

  • You can only have one username for your Page.
  • Usernames can only contain alphanumeric characters (A-Z, 0-9) or a period (“.”).
  • They can’t contain generic terms or extensions (.com, .net).
  • Periods (“.”) and capitalization don’t count as a part of a username.
  • Usernames must be at least 5 characters long.
  • Admin access is required to create or change the username.

Also read: How to link Instagram to Facebook?

Shorten your links, amplify your brand.

Create shareable, trackable and fully customizable branded urls. Get more clicks with absolute link management features such as Bio Links, retargeting, deep Links, CTA’s and more.

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fully customizable bio link

How to change URL for Facebook page?

Here’s how to change URL for Facebook page. Follow the step-by-step instructions below:

Note: Please note that you must be an admin of the Facebook Page to perform these actions.

Step 1: Log in to your Facebook account and navigate to the Facebook Page whose URL you want to change.


Step 2: In the left-hand column of your page, click on “Edit Page Info” to view and edit the Page’s information.


Also read: Starter’s Guide to Setup Facebook Custom Audience

Step 3: Scroll down to the “Username” section. This is where you can change the URL for your Facebook Page.

Step 4: In the username field, enter your desired new username. Keep in mind the rules for Facebook Page usernames (alphanumeric characters only, at least 5 characters long, no generic terms or extensions).


Step 5: As you type, Facebook will automatically check the availability of the new username. If the username is already taken or doesn’t meet the requirements, you will be prompted to choose a different one.


Step 6: A pop-up window will appear asking you to confirm the change. Carefully review the new URL as it will permanently replace the old one. If you’re satisfied, click on the “Confirm” button.

Step 7: Facebook will process the change, and once it’s completed, you’ll see a notification confirming the successful URL update.

Congratulations! You have successfully changed the URL for your Facebook Page. Make sure to inform your audience and update any external links or promotional materials with the new URL to ensure a seamless transition.

Remember that Facebook’s policies and features may change over time, so it’s always a good idea to refer to the latest official documentation provided by Facebook if you encounter any issues or need further assistance.

Also read: How to fix the “Facebook logged me out” issue


What are the best practices for choosing a Facebook page username?

Choose a Facebook Page username that is relevant, short, memorable, and consistent with your brand across different platforms.

Can I reserve a Facebook Page username for later?

No, it is not possible to reserve a Facebook Page username for later use. Facebook does not offer a feature to reserve usernames in advance. Usernames are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. If you want to secure a specific username for your Facebook Page, you will need to create the Page and claim the desired username as soon as it becomes available.

Can I switch Facebook Page usernames?

Yes, it is possible to switch Facebook Page usernames, but availability and the specific process may vary.

What to be aware of when changing a Facebook Page URL?

Changing a Facebook Page URL can result in the following considerations:

  1. Page Name remains unchanged.
  2. Existing links to the old URL become invalid.
  3. Impact on search engine indexing and ranking.
  4. Informing and updating followers about the URL change.
  5. Potential loss of traffic and visibility during the transition.

What is the timeline for changing a Facebook page URL?

The timeline for changing a Facebook Page URL can typically range from a few minutes to a week, depending on the extent of updates needed and the time taken to inform your audience about the URL change.

Arslan Jadoon
Meet Arslan, a skilled website blog and content writer who combines creativity and expertise to deliver engaging and informative pieces that captivate audiences.

How to download Facebook videos?

Arslan Jadoon
4 minutes

Facebook is among the most popular social media platforms billions of people use worldwide. Its vast collection of videos has become a go-to source for entertainment, information, and education. However, users may want to download Facebook videos for offline viewing, sharing with friends, or reposting on other platforms. 

In this context, downloading Facebook videos can be helpful for those who want to save their favorite videos, access them without an internet connection, or keep a backup copy. However, it’s essential to remember that downloading videos without the owner’s consent violates copyright laws and Facebook’s terms of service. 

Therefore, respecting the creator’s rights and using downloaded videos ethically and responsibly is crucial.

Also Read: How To Utilize Replug for Facebook Retargeting Ads?

Here’s how to download Facebook videos on mobile and computer devices:

How to download Facebook videos on a mobile device?

There are several ways to download Facebook videos on a mobile device. Here’s how:

Step 1: Log in to Facebook from your mobile phone. 

Step 2: Play the video you want to download and tap “3 dots” in the upper right corner of the video.

3 dots

Step 3: Tap “copy link”

copy link

Also Read: How to Change Facebook URL on Mobile and Desktop?

Open Chrome on your mobile device: 

Step 4: Paste the link in the search bar to open the video in Chrome. 

Step 5: Play the video and long-tap on it. 

play video

Step 6: Tap “download video,” and your video will be downloaded.  

download video

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How to download Facebook videos on a computer device?

Step 1: Log in to Facebook on a computer using a browser. 

Step 2: Open the video you want to download and click “3 dots” on the upper right side of the video. 

3 dots

Step 3: Click “copy link” to copy the video link. 

copy link

Also Read: How To Turn Off Vanish Mode On Instagram?

Step 4: Open another tab on your computer browser and write “Facebook video downloader.” 

Step 5: Open a downloader from the search results, paste the video link, and click the download button. (your Facebook video will be downloaded.)

paste and download

Also Read: How To Save TikTok Videos Without The Watermark?

How to download reel videos from Facebook?

To download Reels videos from Facebook, you can use the following method:

  1. Open the Facebook app and find the Reels video you want to download.
  2. Tap on the Reels video to open it in full screen.
  3. Tap on the three dots in the bottom right corner of the screen.
  4. Select “Save Video” or “Save Reel” from the options.

The Reels video will be saved to your device’s camera roll or gallery.

If the “Save Video” or “Save Reel” option is not available, it may be because the creator has disabled the option to save their videos. In that case, you can use a third-party video downloader app or website to download the Reels video. 

However, downloading videos without the owner’s consent violates copyright laws and Facebook’s terms of service. Therefore, using downloaded videos ethically and responsibly is essential, respecting the creator’s rights.

Also Read: How To Utilize Replug for Facebook Retargeting Ads?


Is it legal to download Facebook videos?

It depends on the copyright laws of your country and Facebook’s terms of service. Downloading videos without the owner’s consent is generally considered a violation of copyright laws, and Facebook’s terms of service prohibit the downloading of videos without permission.

Can I download live videos from Facebook?

Live videos cannot be downloaded directly from Facebook, but some third-party tools can help you record and download live videos from Facebook.

How do I download private Facebook videos?

Private Facebook videos cannot be downloaded unless you can access the video or the owner’s permission. If you have access to the video, you can use the same methods as downloading public videos. You can try contacting the owner to request permission if you don’t have access.

Is there any app to download Facebook videos on iOS devices?

Yes, several apps, such as “Video Downloader for Facebook” or “MyMedia,” can be used to download Facebook videos on iOS devices.

Can I download Facebook videos in high quality?

Yes, some video downloader apps and websites allow you to download videos of high quality. However, remember that higher-quality videos take up more space on your device.

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Arslan Jadoon
Meet Arslan, a skilled website blog and content writer who combines creativity and expertise to deliver engaging and informative pieces that captivate audiences.

How to fix the “Facebook logged me out” issue

Arslan Jadoon
4 minutes

If you are experiencing issues with Facebook constantly logging you out, there are several potential solutions you can try. Here is a guide on fixing the “Facebook logged me out issue.”

  • Clear Your Browser Cookies: 

Clearing your browser’s cookies can help resolve any issues with your login information being saved. 

To clear your cookies in Google Chrome, 

Step 1: Click on the three dots in the upper right-hand corner, and select “Settings” 


Also Read: How to save TikTok videos without the watermark?

Step 2: Click on “Privacy and security” 


Step 3: Click on “Clear browsing data.” 


Also Read: How to turn off vanish mode on Instagram?

Step 4: Select “Cookies and other site data,” then click “Clear data.”


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  • Use a Different Browser: 

If you are having trouble logging into Facebook using one browser, try using a different one. This could help resolve any browser-specific issues that may be causing the problem.

  • Disable browser extensions: 

Some browser extensions can interfere with Facebook and cause it to log you out frequently. 

To disable extensions in Google Chrome, 

Step 1: Click on the three dots in the upper right-hand corner and select “setting.”  

Google setting

Also Read: How to create a TikTok account?

Step 2: Now, click on “Extensions.” 


Step 3: Disable any extensions you think might be causing the problem by clicking on the toggle switch next to the extension.

disable extension

  • Update Facebook: 

Sometimes updating the Facebook app can resolve any issues with the app logging you out. 

To update the Facebook app on your phone, 

Go to the App Store (iOS) or Google Play Store (Android) and see if an update is available.

  • Log Out of All Devices: 

If you are logged into Facebook on multiple devices, logging out of all devices can help resolve the issue. 

To log out of all devices, 

Step 1: Log into Facebook and click your “profile icon” in the top right corner. 

facebook profile

Also Read: How to deactivate messenger app?

Step 2: Click “Settings & Privacy.”

setting and privacy

Step 3: Click “Settings.” 


Step 4: Click “Security and Login,” 

security and login

Also Read: How to Change Facebook URL on Mobile and Desktop?

Step 5: Click “Where You’re Logged In.” Here you will see a list of all devices where you are logged into Facebook. Select “log out of all sessions.”

log out of all sessions

  • Contact Facebook Support: 

If you have tried all the above steps and are still having trouble, contact Facebook support for further assistance. 

To contact Facebook support, 

Steps: Go to the Facebook “Help and support” and click “Report a Login Issue.”

help center

By following these steps, you can resolve the issue of Facebook constantly logging you out. If you are still experiencing issues after trying these solutions, contacting Facebook support for further assistance may be a good idea.

Also Read: How To Utilize Replug for Facebook Retargeting Ads?


Why does Facebook keep logging me out on my mobile phone?

There can be several reasons Facebook is logging you out on your mobile phone. Some common reasons include the following:


Arslan Jadoon
Meet Arslan, a skilled website blog and content writer who combines creativity and expertise to deliver engaging and informative pieces that captivate audiences.

How to Add Instagram Link to Facebook Bio?

Arslan Jadoon
4 minutes

If you’re looking to promote your Instagram profile and boost your online presence, adding your Instagram link to your Facebook bio can be a highly effective strategy. By doing so, you can reach a broader audience and potentially attract more followers, which can help you take your social media game to the next level. 

In this guide, we’ll explore the steps involved in adding an Instagram link to your Facebook bio on both computer and mobile devices, as well as some tips on how to make the most of this feature.

Also Read: How to link Instagram to TikTok?

How to add Instagram link to Facebook bio on a mobile device?

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to add your Instagram link to your Facebook bio on a mobile device:

Step 1: Open the Facebook app on your mobile and tap your profile icon. 

profile icon

Also Read: How to add YouTube links to Instagram story?

Step 2: Tap the “edit profile” button.

edit profile

Step 3: In the edit profile section, scroll down to the “links” section and tap “edit”. 


Also Read: How To Turn Off Vanish Mode On Instagram?

Step 4: Tap the “add social link” button. 

add social link

Also Read: Instagram URL Shortener Tools To Elevate Your Marketing

Step 5: Tap the “platform” button and choose Instagram from the list. 

select Instagram

Step 6: Enter your Instagram account “user name” and tap save

enter username & save

Also Read: How to Change Facebook URL on Mobile and Desktop?

Convert your followers into customers with single bio link.

Uplift your conversion rates by connecting all of your social accounts and business pages with a single bio link.

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single Bio Links

How to add Instagram link to Facebook bio on a computer device?

Step 1: Log in to Facebook on your computer browser. 

Step 2: Click on your profile name on the top left side. 

profile name

Step 3: Click “about”, then “contact and basic info”

about-basic info

Also Read: How to Quickly Increase Social Media Conversions in 2022

Step 4: Click the “add website button” under the “website and social links” section. 

add website

Step 5: Paste your Instagram URL in the URL field and click save. You’ll have your Instagram link in the Facebook bio. 

paste url

Also Read: 15 Proven Facebook SEO Techniques To Increase Brand Visibility


How to add Instagram link to Facebook post?

To add an Instagram link to a Facebook post, follow these steps:

  1. Open Facebook and start creating a new post.
  2. Click on the “Add a link” option located below the post text box.
  3. In the link field, paste the URL of your Instagram profile.
  4. Wait a moment for the link preview to generate. You should see a preview of your Instagram profile with your profile picture and a brief description of your account.
  5. If you want to customize the link preview, you can click on the preview image and edit the title, description, and image thumbnail.
  6. Once you’re satisfied with the link preview, you can add any additional text to your Facebook post and then click the “Post” button to publish your post.

That’s it! Your Facebook post should now contain a clickable link to your Instagram profile.

Also Read: How to add utm code to the URL using a link shortener?

Why can’t I see my Instagram link in my Facebook bio?

If you cannot see your Instagram link in your Facebook bio, make sure you have added it correctly by following the steps above. Also, check that your Instagram account is not set to private, as private accounts cannot be linked to Facebook bios.

Why is my Instagram link not clickable in my Facebook bio?

If your Instagram link is not clickable in your Facebook bio, it may be because you have not entered the link correctly, or your Instagram account may be set to private.


Using Vanity URLs for Social Brand Awareness

How To Save TikTok Videos Without The Watermark?

How To Add A Instagram Link In Bio?

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TikTok Trends for Businesses, Brands, and Others

Arslan Jadoon
Meet Arslan, a skilled website blog and content writer who combines creativity and expertise to deliver engaging and informative pieces that captivate audiences.

How To Deactivate Messenger App?

Arslan Jadoon
4 minutes

It is necessary to deactivate your Facebook account before you can deactivate your Messenger account. Once you have deactivated your Facebook account, the option to deactivate your Messenger account will become available. 

Deactivating your Messenger account from a computer or laptop is impossible. You can only deactivate a Messenger account from the Messenger application settings on your smart devices, i.e., mobile or tablet.  

Here’s how to deactivate Messenger app quickly:

Step 1: Open the messenger app from your mobile phone. 

Step 2: Tap the profile icon in the top right corner. 

profile icon

Step 3: Tap account setting from the account menu. 

account setting

Step 4: Tap account ownership and control. 

account ownership and control

Step 5: Tap deactivation and deletion. 

deactivation and deletion

Step 6: Select Deactivate account, then tap continue to account deactivation

deactivate account

Step 7: Enter the password and tap continue, and your Facebook account is deactivated. 

password and continue

Important note: This will deactivate your Facebook account since you can’t deactivate Messenger without deactivating Facebook.

Now your Facebook account is deactivated, you can easily deactivate your Messenger account. 

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Step 8: Again tap the profile icon in the top right corner. 

profile icon

Step 9: Scroll to the bottom and select legal and policies. 

legal and policies

Step 10: Tap deactivate Messenger. 

deactivate messenger

Step 11: Enter your password and tap continue. Your Messenger account will be Deactivated. 

pass and continue

To reactivate Messenger, simply log in with your username and password. 

Deactivating your Facebook account will not automatically deactivate your Messenger account, as the two are separate platforms.

If you deactivate your Messenger account, your profile will not appear in search results, but your past messages and comments will still be visible to others. If you want your messages to disappear after a certain time, you can turn on the vanish mode by swiping up while in a conversation.

Read: How to add the Instagram link in the bio?


How do I know if my Messenger is deactivated?

If your Messenger account has been deactivated, you will not be able to access your account or use the Messenger app. When you try to log in to the app, you will see a message indicating that your account has been deactivated.

If you are unsure whether your Messenger account has been deactivated, you can try logging in to the app to see if you can access your account. If you cannot log in and see a message that your account has been deactivated, your account has been deactivated.

If you want to reactivate your Messenger account, you will need to follow the steps to reactivate your Facebook account first, as your Messenger account is linked to your Facebook account. Once you have reactivated your Facebook account, you can use the Messenger app again.

What will my friends see if I deactivate Messenger?

If you deactivate your Messenger account, your friends will no longer be able to see your online status or send you messages through Messenger. However, your past messages and comments will still be visible to them, but they will not be able to contact you through the app.

Your profile will also be removed from the Messenger app’s search results, so your friends will not be able to find you within the app. If they try to send you a message, they will receive a notification that you are unavailable.

If you want to make all your messages and comments disappear from the app, you can switch on the vanish mode by swiping up while conversing. This will cause all of your messages in the conversation to disappear after they have been read. However, this feature is optional and will not affect your account status.

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Arslan Jadoon
Meet Arslan, a skilled website blog and content writer who combines creativity and expertise to deliver engaging and informative pieces that captivate audiences.

Amplify Your Marketing With Optimized Link Sharing

Over 35,000+ marketers, agencies, businesses, e-commerce stores and brands optimize and track their links using Replug and get better returns on their marketing efforts.