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Tag: UTM tracking

How to use UTMs for marketing attribution?

Arslan Jadoon
7 minutes

In the competitive world of digital marketing, knowing where your website traffic comes from is super important. It helps you see if your ads or promotions are working and allows you to tweak your strategies for better results. That’s where UTM parameters come in—they’re like little tags on your URLs that tell you where your visitors are coming from.

Understanding how they work is key to improving your marketing game. Stick with us as we explain the importance of UTM parameters in a way that’s easy to get. We’ll show you how they give you the info you need to make smart decisions and get the most out of your digital marketing efforts. So, let’s get started!

What are UTM tracking codes?

UTM tracking codes, short for Urchin Tracking Module, are snippets of text appended to the end of URLs to track specific information about website traffic and campaign performance. These codes consist of key-value pairs, typically separated by ampersands (&), that provide granular insights into the source of traffic, campaign names, mediums, terms, and content variations. 

When a user clicks on a URL containing UTM parameters, the information encoded in the UTM codes is sent to analytics platforms, allowing marketers to understand how different marketing efforts contribute to website traffic and conversions.

Let’s understand with an example:

Let’s say you have a website and you’re running a campaign on Facebook to promote a new product. You want to know how many people are clicking through from that Facebook campaign.

You create a special link like this:

In this link:

  • utm_source=facebook tells you the traffic is from Facebook.
  • utm_medium=social tells you it’s from a social media platform.
  • utm_campaign=new_product_launch tells you it’s for your new product launch campaign.

When people click this link, you can track it in your analytics to see how many visits and conversions came from that specific Facebook campaign.

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How to use UTMs for precise marketing attribution?

By strategically utilizing UTMs, you can accurately attribute website traffic and conversions to specific marketing campaigns, channels, and touchpoints. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to leverage UTMs for precise marketing attribution:

1. Define your UTM strategy

Start by establishing clear objectives for your marketing campaigns. Determine what you want to track, whether it’s the performance of different advertising channels, specific campaign initiatives, or variations in messaging or creative elements.

2. Create consistent UTM naming conventions

Consistency is key when it comes to UTMs. Develop a standardized naming convention for your UTM parameters to ensure uniformity across all your marketing efforts. This includes defining conventions for utm_source (the traffic source), utm_medium (the marketing medium), utm_campaign (the campaign name), and any additional parameters relevant to your tracking needs.

3. Generate UTM-tagged URLs

Use online UTM builders or manual tagging methods to append UTM parameters to your campaign URLs. Make sure to include all relevant UTM parameters based on your predefined naming conventions. These UTM-tagged URLs will allow you to track and attribute traffic and conversions accurately.

4. Implement UTM tracking

Once you have your UTM-tagged URLs ready, ensure they are implemented correctly across all your marketing channels and campaigns. This may involve updating links in email newsletters, social media posts, online ads, and other promotional materials with the appropriate UTM-tagged URLs.

5. Monitor and analyze UTM data

Regularly monitor the performance of your UTM-tagged campaigns using a web analytics tool such as Usermaven. Track key metrics such as traffic, conversions, and conversion rates attributed to each UTM parameter. Analyze the data to gain insights into which marketing channels, campaigns, and tactics are driving the most valuable results.

6. Refine and optimize your marketing strategy

Based on the insights gathered from UTM data analysis, refine and optimize your marketing strategy accordingly. Allocate resources to channels and campaigns that demonstrate high performance and adjust or reallocate budget and efforts away from underperforming initiatives.

7. Iterate and improve

Marketing attribution is an ongoing process. Continuously iterate on your UTM strategy, refine your naming conventions, and experiment with different tracking parameters to improve the accuracy and granularity of your attribution efforts over time.

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How to create UTM tracking codes in Replug?

Maximize marketing attribution with UTMs using Replug’s free UTM builder. Replug offers a user-friendly interface for adding UTM parameters to your URLs, streamlining the process of UTM tracking while providing robust link management features. Here’s a step-by-step guide to creating UTM links using Replug:

Step 1: Log in to your Replug account or sign up if you’re new to the platform. You can easily create a free account to get started.


Step 2: Once logged in, navigate to the main dashboard and select your campaign or create a new one if needed.

UTMs for marketing attribution

Also read: UTM Parameters Builder: How to Create and Manage UTM Links?

Step 3: In the “URL to shorten” section under your selected campaign, paste the URL to which you want to add UTM parameters.

Step 4: Below the URL input field, you’ll find an option to “Add UTM.” Click on this to proceed with adding UTM parameters to your URL.

UTMs for marketing attribution

Note: You can either select from saved UTM parameters or create new ones based on your tracking needs.

UTMs for marketing attribution

Step 5: If creating new UTM parameters, provide the necessary information such as source, medium, campaign, term, and content. Click “Apply” once completed.

Also read: Replug click analytics: The prime solution for turning clicks into conversions

UTMs for marketing attribution

Step 6: Click the “Create” button, and Replug will automatically generate a shortened URL with the added UTM parameters.

Step 7: If you want to customize the UTM URL, you can do so by clicking the edit icon.

Also read: What are Unique Clicks and How to Track Them?

Step 8: After any edits, simply copy the URL with the UTM parameters and click the “Update” button to save your changes.

UTMs for marketing attribution

Access your UTM link:

Step 9: To manage and access the URL with UTM parameters, navigate to the “Manage” section in the Replug dashboard and click on “Replug links.”

By following these steps, you can easily create UTM links using Replug, enabling precise tracking and analysis of your marketing campaign’s performance.

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UTM parameters and multi-touch attribution models

UTM parameters play a central role in multi-touch attribution models, which acknowledge the various touchpoints in a customer’s journey before conversion. By providing detailed data on each interaction, UTMs significantly enhance the accuracy of these attribution models:

Detailed interaction tracking:

UTMs capture data from every touchpoint along the customer journey, whether it’s an initial ad click, a social media interaction, or a follow-up email link click.

Source and medium insights:

They help identify the sources (such as social media platforms or search engines) and mediums (like email campaigns or CPC ads) that contribute most to conversions, allowing marketers to allocate resources effectively.

Understanding user touchpoints with UTM data

UTM data offers valuable insights into user interactions, empowering marketers to optimize the marketing funnel:

Customer journey mapping:

By tracking the sequence of touchpoints, UTMs assist in mapping out the entire customer journey from discovery to conversion, providing a holistic view of user behavior.

Touchpoint effectiveness:

Analysis of UTM data reveals the effectiveness of each touchpoint in influencing the user’s decision to convert, enabling marketers to prioritize and optimize high-performing channels.

Optimizing conversions:

Armed with insights from UTM data, marketers can fine-tune their strategies at each stage of the customer journey, maximizing the likelihood of conversion and improving overall campaign performance.

When seamlessly integrated into multi-touch attribution models, UTM parameters offer a comprehensive view of the customer journey, allowing marketers to accurately attribute conversions to various marketing efforts. This integration ensures that resources are invested strategically in the most impactful strategies, ultimately driving better results and ROI.

Also read: Link Tracking: What It is and How It Works?

Avoiding common mistakes with UTMs

When integrating UTM parameters into your marketing strategy, it’s essential to steer clear of common pitfalls that can compromise the effectiveness and accuracy of your data. Here are some key mistakes to avoid:

Inconsistent tagging:

Using different naming conventions for similar campaigns or sources can lead to confusion and unreliable data. Standardize UTM naming conventions across all campaigns to ensure consistency and accuracy.

Case sensitivity issues:

Keep in mind that UTMs are case-sensitive. Mixing uppercase and lowercase letters in your UTM parameters can result in separate entries for the same source or campaign, leading to skewed analytics.

Unvalidated UTMs:

Failing to validate your UTM parameters before implementation can result in broken links or incorrect tracking. Always test your UTMs thoroughly to ensure they function as intended before launching your campaigns.

Ignoring URL length:

Long URLs with multiple UTM parameters can become cumbersome and difficult to manage. Consider using URL shorteners to reduce URL length, but be cautious to ensure they preserve UTM tags.

Neglecting analysis:

The true value of UTM parameters lies in the insights they provide through data analysis. Regularly analyze the data collected by UTMs to uncover valuable insights into campaign performance and user behavior.

Not adapting strategies:

Continuous monitoring and analysis of UTM data allow for real-time adjustments in marketing strategies. Failing to adapt strategies based on UTM insights can result in missed opportunities and continued inefficiencies in your marketing efforts. Stay agile and responsive to the insights gleaned from UTM data to optimize campaign performance effectively.

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How do I create UTM parameters for tracking marketing campaigns?

To create UTM parameters, you can use online tools or manually add them to your URLs. It involves appending specific parameters like utm_source, utm_medium, and utm_campaign to your URLs to track different aspects of your marketing efforts.

What are the best practices for using UTM parameters in marketing attribution?

Best practices include standardizing naming conventions, ensuring consistency across campaigns, testing UTMs before deployment, and regularly analyzing UTM data for insights into campaign performance.

Why are UTM parameters important for tracking website traffic sources?

UTM parameters provide granular data on traffic sources, allowing marketers to attribute website visits and conversions to specific campaigns, channels, or ads. This insight is crucial for optimizing marketing strategies and allocating resources effectively.

Can UTM parameters help me measure the effectiveness of my social media ads?

Yes, UTM parameters can track the performance of social media ads by identifying the source (e.g., Facebook, Twitter), medium (e.g., CPC, organic), and campaign details (e.g., ad campaign name) associated with each click-through to your website.

How can I analyze UTM parameters to understand customer behavior on my website?

Analyzing UTM parameters in tools like Google Analytics allows you to track user interactions, behavior, and conversions associated with different marketing campaigns. This analysis helps you understand which campaigns drive the most valuable traffic and conversions.

Are there any tools or resources for generating UTM parameters quickly and efficiently?

Yes, there are several online tools and URL builders available for generating UTM parameters quickly and efficiently. These tools streamline the process and ensure proper formatting of UTM tags.

Arslan Jadoon
Meet Arslan, a skilled website blog and content writer who combines creativity and expertise to deliver engaging and informative pieces that captivate audiences.

How to use UTM parameters for traffic attribution?

Arslan Jadoon
7 minutes

In digital marketing, understanding where your website traffic originates is like having a compass in a vast sea—essential for navigating your way to success. This is where UTM parameters step in. These simple tags, added to your URLs, hold the key to unlocking valuable insights into the performance of your online campaigns, facilitating accurate traffic attribution. 

In this guide, we’ll break down UTM parameters in straightforward terms. We’ll explain why they matter, how they’re structured, and, most importantly, how you can use them to track the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. Whether you’re new to the digital marketing game or seeking to fine-tune your strategies, this guide will empower you to leverage UTM parameters effectively, helping you make informed decisions and steer your campaigns toward greater success.

What are UTM parameters?

UTM parameters, short for Urchin Tracking Module parameters, are tags added to the end of a URL to track and analyze the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. They provide valuable information about the source, medium, campaign, term, and content associated with a particular link.

Here’s a breakdown of the key components of UTM parameters:

  • Source (utm_source): This parameter specifies the origin of your traffic, such as a search engine, social media platform, or website. For example, utm_source=google indicates traffic coming from Google.
  • Medium (utm_medium): This parameter defines the type of traffic, such as organic search, paid search, social media, email, or referral. For instance, utm_medium=cpc denotes traffic from a cost-per-click advertising campaign.
  • Campaign (utm_campaign): This parameter identifies the specific marketing campaign associated with the link. It allows you to differentiate between different campaigns or promotions. For instance, utm_campaign=spring_sale distinguishes traffic generated by a spring sale campaign.
  • Term (utm_term): This parameter is typically used for tracking keywords in paid search campaigns. It specifies the search term that triggered the ad click. For example, utm_term=running+shoes indicates the keyword associated with a paid search ad for running shoes.
  • Content (utm_content): This parameter is used to differentiate between different elements within the same campaign, such as different ad creatives or links within an email. It helps marketers identify which specific content is driving traffic. For example, utm_content=sidebar_ad identifies traffic from a sidebar advertisement.

What is traffic attribution?

Traffic attribution refers to identifying and assigning credit to the various channels, campaigns, or sources that contribute to website traffic or conversions. In other words, it involves determining where your website visitors are coming from and understanding the paths they take before completing a desired action, such as making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or filling out a contact form.

The goal of traffic attribution is to attribute the appropriate value to each touchpoint along the customer journey, allowing marketers to understand the effectiveness of their marketing efforts and allocate resources accordingly. 

By accurately attributing traffic, marketers can answer questions such as:

  • Which marketing channels or campaigns are driving the most traffic to my website?
  • What is the impact of each marketing touchpoint on conversions?
  • How do customers interact with multiple channels before converting?
  • How can I optimize my marketing strategy to improve performance and ROI?

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Benefits of using UTMs for traffic attribution:

Using UTM parameters for traffic attribution offers several benefits that empower marketers to make informed decisions and optimize their marketing strategies effectively:

Granular insight into traffic sources

UTM tags offer a microscopic view of where your website traffic originates, allowing you to pinpoint the exact sources and campaigns driving visitors to your site with unparalleled accuracy.

Strategic resource allocation

With UTM parameters, you can identify high-performing marketing channels and campaigns, enabling you to allocate your resources—whether time, budget, or creative efforts—strategically toward the channels that deliver the best results.

Quantifiable campaign impact

By associating unique parameters with each campaign, UTM parameters provide measurable data on the performance of your marketing efforts. This data-driven approach empowers you to measure the effectiveness of your campaigns objectively and refine your strategies accordingly.

Insightful user journey analysis

UTM parameters allow you to trace users’ paths to reach your website, shedding light on their journey and interactions with your brand. This deep understanding of user behavior informs personalized marketing tactics and website optimizations, enhancing the overall user experience.

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Also read: UTM Parameters Builder: How to Create and Manage UTM Links?

How to use UTM parameters for traffic attribution?

Using UTM parameters for traffic attribution involves a straightforward process. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Identify your campaigns

Determine the marketing campaigns or initiatives you want to track. This could include email newsletters, social media posts, PPC ads, or any other promotional efforts.

Step 2: Create unique UTM parameters

Generate UTM parameters for each campaign using Replug’s UTM Builder or any other UTM parameter generator tool. The key parameters include:

  • utm_source: The referrer of the traffic (e.g., google, newsletter, facebook).
  • utm_medium: The marketing medium (e.g., cpc, email, social).
  • utm_campaign: The specific campaign name or identifier.

Additional optional parameters:

  • utm_term: Keywords associated with the ad or link.
  • utm_content: Differentiate between variations of the same ad or link.

Step 3: Append UTM parameters to URLs

Once you have created the UTM parameters, append them to the URLs of your marketing assets. For example:

utm parameters for traffic attribution

Also read: How to Create UTM Links: A Step-by-Step Guide

Step 4: Track incoming traffic

Monitor your website analytics platform (e.g., Usermaven) to track incoming traffic with UTM parameters. You can view the data under the “Attribution” or “Acquisition” sections, depending on your analytics tool.

Step 5: Analyze and interpret data

Use the data collected through UTM parameters to analyze the performance of your campaigns. Identify which campaigns, channels, or sources drive the most traffic and conversions. Evaluate the effectiveness of your marketing efforts and make data-driven decisions to optimize future campaigns.

Step 6: Refine and iterate

Continuously refine your UTM parameters and tracking methods based on the insights gained. Test different variations, channels, or messaging to improve performance and maximize ROI over time.

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Also read: How to add utm code to the URL using a link shortener?

Best practices for using UTM parameters:

1. Establish clear naming conventions:

Develop a standardized naming convention for UTM parameters to maintain consistency and clarity across all campaigns. Consistent naming conventions make it easier to track and analyze data accurately.

2. Include relevant information:

Ensure that UTM parameters contain relevant information about the source, medium, campaign, and content. This information should accurately reflect the purpose and context of each campaign or promotional activity.

3. Be selective with parameters:

Avoid using unnecessary UTM parameters that don’t contribute meaningful insights. Focus on the essential parameters that help you track and analyze the performance of your campaigns effectively.

4. Use URL shorteners:

Long URLs with UTM parameters can be cumbersome and visually unappealing. Consider using a URL shortener to create cleaner, more user-friendly links while still incorporating UTM parameters for tracking purposes.

5. Regularly review and update:

Periodically review your UTM parameters to ensure they align with your current marketing objectives and strategies. Update or refine them as needed to maintain relevance and accuracy over time.

6. Educate your team:

Provide training and guidance to your marketing team on the proper use of UTM parameters. Ensure everyone understands the importance of consistent implementation and follows best practices to avoid errors or inconsistencies.

7. Document your UTM strategy:

Keep detailed documentation of your UTM parameters, including naming conventions, usage guidelines, and tracking procedures. This documentation serves as a reference for your team and helps maintain consistency across campaigns.

8. Test and validate:

Before launching campaigns with UTM parameters, test and validate your tracking setup to ensure everything is functioning correctly. Verify that data is being captured accurately in your analytics platform and troubleshoot any issues before going live.

Also read: How to add UTM parameters?

Optimize your UTM parameters with Replug

For marketers seeking a streamlined solution to manage UTM parameters and track link performance, Replug offers a robust suite of tools designed to simplify the process.

With Replug’s free UTM builder, you can effortlessly create custom UTM parameters for your marketing campaigns. Whether you’re running social media ads, email campaigns, or affiliate promotions, Replug’s intuitive interface allows you to generate UTM tags with ease. 


But that’s not all. Replug goes beyond UTM parameters, offering comprehensive link management capabilities to optimize your marketing efforts further. With Replug, you can:

  • Create branded short links: Enhance your brand’s visibility and trust by creating custom short links that reflect your brand identity.
  • Track clicks and conversions: Gain real-time insights into link performance with advanced analytics. Monitor clicks, conversions, and engagement metrics to measure the effectiveness of your campaigns.
  • Retarget website visitors: Maximize the impact of your campaigns by retargeting website visitors with custom CTAs and overlays. Replug’s retargeting feature lets you capture leads, drive conversions, and maximize ROI.

Whether you’re a solopreneur, small business owner, or marketing agency, Replug empowers you to optimize your marketing efforts and drive results.

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Why are UTM parameters important for traffic attribution?

UTM parameters are crucial for accurately attributing website traffic to specific marketing campaigns or channels. They provide detailed insights into the effectiveness of various marketing efforts, helping marketers identify which campaigns drive the most traffic and conversions. By analyzing UTM data, marketers can make informed decisions about resource allocation, campaign optimization, and overall marketing strategy.

How do I create UTM parameters for my marketing campaigns?

You can create UTM parameters using Google’s Campaign URL Builder tool or any other UTM parameter generator. Simply enter the relevant information for each parameter (e.g., source, medium, campaign) and the tool will generate a unique URL with the appended UTM parameters.

What are the best practices for using UTM parameters?

Best practices for using UTM parameters include establishing consistent naming conventions, tracking campaigns across all platforms, avoiding common mistakes like typos and inconsistent capitalization, regularly reviewing and analyzing data, and educating your team on proper implementation.

How do UTM parameters help in tracking traffic sources?

UTM parameters help track traffic sources by providing detailed information about the origin of website traffic. By appending UTM parameters to your URLs, you can identify which campaigns, channels, or sources are driving visitors to your website, allowing for accurate attribution and analysis.

Arslan Jadoon
Meet Arslan, a skilled website blog and content writer who combines creativity and expertise to deliver engaging and informative pieces that captivate audiences.

How to Send a Tracking Link in 7 Simple Steps?

Arslan Jadoon
4 minutes

Understanding how your audience interacts with your content is key to success. That’s where link tracking comes in. In this guide, we’ll explore the power of tracking URLs—revealing not only the success of your marketing campaigns but also insights into customer behavior.

Plus, we’ll walk you through the steps on how to create and send tracking links, enabling you to harness the full potential of this invaluable tool. Get ready to elevate your communication strategies and enhance your digital presence through the actionable insights link tracking provides. Let’s get started!

A tracking link is a powerful tool that provides insights into customer activity based on marketing campaigns. It serves to manage and measure the effectiveness of various marketing activities, channels, and campaigns. 

Utilizing tracking links is recommended whenever directing traffic from external sources such as banner ads, PPC campaigns, email, or social media to a landing page or website.

These links resemble regular URLs but include added tags known as parameters at the end. These parameters offer valuable information about the visitor’s origin, the specific content they clicked through, and the associated campaign. 

For example:


In this example, the URL is a tracking link, and the parameters (utm_source, utm_medium, utm_campaign) provide details about the traffic source, medium, and campaign, respectively. 

Replug makes creating and sending tracking links easy, especially when dealing with the potential length of these links. URL shortening for tracking purposes becomes swift and straightforward with Replug. 

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Step 1: Sign in to your Replug account

Log in to your existing Replug account or sign up for a free account if you’re new to the platform.

Step 2: Set up your campaign

Within your account, create a new campaign or choose an existing one from the Replug dashboard. Campaigns assist in organizing and tracking links based on specific marketing initiatives.

Enter the original link you want to track in the “URL to shorten” field within your selected campaign.


Step 4: Add UTM parameters

For detailed performance insights, add UTM parameters to track the source, medium, campaign, and more. Replug provides an intuitive interface for adding and defining these parameters.

Also read: Click Tracking: What It Is and How It Works?

Personalize your tracking link by editing the “slug,” the part of the URL that follows the main domain. This customization enhances brand recognition.

Click “Update” after configuring your tracking link settings. Replug will generate a unique URL with the tracking code and any customizations. Copy this link and incorporate it into your marketing materials, social media posts, emails, or other channels for tracking user interactions.

Also read: What is a Tracking URL and How to Create One?

Step 7: Track and analyze performance

With your tracking links in action, monitor crucial metrics such as click-through rates, user engagement, and conversions. This data empowers you to assess the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns and make informed, data-driven decisions to optimize your strategies.

How to create a tracking link

Also read: Affiliate Link Tracking To Optimize Your Earnings

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A tracking link works by incorporating a distinctive code into a URL, enabling the monitoring of customer interactions. UTM parameters like campaign, source, and medium offer specific details. 

Key components of tracking tags and UTM codes include:

Campaign: Reflects the type of campaign being executed. For instance, a UTM code for a promotion might appear as utm_campaign=free_gift.

Source: Identifies the channel from which the person originated. A UTM code for the source could be utm_source=cpc.

Medium: Represents the broader category of how the traffic was generated, such as social media or email. A UTM code for medium might appear as utm_medium=email.

These are fundamental parameters, and marketers can incorporate additional details beyond these examples. Setting parameters allows for precise tracking of customer activity, such as clicks and engagements, for each unique link. 

For instance, if you’re directing your audience to a landing page through campaigns on an affiliate blog, Google paid ads, and your company newsletter, each tracking link would appear different, despite leading to the same page:

  • Affiliate blog: http://www.example.com/?utm_source=affiliate&utm_medium=blog&utm_campaign=20_off
  • Google paid ads: http://www.example.com/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=summer_sale
  • Company newsletter: http://www.example.com/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=free_gift

These links assist in tracking user engagement, providing insights into the effectiveness of different marketing channels.

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Link tracking is the practice of monitoring and analyzing user interactions with specific URLs, commonly used in marketing campaigns. It involves embedding tracking parameters to gain insights into the performance and effectiveness of those links.

Link tracking works by attaching a unique code or set of parameters to a URL. This code, often in the form of UTM parameters, captures information such as the source, medium, and campaign associated with the link. 

Yes, many tracking tools allow customization of tracking links. You can modify the appearance of the link, including the slug and other parameters, to align with your branding.

Tracking links provides valuable insights into customer behavior, allowing you to measure the success of marketing campaigns, identify high-performing channels, and optimize your overall marketing strategy.

Arslan Jadoon
Meet Arslan, a skilled website blog and content writer who combines creativity and expertise to deliver engaging and informative pieces that captivate audiences.

UTM Parameters Builder: How to Create and Manage UTM Links?

Arslan Jadoon
3 minutes

Understanding the impact of your marketing campaigns is no longer a luxury—it’s a necessity. 

At Replug, we understand that every click, every interaction, and every conversion matters. That’s why we’ve created this guide to help you unlock the true potential of UTM parameters. 

Replug offers a variety of tools that can transform the way you handle UTM parameters, making the process efficient and painless. 

Here’s a guide on how to optimize your UTM parameters with Replug:

  1. Shortening – Transforming UTM parameters into simplified Replug links

One of the major drawbacks of UTM parameters is their length. They can turn a simple URL into a convoluted mess, especially when you want to share it in a mobile format or offline print materials. Not to mention, when posted on social media, these lengthy URLs can be unwieldy, taking up valuable character space.


To combat these challenges, it’s highly recommended to convert your UTM parameters into Replug links. For instance, let’s say you’re promoting your eBook with a UTM-enabled URL like this:

Original URL:


By using Replug, you can transform it into a sleek, manageable link like this:


With the added benefit of customizing the back half of the link to indicate its destination, Replug makes sharing UTM-enhanced URLs a breeze.

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fully customizable bio link
  1. Building – Streamlining UTM link creation with Replug 

Creating UTM links can be a painstaking process, often requiring the use of UTM builder tools or templates. However, Replug’s UTM parameters builder can save you a significant amount of time and complexity.

Adding UTM parameters in Replug is as simple as checking a box for each channel you intend to use. No more need for complicated spreadsheets. Just tick the boxes, and you’ll have your UTM parameters ready to roll.

  1. Measuring – UTM parameter tracking with Replug 

Tracking UTM parameters in Google Analytics is a common practice, but reporting on these initiatives to various team members can be less straightforward. Replug provides an intuitive dashboard that’s user-friendly for all team members. 

For instance, if you need to compare paid social performance across multiple channels, you can consolidate all UTM parameters and channels into a single campaign, streamlining the data like never before.

Also read: How to add utm code to the URL using a link shortener?

Moreover, by setting up Groups through the Replug brands feature, you can enhance campaign visibility throughout the organization, making it faster and easier to track results over the long term.


Replug offers robust link-tracking capabilities that provide you with valuable insights into how your links are performing. With Replug, you can:

  • Track clicks: Monitor the number of clicks on your links in real-time. This information helps you understand the engagement level of your audience.
  • Geolocation data: Replug provides data on the geographical locations of your link clickers. This insight is invaluable for targeting specific regions or understanding your global reach.
  • Device insights: Discover the devices your audience uses to access your links, whether it’s mobile, desktop, or tablet. This information aids in optimizing your content for different platforms.
  • Link analytics: Dive deep into detailed link analytics to gain a comprehensive understanding of link performance, including click-through rates, conversion rates, and more.
  • Conversion tracking: Track the conversions generated by your links, whether it’s sign-ups, purchases, or any other desired action. This feature allows you to measure the effectiveness of your campaigns.
  • Custom reporting: Replug enables you to create custom reports to visualize and share your link-tracking data with your team, clients, or stakeholders.
  • A/B testing: Run A/B tests to compare the performance of different link variations and determine which strategies yield the best results.

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What are UTM parameters?

UTM parameters are tags added to URLs to track the performance of marketing campaigns. They are crucial for understanding where your website traffic comes from and how different marketing efforts contribute to your success.

Why is shortening UTM parameters with Replug important?

Shortening UTM parameters with Replug helps make long and unwieldy URLs more user-friendly and space-efficient, especially when sharing them on social media or in print.

Link tracking involves monitoring and analyzing the performance of the links you share. It’s crucial to understand which links are driving engagement and conversions, allowing you to optimize your marketing efforts.

Arslan Jadoon
Meet Arslan, a skilled website blog and content writer who combines creativity and expertise to deliver engaging and informative pieces that captivate audiences.

What are UTM Codes and How Do They Work?

Arslan Jadoon
4 minutes

Marketing can be complex, but measuring its effectiveness doesn’t have to be. UTM codes are your answer to understanding what’s working and what’s not in your campaigns and, more importantly, to pinpoint which campaigns are doing the heavy lifting. This is where UTM codes come into play, offering a simple solution to the challenge of marketing success. So, let’s break it down:

What are UTM codes?

UTM codes are essentially strings of text that are added to URLs. These strings contain specific parameters that provide invaluable information about the source, medium, and campaign that led a user to a particular webpage. In other words, UTM parameters act as data markers, offering a clearer view of the user’s journey, from the initial interaction to conversion.

Here’s a breakdown of the key UTM parameters:

  1. Source: 

This parameter specifies the origin of your traffic. Is it coming from an email, a social media platform, a search engine, or another source? Accurately tagging the source helps you identify which channels are driving the most traffic.

  1. Medium: 

The medium parameter describes the type of marketing medium used. It could be an email, social, organic search, paid search, or any other medium relevant to your campaign. Categorizing your traffic in this way allows you to determine which marketing avenues are the most effective.

  1. Campaign: 

The campaign parameter enables you to track a specific marketing campaign or initiative. Whether it’s a product launch, a seasonal promotion, or an event, this parameter helps you differentiate between different efforts within the same source and medium.

  1. Term (optional): 

This parameter is often used for paid search campaigns to identify the keywords that triggered the ad click. It’s an optional parameter and is mainly relevant to search engine advertising.

  1. Content (optional): 

Another optional parameter, content can be used to differentiate between different elements of your marketing efforts, such as different ad variations or links within the same campaign.

Understand with an example:

Let’s create an example URL with UTM parameters added.

Original URL:


Now, let’s add UTM parameters to track the source, medium, and campaign:

  • Source: Let’s say the traffic is coming from an email newsletter.
  • Medium: The marketing medium is email.
  • Campaign: It’s part of a campaign called “SummerPromo.”

Now, we’ll add these UTM parameters to the URL:


With these UTM parameters added, you can track that anyone who clicks on this URL is coming from the source “email,” through the medium “email,” and as part of the “SummerPromo” campaign. This allows you to monitor the performance of this specific link in your marketing efforts.

Also read: How do UTM Parameters Work: A Complete Guide

How to create UTM tracking codes?

Creating UTM tracking codes is a pivotal part of monitoring the performance of your online marketing efforts. While it’s technically possible to manually create these codes by adding specific strings to your URLs, it can be complex and time-consuming, especially when you have to manage them at scale. This is where UTM code generators come into play, making the process much more efficient.

Google Analytics URL builder:

Google Analytics offers a straightforward UTM code generator, which has become the go-to choice for many businesses. Here’s how you can use it:

  1. Visit Google’s URL Builder tool.
  2. Fill in the required fields for your campaign: the URL of the landing page, source, medium, campaign, term (optional), and content (optional).
  3. Click “Generate URL,” and Google will create the UTM-coded URL for you.

Replug – A convenient alternative:

Replug is another powerful tool for UTM code creation, and here’s why it’s worth considering:

  • Automatic UTM code generation: 

Replug automates the UTM code creation process, saving you the trouble of manual entry. This means you can gather valuable analytics data as soon as your campaign goes live.

  • Shortened and customized URLs: 

UTM-coded URLs can become quite lengthy, which can be a problem on platforms like Instagram or when users need to copy and paste links. Replug shortens and customizes these URLs, making them more elegant and user-friendly.

For example, a long UTM-coded URL might look like this:


With Replug, it could be as sleek as this: 


While preserving all the essential UTM data.

Also read: How to add utm code to the URL using a link shortener?

  • Advanced tracking and analytics: 

While UTM codes are a solid foundation for analyzing marketing performance, they have limitations. Replug offers an enhanced solution called Campaigns, providing in-depth insights and a more hassle-free tracking experience, especially when managing multiple campaigns across various marketing channels.

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Elevate Your Brand Performance with Replug

UTM codes are a fundamental tool for tracking the success of your brand campaigns, links, and platforms. They provide valuable data, but those unwieldy, lengthy links can be a drawback. As your marketing endeavors become more intricate, it’s essential to adopt a system that offers both enhanced power and efficiency.

This is where Replug steps in as the ideal solution. Replug not only helps you track traffic effectively, even in the most complex marketing landscapes, but it also simplifies the process. With Replug, you obtain concise, stylish links that seamlessly fit into any context. Moreover, it offers an analytics tool that’s user-friendly and excels at managing multichannel marketing campaigns.

In essence, Replug empowers you to elevate your brand’s performance, making tracking and managing your marketing efforts a smoother, more efficient, and ultimately more successful process.


What are UTM codes?

UTM codes are tracking parameters added to URLs to measure marketing performance. They’re vital for data-driven decision-making and proving campaign success.

How do I create UTM codes for my campaigns?

You can create UTM codes manually, but it’s easier and error-free to use online UTM code generators like Google’s Campaign URL Builder or Replug’s UTM code builder.

Bitly is a URL shortening and link management platform that not only shortens links for sharing but also provides link tracking and analytics to measure click-through rates and engagement.

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Arslan Jadoon
Meet Arslan, a skilled website blog and content writer who combines creativity and expertise to deliver engaging and informative pieces that captivate audiences.

How to Create a Trackable Link: A Step-by-Step Guide

Arslan Jadoon
6 minutes

Ever wondered who’s clicking on that link you shared? That’s where trackable links come in – your window into understanding online engagement. Whether it’s a product, a post, or a video, the trackable link lets you see who’s interested.

This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about trackable links: what they are, how they work, and how to create them easily. No more guessing about what’s working and what’s not. With a trackable link generator, you’ll have instant access to clicks, sources, and more.

Here’s a quick overview of what we’ll cover:

  • What is a trackable link?
  • How does a trackable link work?
  • How to create a trackable link using Replug?
  • Tips for using trackable links

Let’s get started!

A trackable link, also known as a tracking link, tracking URL, or campaign link, is a specially crafted URL that contains hidden information to monitor and analyze user interactions. 

It allows you to collect data about how many people clicked on the link, where they came from, when they clicked, and other relevant details. This information provides insights into the performance of your links and helps you make informed decisions about your marketing and content strategies.

Tracking links are commonly used in digital marketing, social media, email campaigns, and other online activities to measure the effectiveness of various promotional efforts. By creating a trackable link, you gain valuable insights into user behavior and can optimize your strategies for better results.

When someone clicks on a tracking link, they are redirected to the intended destination, such as a website or landing page. However, during this redirection process, additional information is collected and recorded, providing insights into various aspects of user engagement. 

Here’s a simplified breakdown of how a trackable link works:

A trackable link is created using a specialized URL tracking tool or service. These tools add unique parameters or codes to the link, which are not visible to the user. These parameters contain information about the source of the link, the medium through which it was shared, and other relevant details.

Click tracking:

When someone clicks on the trackable link, they are directed to the intended destination. However, before the redirection, the parameters added to the link are recorded. This allows the tracking system to track clicks on a link.

Data collection:

The tracking system collects various data points, such as:

  • The source of the click (e.g., social media platform, email, website).
  • The medium used (e.g., organic search, paid advertisement).
  • Geographic location of the user.
  • The device and browser used.
  • The time and date of the click.

Analytics and reporting:

The collected data is then aggregated and presented in the form of analytics and reports. Users who created the trackable link can access this information through a dashboard or analytics platform associated with the link-tracking service.

With the collected data, you can gain insights into the effectiveness of your link-sharing strategies. You can see which platforms are driving the most traffic, when user engagement is highest, and other valuable information. This data helps you make informed decisions and optimize your content or marketing efforts accordingly.

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Creating a trackable link using Replug is a straightforward process. With Replug, you can not only shorten URLs but also track and analyze your links. 

Note:  Replug automatically tracks every link you enter to shorten or for any other feature. 

Here’s how you can create a trackable link using Replug:

Step 1: Create a Replug account

If you don’t have a Replug account, sign up for one. If you already have an account, sign in.

Note: You must shorten your link first in Replug in order to make it look attractive.

After logging in, you’ll be directed to the dashboard.  Select your campaign name and paste the URL you want to track into the “URL to shorten” field. 


Note: Here you can add UTM parameters to track source, medium, campaign, term, and content.


Also read: What are UTM parameters and how to use them with Replug

Replug allows you to customize the ending of the short link to make it more relevant to your content. This step is optional.


Once you’ve configured your settings, click the “Update” button to generate the trackable link.

Step 5: Copy and share the ink

After generating the link, Replug will provide you with the shortened trackable link. Copy this link and use it in your marketing materials, emails, social media posts, or wherever you want to track user engagement.

Step 6: Access analytics

Log in to your Replug account whenever you want to access the analytics for your trackable link. Go to Replug’s dashboard and click “Measure”. 

Regularly check the analytics to monitor the performance of your trackable link. Use the insights to refine your strategies and achieve better results.


Also read: How do UTM Parameters Work: A Complete Guide

Here are some tips for effectively using trackable links:

  • Set clear goals: Define what you want to achieve with your trackable links. Whether it’s tracking clicks on a specific campaign, measuring the effectiveness of a social media post, or monitoring traffic sources for your website, having clear goals will help you gather relevant insights.
  • Use descriptive UTM parameters: If your trackable link supports UTM parameters (such as those used in Google Analytics), ensure you use descriptive and consistent parameters. This will help you categorize and analyze your data accurately.
  • Customize for context: Depending on where you’re sharing the link, consider customizing the URL or the call to action (CTA) to match the context. This can improve click-through rates and engagement.
  • Test different versions: A/B testing isn’t just for content. Create multiple versions of trackable links and see which performs better. This can provide insights into what wording or design resonates with your audience.
  • Short and memorable: If you’re sharing links verbally or in a non-clickable format, like print, use a link-shortening service to create a memorable, concise link.
  • Use in email campaigns: Trackable links are particularly useful in email marketing. Monitor click-through rates to see which links are driving the most engagement and adjust your content strategy accordingly.
  • Segment your data: If you’re tracking links for different campaigns or products, segment your data in your tracking tool. This will help you analyze performance more effectively.
  • Monitor trends: Over time, you might notice patterns in the data. Certain days, times, platforms, or content might consistently perform better. Adjust your posting schedule and strategies accordingly.
  • Optimize landing pages: It’s not just about the link itself; trackable links can also shed light on how effective your landing pages are at converting visitors. Use the data to improve your landing page design and content.
  • Regularly review analytics: Set aside time to regularly review the analytics provided by your trackable link service. This will help you stay informed about how your links are performing and make informed decisions.
  • Educate your team: If you’re working with a team, ensure everyone is aware of how to create and use trackable links. This consistency will make your data more reliable.

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Yes, Replug offers real-time analytics. You can see clicks, sources, and other data as soon as users interact with your trackable links.

The data collected from trackable links can include click-through rates, geographic locations of users, devices used, and more. Use this data to identify trends, optimize strategies, and make informed decisions.

Yes, you can create trackable links for most URLs, whether they lead to a website, a video, an app, or any other online destination.

Yes, trackable links work well on social media platforms. They provide insights into which posts are driving the most clicks, helping you tailor your content for maximum engagement.

Trackable links help you understand the effectiveness of your online content and marketing efforts. They provide data to optimize strategies, target audiences better, and measure campaign success.

Arslan Jadoon
Meet Arslan, a skilled website blog and content writer who combines creativity and expertise to deliver engaging and informative pieces that captivate audiences.

How to add utm code to the URL using a link shortener?

Arslan Jadoon
4 minutes

Adding UTM parameters to a URL using a link shortener allows you to track the performance of your marketing campaigns. 

UTM parameters are tags that can be added to a URL to track different aspects of a campaign, such as the source of traffic (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, etc.), the type of content (e.g., blog post, product page, etc.), and the specific campaign name. 

By using a link shortener, you can make the URL shorter and more manageable while still preserving the UTM parameters so that you can track the performance of your campaigns.

There are five different UTM parameters:

utm_source: This parameter tracks the traffic source, such as Google, Facebook, or Twitter.

utm_medium: This parameter tracks the traffic medium, such as paid search, organic search, or social media.

utm_campaign: This parameter tracks the specific campaign name, such as a product launch or a seasonal sale.

utm_term: This parameter tracks the search terms used if the traffic came from a search engine.

utm_content: This parameter tracks the specific promoted content, such as a product or a blog post.

When a user clicks on a link with UTM parameters, the parameters are sent to the analytics platform, allowing you to track and analyze the performance of your campaigns.

How to add UTM code to the URL using Replug?

Follow these steps to add UTM code to your URL:

Step 1: Sign in to Replug or create an account for free. 

signin or create account

Step 2: Select the desired campaign on the main dashboard or create a new one in just a few seconds.

Replug campaign

Step 3: Paste the URL in the “URL to shorten” section below “select your campaign.”

paste url

Step 4: Click the “add UTM”  tag at the end of the “URL to shorten” section. 

Add utm

Step 5: Click “select from saved UTM parameter” to add saved UTM parameters or “create a new UTM parameter.”

saved or create utm

Step 6: Fill in the UTM parameters when creating a new UTM parameter, then click Apply.

fill utm parameters and apply

Step 7: Click the create button, and the shortened version of your URL, along with UTM parameters, will be created. 

click create

Step 8: Click the edit icon to customize your UTM code URL.

edit icon

Step 9: Copy the URL and click the update button, and you’re done. 

copy and update

Note: To access your newly created URL, click “Manage’’ then “Replug links.”


What are UTMs?

UTMs (Urchin Tracking Module) are tags that can be added to a URL to track the performance of a marketing campaign. These tags can be used to track various aspects of a campaign, such as the source of traffic, the type of content, and the specific campaign name. When a user clicks on a link with UTM tags, the tags are sent to the analytics platform, allowing you to track and analyze the campaign’s performance.

How are Replug’s UTM analytics measured?

Here’s how you can use Replug’s UTM analytics to measure your campaigns:

  1. Create a Replug account and shorten your link with the desired UTM parameters added to the URL.
  2. Share your shortened link on your marketing channels (social media, email campaigns, etc.).
  3. Log in to your Replug account and go to the “Analytics” tab. You will see a dashboard with various metrics, such as click-through rate, number of clicks, and geographic location of clicks.
  4. Filter the analytics by UTM parameters to see how each campaign is performing. For example, you can see how many clicks a specific campaign received from a particular source (e.g., Facebook) or medium (e.g., social media).
  5. You can also use Replug’s analytics to track the performance of your campaigns over time and see how they impact your overall business objectives.
  6. To get more insights, you can integrate your Replug account with other analytical tools, such as Google Analytics, to track more data points such as conversion rates, bounce rates, etc.

Using Replug’s UTM analytics, you can better understand how your campaigns perform and make data-driven decisions to optimize your marketing strategy.

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Arslan Jadoon
Meet Arslan, a skilled website blog and content writer who combines creativity and expertise to deliver engaging and informative pieces that captivate audiences.

Amplify Your Marketing With Optimized Link Sharing

Over 35,000+ marketers, agencies, businesses, e-commerce stores and brands optimize and track their links using Replug and get better returns on their marketing efforts.