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Tag: link management tools

Why is Replug the best Ow.ly alternative?

Manahil AsifMustafa Niazi
6 minutes

Ow.ly, a link-shortening tool from the popular platform Hootsuite, has won over many users, but it’s not without its downsides. One big issue is that it’s tied exclusively to Hootsuite. So, if you’re not using Hootsuite for your social media or other tasks, Ow.ly won’t work for you.

That’s why it’s worth exploring ow.ly alternatives that offer more advanced link management features to meet the needs of today’s marketers and businesses.

One top alternative is Replug. 

Replug-Owly Alternative

While Ow.ly covers the basics, Replug goes above and beyond with features like detailed analytics, customizable call-to-actions, white-label solutions, bio-links, retargeting pixels, and more.

Let’s take the next step and introduce you to Replug, where you can discover a whole new level of link management capabilities.

Replug is a comprehensive link management platform offering advanced features like detailed analytics, customizable call-to-actions, and white-label solutions, empowering marketers to optimize their campaigns effectively.
Ow.ly is a link-shortening tool developed by Hootsuite, a popular social media management platform. It allows users to condense URLs into shorter, more manageable links, primarily for sharing on social media platforms. However, Ow.ly is exclusively tied to Hootsuite and lacks advanced features and flexibility compared to standalone link management alternatives.

Replug vs Ow.ly

Link Management Made Easy

Your go to link management tool for CTAs, branded and bio links, QR Codes, tracking and retargeting.

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link management made easy

In this comparison, we’ll explore the key differences between Replug and Ow.ly to help you make an informed decision. While both platforms offer link-shortening capabilities, they differ in terms of features, integrations, and flexibility. 

Let’s start with some of the most important link management feature comparisons to see what works best for your brand.

First, we have link shortening, With Replug, users can enjoy advanced link-shortening features that not only condense URLs but also provide detailed analytics and customization options for each shortened link.

Whereas, Ow.ly offers standard link-shortening capabilities without the advanced analytics and customization features found in Replug.

Next, we have bio-links where Replug enables users to create bio-links, which serve as a centralized hub for multiple links, making it easier to share content across various platforms from a single location.

Ow.ly lacks the functionality to create bio-links, limiting users to sharing individual shortened links.

Replug- best ow.ly alternative

3. QR codes

Ow.ly does not offer QR code generation as part of its feature set. But in the case of  Replug, users can generate QR codes for shortened links with Replug, making it convenient to share links offline or in print materials.

Same as the QR codes, deep linking capabilities are not available within Ow.ly. Whereas with Replug marketers can create deep links, which enables direct access to specific sections or content within mobile apps, and enhance user experience and engagement.

deep linking- Replug

5. Custom CTAs (call-to-actions)

When it comes to Replug, brands can use the free CTA generator to create custom call-to-actions associated with their shortened links, allowing for greater control over user interaction and conversion optimization.

Whereas, Hootsuite does offer AI content creation capabilities but still both the platforms lack advanced customization options for call-to-actions.

6. Retargeting pixels

Lastly, we have one of the most amazing features which is retargeting links. Here Ow.ly does not support retargeting pixel integration. However, users can integrate retargeting pixels with Replug’s shortened links, enabling targeted advertising campaigns and audience remarketing efforts.

White-label solution

White-Label_ Ow.ly alternative

Neither Ow.ly nor Hootsuite offers white-label boards. However, unlike these platforms, Replug provides an extensive range of branding options, including white-label boards. This feature allows you to create your personalized link management tool, allowing you to…

  • Replace Replug’s domain with your own for shortened links.
  • Customize the overall user interface to match your brand aesthetic.
  • Add your brand name, logo, favicon, title, meta image, description, and domain.
  • Design reports and emails sent to users with your branding.
  • Promote your brand with advanced characteristics such as retargeting links, catchy call-to-actions, traffic routing, and more.

Overall white-label service can help you scale up and meet the demands of launching new services without incurring additional costs. 

Replug - Link analytics


Being a more well-known service, Ow.ly likely offers a range of features, but in-depth link analytics might not be the main focus. Research-specific analytics offered by the platform include:

  • Total clicks on the link
  • Where the clicks came from (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, email)

Overall, keep in mind that Hootsuite is more focused on social media analytics. However, if you’re using Hootsuite, you can add tracking parameters to your Ow.ly links so that you can track them in an analytics tool like Usermaven.

Besides that the platform also allows you to filter your analytics to analyze data for specific brands you’re promoting. Or track the performance of individual marketing campaigns.

So my friends as you can see Replug is the clear winner.

Link Management Made Easy

Your go to link management tool for CTAs, branded and bio links, QR Codes, tracking and retargeting.

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link management made easy

Integrations offered


Replug offers direct integrations with various social platforms, email marketing tools, social media management tools, and much more. 

Whether it’s connecting with popular social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn, or integrating with leading email marketing tools such as Mailchimp or Constant Contact, Replug allows users to optimize their outreach efforts and drive engagement effectively. 

Additionally, Replug’s integrations with social media management tools like ContentStudio, and Social Bee streamline the process of content scheduling, creation, and publishing, as well as social media analytics tracking and much more.. 

With its comprehensive range of integrations, Replug excels as a solution for link management and marketing optimization.


Ow.ly, being an integral part of the Hootsuite platform doesn’t have standalone integration capabilities. Instead, to integrate with other tools, users need to connect to Hootsuite itself. 

Here are some of the Replug reviews

“Handy Link Management Tool with URL shortener and more”

Says Alan N.

“Very convenient platform to create Branded Links with Marketing & Reporting”

Says Karen S.

Pricing comparison

Now, let’s talk about pricing. When choosing a link management tool, go for the one that meets your needs best. Here’s a quick pricing table for you:

Replug Ow.ly
Basic = $19 /monthProfessional plan = $99 per month
Professional = $49 /monthTeam plan = $249 per month
Agency = $79 /monthCustom enterprise plan

Compare Replug’s features, functionality, and pricing against Ow.ly, and you’ll quickly see why it’s the clear winner. 

With flexible pricing plans to suit every budget and requirement, Replug ensures that you get the most bang for your buck without compromising on quality or performance.


Considering the limitations of Ow.ly tied exclusively to Hootsuite, this article clearly explains why Replug is the best Ow.ly alternative. Enjoy advanced link management features, affordable pricing, top-notch customer support, and much more…


Social media management tools are platforms that help businesses schedule, publish, monitor, and analyze their social media content across various platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. While link management tools focus specifically on managing URLs and tracking link performance.

When selecting a link analytics tool, consider features such as total clicks, click-through rate (CTR), demographics, referring sources, UTM parameters for campaign tracking, time series data, and customizable reports.

What’s the difference between Replug and Ow.ly?

Both Replug and Ow.ly offer link management solutions. Replug focuses on detailed link analytics and integrations with analytics tools, while Ow.ly emphasizes social media scheduling and team collaboration features.

Effective link management helps you:

  • Improve SEO (Search Engine Optimization) ranking
  • Track the performance of your marketing campaigns
  • Analyze user behavior and content engagement
  • Maintain brand consistency
  • Shorten long URLs for better aesthetics and sharing
Manahil Asif
Meet Manahil - A wordsmith who practically buddies with B2B and B2C businesses to create digital magic. With a dash of humor and a sprinkle of wit, she whips up content more addictive than your morning coffee.
Mustafa Niazi
Mustafa Niazi is a blogging addict, a tech fanatic, and a SEO specialist.

Top call-to-action tools – Proven CTA tips and tricks

Manahil AsifMustafa Niazi
6 minutes

You’re running an e-commerce store with top-notch products, vibrant themes, detailed listings, and genuine reviews. Coupled with high-end SEO and social media marketing campaigns.

Everything seems in place, but your conversion rates need to hit the mark. Then what’s the missing piece? Let us clue you in – it’s the absence of an advanced call-to-action tool!

Using an advanced call-to-action tool can make all the difference by converting your website visitors into paying customers. 

With strategic placement and catchy texts, CTAs compel users to take specific actions. Which ultimately helps you in boosting brand revenue potential.

Still confused? Don’t worry guys. In today’s blog, we’re covering everything from the finest CTA tips to the most cutting-edge CTA tools. Let us get you started.

What’s a CTA?

CTA stands for Call to Action. It’s an instruction that tells your audience what you want them to do next. These are commonly found in marketing and advertising but can be used anywhere you want to guide users toward a specific action.

What is a good call-to-action example?

A good example of a call-to-action is a clear and simple statement that tells users what to do next. For example, ContentStudio’s CTA “Try it for free” invites users to explore the tool without any commitments.

Best call-to-action tips to use

Call to action-

1. Try to use action verbs

Action verbs are the powerhouse behind persuasive CTAs. They prompt users to take immediate action, driving them toward the desired goal. Incorporate dynamic verbs like “discover,” “explore,” or “get” to instill a sense of urgency and motivation in your audience. Grab attention, Drive action!

Related: A list of persuasive call to action phrases

2. Focus on value

Communicate the value proposition clearly in your CTAs. Highlight the benefits or rewards users will receive by clicking through, whether it’s accessing exclusive content, unlocking special discounts, or gaining valuable insights. The more value users perceive, the more likely they are to act.

3. Create FOMO

Creating a sense of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) is a potent tactic to drive action. Hint at limited-time offers, exclusive deals, or upcoming events to instill urgency in your audience. By suggesting that time is running out, you motivate users to act quickly to seize the opportunity.

4. Use fancy graphics and colors

Visual appeal is key to capturing attention and enticing clicks. Incorporate eye-catching graphics, vibrant colors, and captivating imagery to make your CTAs stand out. Choose visuals that align with your brand identity and message while grabbing the user’s attention.

Related: How to create call-to-action that really converts?

5. Catchy shapes or sizes

Experiment with unique shapes or sizes for your CTAs to make them visually appealing and memorable. Whether it’s a bold button, a playful icon, or a custom design element, think outside the box to create CTAs that stand out and invite interaction.

6. Keep the text brief

Keep your CTA text concise and to the point. Avoid overwhelming users with too much information. Instead, focus on conveying your message succinctly, highlighting the key action or benefit users should take.

7. A/B test multiple CTA’s

Don’t settle for the first iteration of your CTAs. Experiment with different variations, including text, design, placement, and color scheme, to identify what resonates best with your audience. A/B testing allows you to optimize your CTAs for maximum effectiveness and drive better results over time.

Top call to action tools to use

1. Replug

Link Management Made Easy

Your go to link management tool for CTAs, branded and bio links, QR Codes, tracking and retargeting.

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link management made easy

Our top favorite is Replug – a powerful link management platform that allows users to create branded short links, track click data, and retarget audiences across various digital channels.

In terms of CTA generation, Replug enables users to embed call-to-action (CTA) overlays or pop-ups on shared links, directing traffic to desired landing pages or offers.

You can obtain detailed information about your website traffic, including the country, browser, device, and date, giving you precise insights into your audience.

2. Hubspot CTA

HubSpot’s CTA tool is part of its comprehensive marketing automation platform, designed to help businesses attract, engage, and delight customers. With its CTA tool, users can create visually appealing CTAs that seamlessly integrate with their website or email campaigns.

Hubspot- Call to Action Tool

Moreover, these CTAs are strategically placed to prompt visitors to take desired actions, such as downloading a resource or requesting a demo.

Related: CTA button: Best examples & practices

3. Sniply

Sniply-Call to action tool

Sniply is a unique tool that allows users to add custom messages or CTAs to any web page they share, even if they don’t own the page. 

Users can create branded Sniply links that drive traffic back to their own website or landing pages. This CTA generation method leverages shared content to capture leads and drive conversions.


Scalenut is an AI-powered content marketing platform that helps businesses create, distribute, and optimize content at scale.

The platform offers a free CTA generation tool. By understanding user intent and preferences, Scalenut assists in generating CTAs that resonate with target audiences.

Also check out: What makes Replug the best Sniply alternative


Canva is a versatile design platform that empowers users to create stunning graphics, presentations, and marketing materials with ease.

While not a dedicated CTA tool, Canva provides users with the tools to design eye-catching CTAs that complement their branding and messaging. Users can create custom graphics or templates for CTAs to be used across various digital channels, from social media posts to website banners.


Things to consider when choosing your CTA tool

Here are some of the most important things to consider when choosing your CTA tool.

  • Consider your budget: Free options offer good basic functionality, while paid tools might have advanced features like A/B testing or performance analytics.
  • Think about your needs: Do you need a simple CTA builder or a tool with AI-powered suggestions? How important is customization for you?
  • Read reviews and comparisons: Researching user experiences can help you find a tool that works well for others in your situation.

You may also like: Call To Action best example

What is the best CTA generation tool?

Branded Short Links

Create and track branded short links for your business for better conversions.

Brand Your Links Now!
Branded Short Links

The best CTA generation tool is no other than Replug. This is because: 

  • Easy to Use: Replug doesn’t require coding knowledge. Get a free CTA builder specifically designed to craft compelling CTAs with customizable text, buttons, forms, and pop-ups.
  • Targeted CTAs: Replug allows you to define your target audience during CTA creation. This ensures the CTAs you build resonate with the specific user group you’re aiming for.
  • A/B Testing: Replug integrates A/B testing so you can track CTA performance and see which variations drive the most conversions. This data-driven approach helps you continually optimize your CTAs for maximum impact.
  • Retargeting capabilities: It enables users to maximize conversions by embedding CTAs directly within shared links, ensuring targeted audiences are directed to relevant landing pages or offers. 

Overall, Replug’s combination of advanced features and ease of use makes it ideal for businesses looking to drive engagement and conversions effectively.


What is an example of a call to action in AI?

AI can analyze vast amounts of data to understand user behavior, preferences, and context, allowing businesses to tailor their CTAs for maximum impact. 

Some of the common examples include:

  • Sign up today
  • Download now
  • See how it works
  • Join now

What is a strong CTA?

A strong CTA combines clarity, relevance, and urgency to compel users to take the desired action. It communicates the value proposition briefly and motivates users to act without hesitation.

What is a call to value instead of a call to action?

A call to value focuses on highlighting the benefits and value proposition offered to the user rather than explicitly instructing them to take action. 

What is a secondary call to action?

A secondary call-to-action serves as an alternative action for users who may need more time to be ready to commit to the primary CTA. It provides additional options for engagement, such as downloading a resource, exploring related content, or joining a mailing list, catering to diverse user preferences and behaviors.

Manahil Asif
Meet Manahil - A wordsmith who practically buddies with B2B and B2C businesses to create digital magic. With a dash of humor and a sprinkle of wit, she whips up content more addictive than your morning coffee.
Mustafa Niazi
Mustafa Niazi is a blogging addict, a tech fanatic, and a SEO specialist.

Replug click analytics: The prime solution for turning clicks into conversions

Manahil Asif
7 minutes

Clicks are valuable, but only if you understand what happens after. It’s time to stop being in the dark and turn those clicks into conversions.

Don’t know how? No worries! Our blog explains the importance of click analytics and how to track your clicks using top link management tools. Gain insights into user behavior and boost conversions effortlessly. Keep reading…

What is click analytics?

Click analytics refers to the process of monitoring and analyzing user clicks on various elements of a website. These elements could include links, buttons, images, or any interactive component users can engage with. 


By tracking these clicks, businesses can gain valuable insights into user behavior, such as which pages are most visited, which links are clicked the most, and how users navigate through the website.

Link Management Made Easy

Your go to link management tool for CTAs, branded and bio links, QR Codes, tracking and retargeting.

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link management made easy

Why use click tracking?

There are tons of reasons why every brand should utilize proper click tracking. Some of the major benefits include the following. 

  • Personalize the user journey

Stop blaming the algorithm. Personalize your customer’s experience by utilizing click analytics.


Tailor your messaging and offers to individual users based on their past clicks and behavior.

  • Identify high-value clicks 

Not all clicks are created equal. Click analytics can help you identify which clicks are most likely to convert into paying customers. This allows you to focus your marketing efforts on the most valuable segments of your audience.

  • Measure the ROI of your campaigns 

Are your marketing campaigns delivering a positive return on investment (ROI)?

Replug-click analytics provides the data you need to measure the effectiveness of your campaigns and make adjustments as needed.

  • Make data-driven decisions 

By analyzing click data, businesses can make informed decisions about their marketing strategies, content optimization, and website design. Understanding which links or calls to actions are most effective allows businesses to allocate resources more efficiently and prioritize initiatives that drive results.

  • Optimized conversion funnel 

Click analytics help identify bottlenecks in the conversion funnel, enabling businesses to optimize the user journey for maximum conversions. 

By pinpointing areas where users are dropping off or abandoning the conversion process, businesses can implement targeted strategies to streamline the funnel and increase conversion rates.

  • Optimize landing pages

Are your landing pages aligned with user expectations?

Replug-click analytics can help you identify areas for improvement on your landing pages. By understanding how users interact with your pages, you can make data-driven changes to improve conversion rates.

The best tool for click analytics: Replug

A plethora of click-tracking or link-tracking tools are available in the market, each with its own set of features and pricing plans. Among the notable players in this space are Replug, PrettyLinks, and many more. 

Replug- Url shortener-

While each of these tools serves the fundamental purpose of tracking clicks and analyzing user behavior, they vary in terms of their capabilities, user interface, and pricing structures.

We would suggest you forget confusing tools, go for Replug as it’s the most simple and powerful. 

Replug stands out from other tools by offering an extensive range of advanced features tailored to suit brands of all sizes and industries.

Besides that 

  • Replug offers a free plan to get you started.
  • Replug integrates with various marketing tools and platforms for a smooth workflow.
Replug- Link Management Tool

Replug: The all-in-one solution

Replug serves as the all-in-one click-tracking solution for marketers. Utilize its link-tracking tool to analyze various key performance indicators (KPIs). Easily set expiry dates for time-sensitive promotions and add passwords for added security, ensuring only authorized users can access your links.

Additionally, Replug allows you to personalize and organize your trackable links effortlessly using tags. This simplifies the management process, making it easier to navigate through your campaigns and track performance effectively. And that’s just scratching the surface of what Replug can do.

Key features of Replug click analytics

Here’s a quick overview of some of the important metrics Replug provides:

Total clicksTotal number of times your link has been clicked.
Unique clicks The number of individual users who clicked your link.
Conversions The number of times a desired action was taken (e.g., purchase, signup).
Conversion rate The percentage of clicks that resulted in a conversion.
Click source Where the click originated from (e.g., email, social media, website).

Replug’s data can help you identify areas for improvement on your landing pages, personalize your marketing messages, and ultimately turn more clicks into conversions.

1. Click tracking and attribution

Replug tracks where users go after clicking your link.

Did they find the right page? Did they convert?

By accurately attributing clicks to specific marketing initiatives or campaigns, businesses can refine their strategies and allocate resources more efficiently.

2. Conversion rate optimization (CRO)

One of the standout features of Replug click analytics is its focus on conversion rate optimization. By analyzing user behavior and identifying bottlenecks in the conversion funnel, Replug enables businesses to implement targeted strategies to enhance conversion rates and maximize ROI.


3. Real-time data and insights

With Replug click analytics, businesses gain access to real-time data and insights, allowing them to make informed decisions on the fly. Whether it’s tracking the performance of a new marketing campaign or identifying emerging trends in user behavior, Replug equips businesses with the tools they need to stay ahead of the curve.

4. Customizable reports and dashboards

Replug offers customizable reports and dashboards that cater to the unique needs of each business. From high-level overviews to granular insights, businesses can tailor their reporting dashboards to focus on the metrics that matter most to them, facilitating data-driven decision-making at every level.

Link Management Made Easy

Your go to link management tool for CTAs, branded and bio links, QR Codes, tracking and retargeting.

Get Started for FREE!
link management made easy

How to track clicks and conversions using Replug?

Step 1: Create a Replug account (or sign in):

Sign up for a free account (or log in if you already have one). 

Step 2: Choose or create a campaign

From the main dashboard, you can either select an existing campaign or create a new one. Campaigns are used to organize and group your tracking URLs.

Step 3: Enter the destination URL

Enter the destination URL that you want to track in the “URL to shorten” section, located below the “Select your campaign” option.

link tracking

Step 4: Add UTM parameters

On the right side of the “URL to shorten” section, locate the “add UTM” tag and click on it.

Step 5: Select or create UTM parameters

You have the option to either select from saved UTM parameters or create a new set.

If you’re creating a new one, fill in the UTM parameters, including source, medium, campaign name, and other necessary details.


Step 6: Generate the tracking URL

After adding or selecting the UTM parameters, click the “Create” button. Replug will automatically generate a shortened version of your URL with the appended UTM parameters.

Step 7: Customize the tracking URL (optional)

If desired, you can further customize the URL by clicking the edit icon.


Step 8: Copy and update

Copy the generated tracking URL to use in your marketing materials.

Click the “Update” button to save your changes.

Step 9: Access your tracking URL

To access the newly created tracking URL and monitor its performance, follow these steps:

  • Go to the main dashboard.
  • Click on “Manage.”
  • Select “Replug links.”

And you’re good to go with your trackable links. 

Replug goes beyond just click analytics and acts as a complete link management solution as well. Here’s how:

  1. White label for agencies and resellers:  Agencies and resellers can leverage Replug’s white-label functionality.  Replug can be branded with your own logo and domain, allowing you to offer click analytics and link management as part of your client services.
  2. Built-in CTA generator: Craft high-performing CTAs directly within Replug. No need for separate tools!  Replug suggests clear and actionable CTAs based on your link’s purpose (e.g., “Shop Now,” “Download Here,” “Learn More”).
  3. Link rotator for A/B testing:  Want to test different landing pages or offers? Replug’s link rotator automatically distributes clicks among various options. Analyze which one performs best and optimize your campaigns for maximum conversions.
  4. Shortened branded links: Replug allows you to shorten long URLs and brand them with your custom domain. This makes your links look professional and memorable.
  5. Bio-link creation: Replug lets you create bio links, a single landing page containing multiple links to your social media profiles, portfolio, or other relevant content. This is perfect for social media bios where you have limited space.
  6. Retargeting pixels: Replug integrates with retargeting pixels from social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn. This allows you to retarget users who clicked your links with relevant ads, increasing the chance of conversions.

All in all, note that click analytics lets you focus your marketing efforts on the right audience, maximizing your return on investment and avoiding wasting your budget on clicks that go nowhere.

That was all in today’s blog. Thank you so much for staying with us till the very end! Visit our website for more information.


What’s the difference between conversions and clicks?

Clicks are simply when someone clicks on your link or ad. Conversions are when someone takes a desired action, like buying a product or signing up for a newsletter.

What is a CTR?

CTR stands for Click-Through Rate, a metric showing the percentage of people who see your ad or link and click on it.

How to increase my click-through rate?

Tips to increase CTR:

  • Use compelling ad copy.
  • Optimize ad placement.
  • Utilize relevant keywords.
  • Test different ad formats.

What is a good CTR?

A “good” CTR depends on your industry and campaign goals. Generally, anything above 1% is considered decent, but some niches can see higher CTRs.

Manahil Asif
Meet Manahil - A wordsmith who practically buddies with B2B and B2C businesses to create digital magic. With a dash of humor and a sprinkle of wit, she whips up content more addictive than your morning coffee.

Bitly Vs TinyURL Vs Replug: Which URL Shortener is Best for Agencies?

Manahil Asif
9 minutes

If you’ve landed here, it’s likely because you are on the track of exploring URL shorteners. If that’s not the case then you might have realized that the buzz surrounding Bitly or TinyURL doesn’t quite live up to the reality.

Fortunately, you’re in the right place to explore the perfect link management solution that goes beyond generic URL shortening. 


We’re talking about Replug – A platform designed to not only condense URLs but also enhance your overall link management experience with advanced features.

Your links deserve better, and we’re here to deliver just that. This is why in the following article, we’ve thoroughly compared Bitly, TinyURL, and our very own Replug.

Because, our goal is to provide you with an in-depth understanding of how each platform measures up, allowing you to make an informed decision that aligns with your needs and expectations.

So let’s get going;

A speedy tour of your favorites

Replug is an all-star link management tool for marketers with features such as branded link shortening, traffic routing, QR codes, A/B testing, link retarget pixels, deep linking, and much more.Bitly is a URL-shortening service that allows users to create shortened versions of long URLs, making them easier to share, manage, and track. Also, it can be integrated with various platforms, social media tools, and applications, A tool that efficiently shortens lengthy URLs, making them concise and easy to share. The simplicity of TinyURL appeals to many users, especially those who prioritize straightforward functionality.

Pricing comparison

Tool Basic Pro/ growth Agency/ Bulk/ 
Replug $19 /mo$49 /mo$79 /mo
Bitly $8/month
(Only available in annual plan)
TinyURLStarts at $12.99 /mo – $249.00 /moStarts at $129.00 /mo – $1,799.00 /mo

Making the right choice

Let us walk you through the must-know factors when you’re checking out link management tools. 

  • Detailed insights

A good link management tool should offer comprehensive analytics, providing insights into link performance, click-through rates, and geographic data.

  • User-Friendly interface

The tool should have a user-friendly interface, making it easy to navigate and use. A straightforward design minimizes the learning curve for users.

  • Link protection

Ensure the tool offers security features to protect your links from malicious activities, such as link cloaking and spam prevention.

  • Compatibility

Check if the link management tool integrates seamlessly with other marketing and analytics tools you use, such as social media platforms or email marketing software.

  • Retargeting features

Consider advanced tools that offer link retargeting, allowing you to target ads to users who have interacted with your links. This can significantly improve conversion rates.

  • Transparent pricing

Choose a tool with clear and transparent pricing structures. Be aware of any hidden fees or limitations on link usage.

  • Mobile responsiveness

With an increasing number of users accessing content on mobile devices, ensure that the tool’s interface is mobile-responsive for a seamless user experience.

  • Customer support

Consider a tool that offers multiple support channels, such as chat, email, or phone support.

  • Documentation and resources 

A well-documented tool with resources like tutorials and FAQs can be valuable for troubleshooting and learning.

Bitly Vs TinyURL Vs Replug: Feature analysis

In this section, we’ll discuss the key features you need in a link management tool.

Check how your favorite tools handle these features and whether their pro and agency pricing plans include them or not.

Branded Links

Branded links are custom, shortened URLs that incorporate a brand or company’s name, helping to reinforce brand identity and recognition.

  • Shorter links often appear less suspicious than long URLs overloaded with parameters and codes, leading to higher click-through rates.
  • These links are easier to type manually on mobile devices or voice assistants.
  • Allows personalization with custom domains or keywords, boosting brand recognition and enabling tracking of specific campaigns.
Tool Pro/ Growth planNo. of Custom DomainsNo. of Branded LinksAgency/ Premium / Bulk plan No. of Branded LinksNo. of Custom Domains
ReplugYes5Unlimited linksYes Unlimited links10
BitlyYes1500 links/monthYes 3,000 links/month1
TinyURLYes Not specified 50,000 links/ monthYes 100,000/monthNot Specified

Short verdict: Draw

All three tools offer branded short links. However, Replug takes a little edge by providing the option to create an unlimited number of branded links and connect more domains in both its plans.

On the other hand, Bitly offers up to 3000links/mo in its premium plan. And TinyURL offers up to 100,000/month in its bulk plan. Still, you can consider pricing and other features when choosing.

White-label board

White Label Solution

A white-label solution allows you to rebrand a product or service as your own. This means you can remove any branding from the original provider and replace it with your logo, name, and colors.

Benefits of white-label solution:

  • High customization options, tailoring products or services to specific needs, ensuring alignment with unique business requirements.
  • Contributes to significant cost savings, as businesses avoid the expenses associated with developing and maintaining, freeing up resources for other strategic investments.
  • Provides a quick route to market by allowing brands to swiftly launch products or services without the time-consuming process of in-house development.

Now, let’s find out which of your favorite tools offers the advanced white-label solution:

Tool Pro/ Growth plan  Agency/ Premium / Bulk plan 
ReplugNo Yes 
BitlyDoes not offer Does not offer 
TinyURLDoes not offerDoes not offer 

Short verdict: Replug

Replug takes the lead with white-label solutions in its agency plan, surpassing Bitly and TinyURL, which do not provide this feature.

It’s a cutting-edge feature that provides in-depth insights into the performance of your shortened URLs, helping you understand user engagement and optimize your marketing strategies.

  • Get valuable data on click-through rates, geographic location of users, and more.
  • Tailor reports to your specific needs, and get detailed insights into user behavior.
  • Track conversions accurately and measure the success of your campaigns.
Tool Pro/ Growth plan Tracking HistoryAgency/ Premium / Bulk plan Tracking History
BitlyYes120 daysYes1 year
TinyURLYes2 yearsYes2 years

Short verdict: Replug

Replug and Bitly excel in advanced link tracking, but Replug outshines with unlimited tracking history, whereas Bitly’s premium plan provides a maximum of 1 year. TinyURL, though offering up to 2 years, falls short with basic analytics.

Retargeting pixel


A retargeting pixel enables marketers to identify users who have previously visited their site or socials and deliver targeted advertisements to them across various platforms. 

Benefits of retargeting pixel

  • Show targeted ads to past visitors, reminding them of your brand and encouraging them closer to completing that purchase.
  • Retargeting helps you spend smarter, leading to better ROI on your ad budget.
  • Use insights to shape a precise digital marketing strategy and deliver a personalized customer experience.
Tool Feature availability (Pro / Growth plan)No. of Retargeting LinksFeature availability (Agency/ Premium / Bulk plan)No. of Retargeting Links
ReplugYes UnlimitedYes Unlimited
BitlyDoes not offerDoes not offer  
TinyURLDoes not offer Does not offer  

Short verdict: Replug

Clearly, Replug is the winner here. Both the other competitors Bitly and TinyURL do not provide this feature. 

Learn more about retargeting pixel

Deep Links

Deep links eliminate the need for users to navigate complex app menus or search endlessly for specific content. With a single tap, they are directed straight to the relevant section within the app, creating a smooth and frustration-free journey.

  • Can be tailored to individual users based on their preferences, location, or previous actions.
  • When switching between platforms (e.g., website to app), deep links remove any friction by automatically opening the app and directing users to the relevant content.
  • Get valuable data on user behavior within the app, such as which campaigns drove them to specific content.
Tool Feature availability
(Pro / Growth plan)
Agency/ Premium / Bulk plan 
ReplugNo Yes 
BitlyNo Yes 
TinyURLNo No 

Short verdict: Replug

Replug and Bitly both offer deep linking in their Premium plans, but Replug’s $79/mo agency plan is a more budget-friendly choice compared to Bitly’s premium plan at $199/mo. Meanwhile, TinyURL doesn’t enter the deep linking arena.


Bio-links consolidate multiple links into a single URL, commonly used in social media profiles to share various content simultaneously.

  • Allows you to display various profiles, websites, blogs, or landing pages, giving users a wider picture of your brand
  • Customize your bio-link with clear calls to action and engaging descriptions, influencing how users perceive you.
  • Analyze click data to gauge its success and identify areas for improvement.
Tool Pro/ Growth plan  No. of Bio LinksAgency/ Premium / Bulk plan No. of Bio Links
ReplugYes 25Yes 50
BitlyYes 2Yes 5
TinyURLDoes not offer Does not offer

Short verdict: Replug

Replug and Bitly offer similar customization options for bio link pages, but Replug takes the lead by allowing a greater number of bio link pages, providing users with more versatility in creating personalized content destinations.

Learn more about bio links

QR codes

QR Code

QR codes bridge the gap between offline and online experiences. Users can access websites, social media pages, videos, or other content by simply scanning the code with their smartphones, eliminating the need to manually type lengthy URLs or usernames.

Benefits of QR codes:

  • Users swiftly access information by scanning QR codes, enhancing user experience.
  • Can be printed on physical materials like packaging or billboards, directing users to relevant online content.
  • Monitor QR code scans to gather valuable insights into user behavior and preferences.
Tool Feature availability
(Pro / Growth plan)
Agency/ Premium / Bulk plan 
ReplugYes Yes  
BitlyYes Yes
TinyURLDoes not offer Does not offer 

Short verdict: Bitly

While TinyURL falls short by not providing QR codes, both Bitly and Replug excel in this feature. It’s worth noting that Bitly goes the extra mile, offering a broader range of quick and advanced QR functionalities compared to Replug.

Learn more about QR codes

CTA generation

CTA generation facilitates the creation of compelling call-to-action buttons, optimizing user engagement and conversion rates.

Benefits of CTA

  • Well-designed CTAs prompt users to take desired actions, boosting conversion rates.
  • Tailor CTA buttons to match brand messaging, ensuring consistency in communication.
  • Strategic CTAs with relevant keywords can improve your search engine ranking
Tool Pro/ Growth plan  Agency/ Premium / Bulk plan 
ReplugYes Yes 
BitlyDoes not offerDoes not offer 
TinyURLDoes not offer Does not offer  

Short verdict: Replug

Looks like we have a clear winner here. Which is Replug. As both the other competitors do not provide the option to custom create CTA’s.

Taking everything into account, the top performer is…

None other than Replug, it’s the one-size-fits-all solution. Considering the multitude of factors, its unparalleled link management features, lead generation capabilities, comprehensive analytics, and user-friendly interface collectively position it as the top performer.

Clearly, Replug offers:

An Advanced feature set

Thinking about Bitly and TinyURL? Well, Replug goes above and beyond. While others keep it basic Replug brings you smart retargeting links, White-label solutions, A/B testing, link rotator, custom CTA’s, UTM builders, and detailed analytics. 

Top-notch customer support

Need help? Replug’s got your back. Unlike Bitly and TinyURL, where support can be average in basic plans, Our team is always there for you. Your success matters to us, and we’re ready to make sure you get the most out of Replug.

Better pricing plans

Let’s talk money. We keep it simple and friendly. No surprises, no hidden fees. Unlike Bitly, which might play tricks with your budget, and TinyURL, which is a bit basic, Replug gives you affordable plans with all the cool features you need. Making your online game strong without breaking the bank? That’s Replug for you

See how Replug benefits different industries

  • Influencers & Content Creators: Showcase multiple links to portfolio sites, social media platforms, and merch stores. Customize landing pages with engaging visuals and stories.
  • Artists & Musicians: Promote music, merch, upcoming shows, and social media profiles all in one bio link.

Check out: Replug for Content Creators

  • Social Media Marketers: Create dedicated landing pages for specific campaigns, track clicks, and conversions, and A/B test link performance.
  • E-commerce Businesses: Promote product launches, highlight discounts, and link to specific product pages or categories.

Check out: Replug for E-commerce Marketers

Overall, Replug is a powerful toolbox that meets specific needs, helping businesses and marketers enhance their online presence, engagement, and conversion rates. Whether you’re focusing on branding, testing, retargeting, or analytics, Replug stands out as the top choice for a complete and effective link management strategy.

You may also like: Best URL Shorteners For 2024 – Features, Pricing, Reviews & More


What is the best URL shortener?

Replug stands out as the ultimate URL shortener with its advanced analytics, branding control, and conversion optimization features. It’s the go-to choice for businesses looking to maximize their online presence and drive more conversions.

Why do people use TinyURL?

People use TinyURL for its simplicity and convenience in shortening long URLs.

What are the disadvantages of Bitly?

While Bitly is a popular URL shortener, it does have some limitations. These may include limited customization options, basic analytics compared to other platforms, and potential restrictions on certain features depending on your subscription plan.

What is better than Bitly?

Replug offers a comprehensive solution with advanced features that surpass those of Bitly. From customizable branding to powerful conversion optimization tools, Replug empowers businesses to elevate their online marketing efforts and achieve better results.

Is Replug expensive?

Replug offers transparent pricing with affordable plans starting at $19/month. It’s an investment that can boost your agency’s efficiency and effectiveness.

Does Replug offer a free trial?

Yes, Replug offers a free trial so you can try out its features before you buy.

Branded short links increase brand visibility, foster recognition, and trust, and are more likely to be clicked on than generic short links.

Manahil Asif
Meet Manahil - A wordsmith who practically buddies with B2B and B2C businesses to create digital magic. With a dash of humor and a sprinkle of wit, she whips up content more addictive than your morning coffee.

9 Best Alternatives of Rebrandly For Agencies 

Manahil Asif
5 minutes

Rebrandly has been a popular choice for many. 

But at the same time, it’s expensive and offers fewer features and other link-shortening tools. 

If you’re facing the same problem and seeking alternatives to Rebrandly, you’re in the right place. 

This article will explore the best alternatives to help you level up your branding game and enhance your online reach.

Best ToolsKey – FeatureAgency PlanLimitations
ReplugWhite-Label Feature
Complete Link Management Solution
$79 /moNo Freemium
BitlyFree URL Shortener
Branded QR Codes
$199 /moNo Retargeting
TinyURLURL Shortener
Campaign Tracking
$129/moLow value for money
No additional features
BL. INKBranded Short Links
QR Codes
Limited Features
LinklyLink Tracking & Retargeting$79/moNo Bio Links
Cutt.lyLink Tracking$99 /moNo Bio Links
Short.ioBranded Link Shortener
Link Tracking & Management
$149 /moNo Bio links
SniplyCall to Actions$59 /moLimited Features
ShorbyLink Tracking & Analytics$99 /moLimited Features

What is Rebrandly?

Rebrandly is a user-friendly tool for creating custom-branded short links, shorter and more visually appealing versions of long URLs.

It’s commonly used in digital marketing to share links on social media and email campaigns.

Moreover, Rebrandly also offers detailed link tracking and analytics, helping users understand how their links are performing and where their audience is coming from.

Top alternatives of Rebrandly:

1. Replug

Why Replug: Our top choice as the best Rebrandly alternative is Replug. This tool offers a comprehensive link management suite with link shortening, tracking, and retargeting features.

Also, Replug stands out for features like white-label, A/B testing, deep linking and analytics. Overall, it’s a powerful tool for marketing campaigns.

Replug-Link Management tool. Best URL shortner

Explore Replug’s features in-depth



  • Currently, no freemium plan is available.

2. Bitly

Why Bitly: Bitly is a household name in link shortening, known for its simplicity and analytics. It’s great for tracking link performance and enhancing user engagement.

Bitly-customize your links and make them a little bit shorter


  • Simplicity and user-friendly interface
  • Powerful link tracking and analytics
  • Easy-to-use browser extension
  • Customizable short links


  • Limited features in the free version
  • Advanced analytics require a premium subscription
  • No link retargeting, CTAs, and AB testing.

3. TinyURL

Why TinyURL: TinyURL is your friend if you need a no-fuss solution. It’s straightforward and user-friendly, ideal for quick link shortening.


  • Straightforward and no-fuss link shortening
  • Quick and easy to use
  • No registration required


  • Lacks advanced features
  • Limited link-tracking capabilities

Link Management Made Easy

Your go to link management tool for CTAs, branded and bio links, QR Codes, tracking and retargeting.

Get Started for FREE!
link management made easy

4. BL. INK

Why BL.INK: BL.INK is a versatile URL shortener with advanced features like QR code generation and analytics. Perfect for marketing and tracking campaigns.

BL.INK - Link shotener-QR code generator and analytics


  • All-round URL shortener
  • QR code generation
  • Analytics for link tracking
  • Custom branded domains


  • Pricing may not suit budget-conscious users
  • Lacks many features, such as link retargeting and bio links that Rebrandly offers.

5. Linkly

Why Linkly: It’s a powerful link management tool that helps you optimize your online presence and marketing strategies. It allows you to create, customize, and track links, providing in-depth insights into audience engagement.


  • Link Customization
  • UTM Parameters
  • Scheduled Links
  • Password Protection


  • Learning Curve (for new users)
  • Premium features may be pricey for some.

6. Cutt.ly

Why Cutt.ly: It’s a user-friendly link management tool specializing in link shortening and tracking. It simplifies creating custom-branded short links and offers comprehensive analytics to help you understand link performance.

Cutt.ly- user friendly link tracking and link shortening tool



  • Some advanced features may require higher-tier plans.
  • Limited customization options for free users.

7. Short.io

Why Short.io: Short.io offers custom-branded links and link tracking, making it an excellent choice for businesses and marketers.


  • Custom-branded links
  • Link tracking and analytics
  • User-friendly interface


  • Pricing may be on the higher side for some
  • Advanced features may require higher-tier plans

8. Sniply

Why Sniply: Sniply combines link shortening with lead generation. It allows you to add call-to-actions to shared links, making it a powerful tool for marketers.

sinply- link shortening and lead generation tool



  • Lacks in several important features.
  • Some features are reserved for premium users

9. Shorby

Why Shorby: Shorby focuses on enhancing social media profiles through link shortening and online branding. If you’re active on social media, it’s worth a look.



  • May not be suitable for users with broader link management needs
  • Some features are specific to social media management

Why choose Replug over Rebrandly?

It’s a valid question. Replug offers features that set it apart from Rebrandly:

  1. Link Retargeting: Replug allows you to add retargeting pixels to short links, helping you reach users who have engaged with your links before.
  2. A/B Testing: Test different versions of your links to determine which performs better, ensuring optimal user engagement.
  3. Custom Branded Domains: Create links that match your brand for a consistent and professional appearance.
  4. White-label branding: Take complete control of your agency’s branding by adding your branded custom domain, logos, interface, and more.
  1. Comprehensive Analytics: Gain insights into your link performance, making data-driven decisions for your campaigns.
  2. Call to Action (CTA): Include call-to-action messages on shared links, driving user action and lead generation.

Create compelling Call-to-Actions to boost conversions

Improve your click through rate by creating catchy CTAs for your marketing campaigns.

Get Started For Free!
compelling Call-to-Actions


In conclusion, the world of link management offers a wide array of alternatives to Rebrandly. Each of these alternatives has pros and cons, catering to diverse needs. 

Whether you’re looking for simplicity, analytics, branding, or lead generation, consider the options mentioned here and choose the one that aligns with your specific goals and preferences. 

Happy link management!


Why Look for Rebrandly Alternatives?

Rebrandly has been a popular choice for link shortening and management, but it’s essential to have options that suit your unique needs. Whether you want more features, a different pricing structure, or a fresh interface, these Rebrandly alternatives are something for everyone.

Which Rebrandly alternative is best for marketing campaigns?

Replug is an excellent choice for marketing campaigns, offering various features for link management and user engagement.

Are these alternatives suitable for businesses and marketers?

Yes, many of these alternatives, such as Replug and BL.INK, offers advanced features and analytics, making them excellent choices for businesses and marketers.

Which link-shortening tool is similar to Rebrandly?

Replug is a link management tool similar to Rebrandly, offering custom-branded short links and robust analytics.

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Manahil Asif
Meet Manahil - A wordsmith who practically buddies with B2B and B2C businesses to create digital magic. With a dash of humor and a sprinkle of wit, she whips up content more addictive than your morning coffee.

Instagram Bio Links: Usage, Purpose, & Tips

Mahnoor Shahid
8 minutes

Do you often think about how to drive traffic from Instagram?

If so, then

You must have seen this little link in the bios of your favorite Instagram creators.


Instagram bio links are more than just links – they’re your opportunity to guide users to your favorite music, social channels, or other interests. Your digital canvas awaits!

In simple terms, as personal branding becomes a big deal on social media, this link is your hidden landing pages.

No matter if you’re a future influencer, a creative mind, or just someone who wants to show off their unique self, the bio link is your go-to tool. It goes beyond the limited space of a bio, letting you tell a bigger story about who you are.

Let’s explore how people like you use this link to create their own online identity.

“Link in bio” on Instagram is a phrase used to direct people to a clickable link in the user’s bio (short for biography).

Here’s why it’s used:

  • Instagram captions don’t allow clickable links: You can put text and emojis in your captions, but you can’t add links that people can directly tap on.
  • The bio is the only place for a clickable link: This gives users one spot to send people to their website, blog, YouTube channel, or any other external page they want their followers to see.
Instagram bio link showing YouTube channel link.

So, when someone says “Instagram bio links,” they’re basically saying, “check out the link in my profile description.” It’s a way to let people know there’s more to see beyond the post itself.

Here’s are some examples of how people use “Instagram bio links”:

  • “New blog post up! Link in bio to read.”
  • “Shop my latest collection now! Link in bio.”
  • “Check out my YouTube channel for more travel tips. Link in bio.”

Convert your followers into customers with single bio link.

Uplift your conversion rates by connecting all of your social accounts and business pages with a single bio link.

Get Started For Free!
single Bio Links

The Instagram bio link is your one golden ticket to driving traffic outside the platform and connecting with your audience on a deeper level. It’s like a tiny portal that opens up a whole world of possibilities, and it’s something you definitely want to leverage.

An Instagram bio link can be pretty powerful, especially if you’re using Instagram for more than just sharing fun pics with friends. Here’s why:

1. Your only clickable link: 

While you can tag accounts and include links in captions, they’re not clickable. The bio link is your sole direct connection to other online destinations.

2. Directs users to valuable content: 

Think of it as a mini-menu for your online presence. You can link to your website, blog, portfolio, YouTube channel, or even a specific landing page with exclusive content.

Instagram bio link showing event link.

3. Boosts engagement and growth:

By providing additional value beyond Instagram, you encourage followers to explore further and potentially become fans elsewhere. This can lead to increased website traffic, email subscribers, or even sales.

4. Showcases your brand or personality: 

The link can be used strategically to tell your story, build your brand identity, or share your passions. For example, a musician might link to their latest music video, while a photographer might link to their online gallery.

Instagram bio link showing collection.

5. It can be updated regularly:

Unlike captions, the bio link is flexible. You can change the bio link as often as you like to promote new content, highlight different projects, or run special campaigns.

Remember: While bio link tools can offer additional features and functionalities, the core power lies in utilizing the single bio link effectively.

Here are some tips for making the most of your Instagram link in your bio:

  • Use a clear and concise call to action: Tell users what to expect when they click the link.
  • Track your clicks and analytics: See what’s working and what’s not to optimize your strategy.
  • Experiment with different link destinations: Keep things fresh and test what resonates with your audience.

So, don’t underestimate the power of that little link in your bio.

You might want to read: How to View Instagram Analytics?

Now, let’s see some popular ways of using Instagram bio links that most influencers and artists are using.

8 ways to use Instagram bio link

Here are some ways to use your Instagram bio link effectively:

1. Promote your website or blog: Share your website or blog link to drive traffic and engage your audience.

Instagram bio link showing channels.

2. Social channels sharing: Include links to your other social media channels to encourage followers to connect with you on multiple platforms.

Instagram caption having link in bio.

3. Affiliate links: Create and share affiliate links for discounts, codes, or special offers to incentivize your followers to make a purchase.

Instagram bio link showing affiliate links.

Become a Replug Affiliate Partner
Earn 30% recurring commissions by referring our link management tool to your network.
Learn More!

4. Product or service promotion: Direct your followers to a specific product or service page to increase sales and conversions.

Instagram bio link showing channels.

5. Event registration: Create a dedicated landing page or registration form for your event and include the link in your bio to drive registrations.

Instagram bio link having registration link.

6. Podcast following: Display your latest podcast episodes to make it easy for your followers to tune in and listen.

Instagram bio having podcast link.

7. Social cause or donation: Share links to support a social cause or donation page to raise awareness and encourage contributions.

Instagram bio having different links.

8. To share specific web pages: Make your Instagram bio count! Add links to guide followers to specific web pages effortlessly. Boost engagement and share what matters most in just a click.

Instagram bio having other website link.

Remember to update your bio link regularly to keep your followers engaged and informed about your latest content or promotions.

Here’s how to add your Instagram bio link, step by step:

Step 1: Open your Instagram app profile settings

Go to your profile. This is the icon that looks like a person in the bottom right corner of the screen.

Instagram account creation.

Step 2: Edit Profile

Tap “Edit Profile.” This is located below your bio and profile picture.

Step 3: Wesbite section

Scroll down and find the “Website” section. It’s usually near the bottom of the list.

Editing instagram account.

Note that adding a website feature is only available on mobile.

Step 4: Paste or type the URL

Paste or type the URL you want to link to. This could be your website, blog, YouTube channel, or anything else you want your followers to visit.

Adding link to Instagram.

 (Optional) Add a call to action: This is a short phrase that tells people what to do when they click your link. For example, you could write “Visit my website” or “Shop now.”

Related: CTA Button:Best Examples & Practices

Step 5: Complete the process

Tap “Done.” Your bio link is now live!

Instagram link in bio.

Here are some additional tips:

  • Keep your link short and sweet: People are more likely to click on a link that’s easy to remember.
  • Use a link shortener: Services like Replug can help you create shorter, more manageable links.
  • Update your link regularly: Don’t just set it and forget it! Change your link to promote new content or campaigns.
  • Track your clicks: Instagram Insights or link shorteners like Replug can show you how many people are clicking on your link. This can help you see what’s working and what’s not.

Cool Right?

Have you ever thought of how to add more links to Instagram bio?

Trust me, it would be way cooler if you had your own landing pages with important links!

Convert your followers into customers with single bio link.

Uplift your conversion rates by connecting all of your social accounts and business pages with a single bio link.

Get Started For Free!
single Bio Links

Step 1: Sign up for Replug:

  • Head to Replug’s website and create an account (free plan available).
Replug account creation.
  • Go to the “Bio Links” section of your Replug dashboard.
  • Click “New Bio Link” to start creating.
Replug link in bio
  • Replug offers various layouts and themes to choose from.
  • You can add buttons, links, social media icons, and more.
  • Customize the appearance with colors, fonts, and images.
Replug link in bio features.
  • Each element you add can link to a specific website, social media profile, or other online destination.
  • Replug provides a short branded URL for your Bio Link.
Replug link in bio text.

Step 5: Publish and connect to Instagram:

  • Once you’re happy with your Bio-Link, publish it.
  • Copy the branded URL and paste it into your Instagram bio section.
Replug link in bio preview.

Additional tips:

Replug link in bio stats.

By following these steps, you can create a professional and eye-catching Bio Link for your Instagram profile using Replug.


Your Instagram bio link isn’t just a link; it’s a power! With it, you can transport your followers to your hidden website, unveil your best products, or even share your favorite music. 

No more boring bios – your link is your chance to be a total bio-wizard! So, go forth and use Instagram bio links with Replug because the internet is your oyster (and your bio is the pearl).

What creative ways are you using your Instagram bio link?


What does “link in bio” mean?

“Link in bio” refers to the hyperlink in a user’s Instagram profile, allowing them to share a single link, typically directing followers to relevant content or external websites.

Is “link in bio” good?

Yes, it’s a useful feature for sharing additional content or directing followers to external websites, making it a valuable tool for promoting various activities or resources.

Where is the link in bio on Instagram?

The link is located in the bio section of an Instagram profile, usually beneath the user’s bio description. It’s the only clickable link directly accessible from an Instagram profile.

What is the best tool to create an Instagram link in bio?

Various tools are available, such as Replug, that help users create a visually appealing and organized collection of links for their Instagram bio. The choice depends on individual preferences and needs.

How to add more links to Instagram bio?

Use Replug Bio Links to combine multiple social account links into one, simplifying access for your Instagram followers with just one click.

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Mahnoor Shahid
Meet Mahnoor, the tech enthusiast who works magic with words for B2B and B2C SaaS platforms. Turning tech talk into fascinating stories is her specialty, making brand messages clear and exciting. She's the storyteller companies wish they had!

Best Link Management Tools for 2024: A Detailed Analysis

Khadija Anwar
9 minutes

Links act as the internet’s road signs, guiding us to our online stops each day. So make sure your links look sleek on every screen. You can do this by customizing and adding your branding to those links.

Wondering how? Well, try using a link management tool!

And, what’s exactly a link management tool?

A link management tool is an all-in-one solution for your URLs, seamlessly organizing, tracking, and optimizing them. 

But, that’s what an average link tool does!

Here’s the real deal – an advanced link management tool lets you craft bio-link pages, design custom CTAs, personalize white-label boards, add deep links, retargeting pixels, and so much more. It’s the catalyst for quick, data-driven decisions.

Now, let’s roll out the red carpet!

Below, you’ll find a curated lineup of the top 10 link management tools for 2024. Take a peek and discover the perfect link tool that’s tailor-made for your brand’s unique requirements.

A quick overview of tools: Top features & major limitations

Branded Links Management

Long URLs look suspicious, and people don’t trust such links. This is where link management tools come in. It allows individuals and businesses to take control back of their links. Link management tools help with content sharing, brand collaboration, and data tracking.

Not quite clear yet? Here’s why link management tools are essential for every marketer.

Sr.6 Reasons to get link management solution
1.Cleaner, shorter links tend to have higher click-through rates.
2.Links are shortened to fit character limits on social media platforms, enhancing engagement.
3.Redirect traffic to specific pages, optimizing marketing and retargeting efforts.
4.Gain insights through detailed analytics on link performance and audience engagement.
5.Monitor and analyze traffic sources and campaign effectiveness with UTM parameters.
6.Track link performance clicks, and the geographic location of users.

Choosing the right tool is important for your business growth. However, a little research and upfront work should save you a lot of time.

When selecting the ideal link management tool, several factors warrant consideration for effective decision-making:

  • Accuracy: Ensure the tool provides accurate tracking of clicks, conversions, and other relevant metrics.
  • Real-time analytics: Real-time data allows you to monitor and respond to link performance promptly.
  • Retargeting options: Some tools offer retargeting capabilities, allowing you to create custom audiences based on link clicks for further marketing efforts.

4. Compliance & security:

  • SSL support: Ensure that links generated by the tool use SSL to guarantee secure data transfer.
  • Link expiration: The ability to set link expiration dates adds an extra layer of security.
  • GDPR compliance: Ensure the tool complies with relevant data protection regulations.

5. Integration & compatibility:

  • Integration with other Tools: Check if the tool integrates seamlessly with your existing marketing and analytics tools.
  • API Access: API support allows for more extensive integration and customization.
  • Link editing: The ability to edit links after creation can be crucial for correcting mistakes or updating destinations.
  • Link categorization: Organize links into categories or campaigns for better management.
  • Scalability: Choose a tool that can scale with your needs as your link management requirements grow.
  • 301 redirects: Ensure the tool supports 301 redirects for permanent links to maintain SEO benefits.
  • Custom redirects: The ability to create custom redirects for specific purposes is valuable.

8. User permissions & collaboration:

  • User roles: If you’re working in a team, having different user roles and permissions ensures secure and controlled access.
  • Collaboration features: Tools that support collaboration features like sharing and commenting can enhance teamwork.

9. Cost & pricing structure:

  • Transparent pricing: Look for clear and understandable pricing structures without hidden fees.
  • Free trial or demo: Test the tool before committing to a subscription to ensure it meets your requirements.

10. Customer support:

  • Support channels: Check the availability of customer support channels (email, chat, phone) and their responsiveness.

Related: URL Branding: Enhance Digital Brand Marketing with Replug

Now that you’ve checked out the ‘what’ and ‘why’ in our blog, let’s jump into our handpicked list of top link management tools for 2024.

1. Replug

replug-Link Management tool

Our top choice on this list is Replug – A modern link management tool packed with advanced features that help brands and marketers supercharge conversion rates. This dynamic platform redefines the way links are managed, as brands get access to a centralized hub, where they can create, customize, and monitor links across multiple digital channels.

Features Pricing
Retargeting pixelBasic – $19 /mo
Professional – $49 /mo
Agency – $79 /mo
Link shortening
Link analytics
White-label solution 
Link rotators 
Bio-link pages
Deep links

At its core, Replug isn’t solely about shortening URLs; it’s a multifaceted solution that crafts branded links infused with compelling calls to action and A/B testing. Its intuitive interface simplifies link management while offering high-end features like white label boards, link rotators, retargeting pixels, and deep links so brands can increase awareness and optimize campaigns.

Besides that, unlike most link management tools, Replug ensures protection from threats, offering reporting tools, access control, and SSL encryption for comprehensive link security.

Related: Link Tracking: What It is and How It Works?

2. Bitly


Bitly stands as a top-tier free URL shortener, trailing just behind Replug in its comprehensive offerings. It excels in URL shortening and provides additional functionalities like creating vanity URLs, enabling two-factor authorization, and offering analytics—all completely free of charge.

Features Pricing Plans
Url shortening FREE – $0/month
CORE – $8/month
GROWTH – $29/month
PREMIUM – $199/month
Bulk link shortening

Notably, Bitly ensures the reliability of your links, rarely experiencing downtime unless their services are halted. However, for elevated features such as enhanced user support and API access, a Bitly Enterprise subscription becomes necessary.


Related: 9 Bitly Competitors That Agencies Should Try Out


GeniusLink steps up as a sophisticated solution in the lineup, offering more than just link shortening. It not only condenses links but also provides comprehensive tracking capabilities, enabling a detailed understanding of the customer journey. One of its standout abilities lies in tracking transactions occurring beyond your website, delivering insights into off-site interactions critical for holistic analytics.

Features Pricing Plans
Link rotatorStarts at $6 / moGoes up to $316.00
Link shortening
Link analytics

Moreover, a standout feature of GeniusLink is its “no lock-in” approach, granting users the flexibility to regulate their links instantly without the need for additional tools or complex procedures.

4. Tiny URL


TinyURL simplifies link shortening with its straightforward interface, allowing users to quickly create compact URLs. While it lacks extensive features, it excels in providing essential functionality without requiring a login.

Features Pricing Plans
Quick URL creationFree – $0.00 /mo
Pro plan starts at $9.99 /mo – $199.00 /mo 
Bulk plan starts at $99.00 /mo – $1,499.00 /mo
Custom domain

Its ease of use makes it ideal for swift link management, catering to urgent needs, or for those seeking hassle-free URL customization. Additionally, TinyURL’s integration into browser toolbars streamlines the process, enabling users to generate concise links for any active webpage effortlessly.


Capsulink stands out as a comprehensive link management platform, offering a diverse array of features tailored for modern marketers and businesses. It goes beyond simple link shortening, providing an array of tools for optimizing, tracking, and enhancing link performance.

Features Pricing Plans
Link analysisPro – $10 /month
Business – $40 /month
Ultimate – $160 /month
URL shortening API
Cross-platform tracking
QR code generation

One of Capsulink’s standout features is its branding and customization options, allowing users to create visually appealing, branded links that resonate with their audience. From customizable domains to advanced branding elements, Capsulink enables users to elevate their brand’s online presence and credibility. 

6. Sniply


Sniply is a handy tool for managing links and boosting social media engagement. It lets marketers add eye-catching calls to action to the articles and pages they share. 

With Sniply, you can easily share links, keep tabs on performance, and see how engaged your audience is. It’s designed to amp up conversions by letting you customize, curate content, tweak code, gather data, and integrate smoothly.

Features Pricing Plans
Custom URL shortenerBASIC – $9 /mo
PRO – $29 /mo
BUSINESS – $59 /mo
ENTERPRISE – Custom pricing
Call-to-action URL shortener
Link management and analytics
Conversion optimization

BL.INK offers a comprehensive platform for link management, tracking, and performance evaluation, showcasing insights through reports or seamless integration with tools like Google and Adobe. Its open API facilitates smooth integration with other systems, catering to organizations of all sizes while prioritizing security through customizable user access and top-tier features.

Moreover, BL.INK enables measurement and monitoring of engagement touch points across journeys, allows keyword editing, and provides graphical insights into click patterns across specific timeframes and geographical locations.

Features Pricing Plans
Reporting and statisticsExpert- $48/mo
SMB- $99/mo
Team- $299/mo
Business- $599/mo
Campaign management
Third-party integration
Customizable branding

8. Rebrandly


Rebrandly stands as a dependable link management solution tailored for enterprises, organizations, and marketing professionals seeking seamless tracking and sharing of shortened URLs. It simplifies the process for teams to craft, organize, and effortlessly distribute branded links.

Features Pricing Plans
Link retargetingLite – $13/mo
Popular – $32/mo
Professional – $99/mo
Enterprise – starts from $625/mo
Custom domains and slugs
Bulk link creation and editing
Link Gallery

Furthermore, Rebrandly extends individuals and companies the opportunity to shorten and personalize the links they share, utilizing a designated domain name of their preference.


Related: 9 Best Alternatives of Rebrandly For Agencies 

9. t2m


t2m stands out as an exceptional URL shortener offering branded links, leveraging concise links to enhance your brand’s visibility. Its custom URL-shortening platform combines various functionalities seamlessly. 

Whether you aim to highlight your domain, set up redirects, or craft personalized vanity links, t2m is worth exploring. Its array of features extends well beyond those of a typical online link shortener, offering a comprehensive toolkit for brand enhancement and link management.

Features Pricing Plans
URL managementBASIC – $5 one-time
STANDARD – $9.99 /mon
PRO $29.99
PREMIUM – $89.99
Branding & APIs
Campaign management
Detailed Analytics

10. Linktree

Linktree simplifies sharing multiple links by creating a single, customizable landing page. It’s a handy tool for individuals and businesses, allowing them to showcase various links—like social profiles, articles, and websites—using one easy-to-access page.

FeaturesPricing Plans
Consolidates multiple linksFree – $0
Starter – $5Pro – $9 per month
Premium – $2 /month
Customizable landing page
Simplifies social media links
Directs users to diverse URLs

Linktree helps organize content in a neat and personalized way, making it effortless for visitors to explore different online destinations from a single link. It’s a popular choice for improving social media bio links, giving users a smart and simple way to present a range of content without any constraints.

Related: 10 Best Bio Link Tools For 2024| Reviews & Pricing

Final verdict

This is the day and age of digital marketing tools. And almost everyone has a social handle or website promoting themselves or their business.

With that being said, URLs play an essential role in engaging your target audience. Hence, marketers need a tool that can make link management easier for them or their business.

There are so many link management tools that can help manage and grow your business. A complete link management solution that fits your needs and budget.

Replug is a Superman in the link management industry – offering a variety of premium solutions that boost your link performance through branding & promotion. 

However, keep in mind that if you’re a startup or mid-tier business, it’s smart to start with free trials to check if a tool suits your brand’s needs before committing financially.

Conclusively, I would recommend you get started with Replug, as it’s way more than just a common link management tool.

Replug stands out as the premier link management tool, offering comprehensive features often missing in other tools, coupled with cost-effective pricing options.

Consider features like branded links, analytics, ease of use, and integration capabilities.

The cost of a link management tool varies widely, from free options to premium plans depending on features and usage.

Common benefits include enhanced branding through branded links, improved analytics for link performance, streamlined link organization, and increased click-through rates.

Khadija Anwar
I am Khadija Anwar, B2B Copywriter. I started my career as a freelance writer in 2019 and built a strong portfolio. I have crafted multiple blogs, website content, fashion magazines, news outlets, SEO content, and technical documentation. Last but not least, my favorite cartoon character is Dopey Dwarf, resembling my real-life character- calm, happy, and lively.

Best URL Shorteners For 2024 – Features, Pricing, Reviews & More

Farwa Anees
9 minutes

No one likes those long, complex URLs – They look weird, can be unsafe, tough to share, might not fit social bio, can’t be optimized for mobile use, and cause various issues.

To tackle these hurdles, consider using a URL shortener — a handy tool that transforms lengthy URLs into more manageable ones.

Beyond saving space, URL shorteners offer diverse features like click tracking, link customization, UTM tags, security and reliability, compatibility with phones and desktops, and much more.

These tools have gained popularity, especially since social media platforms and messaging apps limit post characters. But with so many options available, knowing which URL shortener is the best for your needs can be difficult.

For your help, we have shortlisted some of the best URL shorteners of 2024, with features, reviews, pricing, and what sets them apart. Keep reading to learn more…

Best URL-Shortener Meme

In recent years, the URL shortening tools have seen a great growth. After a detailed research, we have found the below 6 link shorteners to be the best, as they are complete link management solutions in terms of pricing, features, user friendliness and customer reviews.

ToolBest ForAgency Plans
ReplugComplete link management solution with high-end features and low cost$79 /mo
BitlyWidely recognized URL shortening with robust analytics$199 /mo
RebrandlyFocus on link branding and customization$99/mo
PixelmeRenowned for retargeting pixels$400/month
Bl.INKFeature-rich URL shortening with advanced tracking and analytics$599/mo
CuttlyStraightforward link shortening with detailed analytics$99 /mo

Note: Find out the detailed features, pricing, and reviews of these link shorteners in the “Top 6 URL Shorteners” section of the blog. However, if you are looking for even more, you may explore other URL shorteners at the bottom of the blog that didn’t end up in the top 6 list. 

10 reasons to use a URL shortener – Buyers guide

First time making a purchase or even switching from one brand to another. Using a URL shortener offers numerous advantages across different areas, making it a valuable asset for anyone.

Here’s why it’s the ultimate advantage for your specific needs.

  1. Tracks the number of impressions, clicks & conversions
  2. Cut short complex URLs to more recognizable ones. Thus, improves web traffic, CTR and conversion rates
  3. Custom short links boost brand promotion and brand reach
  4. Short URLs take less character space, hence are best for SMS & social bios
  5. Branded URLs are easier to share and remember, which means enhanced brand recalls.
  6. Improves user experience through smooth navigation.
  7. Improve SEO efforts by optimizing long random URLs with branded keywords.
  8. Get data in the form of reports, helping content creators and businesses make informed decisions
  9. Rotate links to preferred link destinations on a specific date, time or location.
  10. Feature rich URL shorteners offer multiple ways to use a short link. Create personalized bio landing pages, generate QR codes of any shortened link, A/B test performance of multiple URLs etc.

Related: How to Create an SEO-Friendly URL: Ultimate Tips

What to consider when choosing a URL shortener?

With the CAGR of 19.7 till 2031 and the growing demand for personalized user experiences, has made URL shorteners to be a must have tool for brands, agencies and content creaters.

Whereas, picking the right URL shortener can be tough with so many options out there, each with its own perks. To make the best choice, it’s important to consider the following points when checking out URL shorteners:

1. User-friendly

One of the primary considerations when choosing a URL shortener is its user interface. A streamlined interface that simplifies shortening links enhances the overall user experience.

The interface design and functionality should prioritize ease of use, allowing users to generate shortened URLs quickly and effortlessly. However, the integrations with other tools and platforms you’re already using and compatibility across devices and browsers further add to its usability.

2. Cost efficiency

Pricing is a key consideration when choosing a URL shortener. Be sure to evaluate the cost of each service and consider what features are most important to you when making your decision.

While free options are enticing, they might come with constraints that limit their utility, making premium versions with additional features more appealing for businesses or advanced users.

Also Read: Top 5 Paid URL Shorteners Worth Paying For!

3. Customization options

Customization options are essential because they allow you to personalize your shortened URLs. Adding branded domains or specific keywords reinforces brand identity. 

However, this can be particularly useful if you’re using them for branding, specific campaigns, or content categories, as it allows you to make your links more recognizable and memorable.

url-tracking- analytics

Link analytics is a key feature when choosing a URL shortener. The ability to track clicks, conversions, and other key metrics can help you understand the performance of your campaigns and make data-driven decisions about your marketing efforts.

Related: How to Build a Custom Audience through URL Tracking

5. Security

Security is a critical consideration when choosing a URL shortener. A reliable URL shortener should prioritize link safety and protection against malicious activities. Encryption, expiration features, and measures to prevent link manipulation ensure the integrity and safety of shared links.

Moreover, privacy considerations, such as the handling of user data and adherence to data protection regulations, are vital for individuals and businesses concerned about confidentiality.

Top 6 URL shorteners for 2024

1 – Replug

Replug -URL shortener

The first and most top-notch URL shortener is Replug – An all-in-one link management tool for agencies and marketing pros with cost-effective pricing. With this handy tool, users can shorten branded URLs, do A/B testing, create catchy CTAs, set up white-label boards, build bio-links, and more.

Top Features

  • Link management 
  • White-label 
  • Link tracking
  • Retargeting pixels
  • CTA 
  • Bio-links 
  • And more 

Unlike its competitors, replug also has a Chrome extension and web app. It also provides additional benefits such as link-retargeting, link history, high-end customer support, tracking individual links, bulk link creation, and viewing related analytics on a dashboard.

With Replug, you can even track the performance of specific marketing campaigns in specific locations. All in all, it’s the perfect fit for businesses of all sizes and industries.


  • Basic: $19 / Month (with free trial)
  • Professional (Most Popular): $49 / Month (with free trial)
  • Agency: $79 / Month (with free trial)
Pros Cons 
Advanced analytics for in-depth insightsCurrently, no freemium plan is available
Link retargeting options
Customizable short links
Complete link management solution
User-friendly interface

Reviews and Ratings

Here’s what customers have to say about Replug:

Link Management Made Easy

Your go to link management tool for CTAs, branded and bio links, QR Codes, tracking and retargeting.

Get Started for FREE!
link management made easy

2 – PixelMe


PixelMe is a mighty URL shortener designed to help you track and optimize your online advertising campaigns. It allows you to shorten your links and add tracking pixels to them, providing valuable insights into your campaigns’ performance. 

With its user-friendly interface, real-time analytics, and integrations with popular advertising tools, Pixelme is a complete solution for anyone looking to take their online advertising to the next level.

Related: Check out the best Pixelme alternatives 


  • Growth: $99 / Month
  • Scale: $149 / Month
  • Elite: $240 / Month
Pros Cons 
Custom DomainDo not offer agency features
Link analyticsBrowser Extensions 
Browser extensions Branding on micro landing pages
No white-label 

Reviews and Ratings

Capterra Ratings 4.7/ 5

Here’s what customers have to say about Pixelme:

PixelMe Review

3 – Rebrandly


Rebrandly is a state-of-the-art URL-shortening solution with a host of features. With this digital tool, you can craft custom, branded, and concise links that are memorable and easily shareable across various social media platforms.

Preferred for team collaboration and allows you to set up multiple workspaces and invite team members, making it an excellent choice for team-based URL-shortening needs. Additionally, it boasts advanced features such as link retargeting support, making it a well-rounded and versatile solution.

Also Read: How to Disguise a Link Using a URL Shortener?


  • Lite: $12 / Month
  • Essential: $28 / Month
  • Professional: $85 / Month
Focus on link branding and customization.It may not have as robust analytics as others.
Branded short links.Pricing may be higher for branding features.
Enhances brand visibility.
Suitable for businesses.

Reviews and Ratings

Capeterra Ratings 4.7/ 5

Here’s what customers have to say about Rebrandly:

Related: 9 Best Alternatives of Rebrandly For Agencies 

4 – Bitly


Bitly is a widely used tool to shorten URLs, making them more manageable. Alongside URL shortening, Bitly includes a QR code generator and the sought-after ‘link-in-bio’ feature, commonly preferred by social media influencers and businesses. While these features are free, they come with Bitly branding.

Opting for the paid version unlocks added advantages, including link retargeting, access to link history, dedicated customer support, and the capability to track individual links and their related analytics via a user-friendly dashboard. 

Related: 9 Bitly Competitors That Agencies Should Try Out


  • Starter: $8 / Month
  • Basic: $29 / Month
  • Premium: $199 / Month
Widely recognized and trusted.Does not offer as many advanced features as some competitors.
Robust link analytics.Limited customization options.
Purposeless free tier

Reviews and Ratings

Capeterra Ratings 4.8/ 5

Here’s what customers have to say about Bitly:

Bitly Review

BL.INK is an all-in-one platform that handles links, keeps track of them, and gauges how well they’re doing. It shows how links perform either through reports or by working together with tools like Google and Adobe. 

Plus, it easily combines with other systems using its open API. It fits small to large organizations and ensures security with top-notch features and customizable user access


  • Expert: $48 / Month
  • SMB: $99 / Month
  • Team: $299 / Month
  • Business: $599 / Month
Pros Cons 
Feature-rich URL-shortening tool.Pricing may be higher for the feature set.
Easy to use.Can be a bit buggy at times. 
Suitable for data-driven marketing

Reviews and Ratings

Capterra 4.7/ 5

Here’s what customers have to say about BL.Ink:

Blink Review

6 – Cutt.ly


Cuttly is a comprehensive link management platform offering advanced URL-shortening services and other features. With its built-in link analytics, you can monitor clicks on shortened URLs and measure their effectiveness. 

Cuttly offers a user-friendly interface, making it an excellent tool for beginners and experts, no matter the size of your company or your role as a blogger or marketer. If you ever need assistance, it provides support with an average email response time of two to 24 hours.

Related: Grow your business with branded short URL links


  • Single Monthly: $25 / Month
  • Team Monthly: $99 / Month
  • Team Enterprise Monthly: $149 / Month
Pros Cons 
Customizable short links.Limited branding options.
Detailed analytics.In-app purchases are highly paid
Straightforward link shortening

Reviews and Ratings

Capterra 4.2/ 5

Here’s what customers have to say about Cuttly:

Cuttly Review

Which is the best URL shortener?

Our top pick for the best URL shortener is Replug – an all-rounder link management tool for shortening branded URLs, adding pixels for retargeting, embedding call-to-action, and building bio-links for social media. With the option of white label, highly affordable pricing, and other rich features, making Replug the best platform for brand marketing and promotion using URLs.

Shorten your links, amplify your brand.

Create shareable, trackable and fully customizable branded urls. Get more clicks with absolute link management features such as Bio Links, retargeting, deep Links, CTA’s and more.

Learn More!
fully customizable bio link
  1. Get Your Best Link For Sharing: Get a link to any website you want your audience to share. You do not need to be affiliated with that website at all. It can be a blog post, a news article, or something from any website.
  1. Replug Will Help In Creating an Optimized Link: Choose a call-to-action type that can be a connect button, an opt-in form, or a retargeting pixel. Then, personalize the call-to-action message and appearance.
  1. Let Your Audience Explore It: On social media networks, email newsletters, or whatever else you want, simply share the new shortened connection. On the chosen tab, anyone who visits the connection will see your call to action.
  1. Boost Up Your Engagement: To get more traffic, followers, and leads, share more links. Measure your success by analyzing users, clicks, and conversions from the platform’s analytics.

Related: How to add utm code to the URL using a link shortener?

We’ve highlighted some of the top and widely used URL shorteners above. However, if you’re seeking alternative options, consider the following ones listed below:

Here’s the list:

Common Link Shorteners
Chit Link

Related: Best Link Management Tools of 2023.


URL shorteners make lengthy URLs more concise and visually appealing. They are easier to share, track, and manage across various platforms, especially in limited-character settings like social media posts.

Most URL shorteners include security measures to protect links from malicious activities. They often use encryption and other security protocols to ensure the safety and integrity of shared links.

What features should I look for in a URL shortener?

Consider features like link customization, analytics, branding options, reliability, ease of use, and compatibility with different devices and platforms when choosing a URL shortener.

URL shorteners typically provide analytics tools that track click-through rates, user engagement, geographic data, and conversion rates to assess the effectiveness of shortened links.

Can I customize shortened URLs to match my brand?

Yes, many URL shorteners allow customization, enabling users to create branded and memorable short links by using custom domains or adding specific keywords.

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Farwa Anees
Farwa is a Digital Marketer who likes to share her insights and experiences via writing. She likes to test and experience new eras in marketing and share them through blog writing.

Branded Links vs. Short Links: Which is Right for Your Brand?

Arslan Jadoon
6 minutes

Have you ever shared an interesting post, recommended a funny video, or perhaps even critiqued an article that missed the mark? We’ve all been there. But what you might not realize is that the way you share these online treasures can significantly impact your brand.

If you’ve been using plain, generic short links to share content, it’s time to take a closer look. By doing so, you could inadvertently be promoting other brands instead of your own.

We’re going to cut through the noise and discuss the difference between branded vs. short links. We’ll help you understand the implications of your choice and how it can affect your brand’s online identity. So, let’s get straight to it! 

A short link, also known as a short URL, is a compressed version of a long web address or URL. Short links are created to simplify lengthy URLs, making them easier to share, remember, and use, especially in contexts where character limits are a concern, such as social media or printed materials.

Short links typically redirect users to the original, longer URL when clicked. They are especially useful for sharing links on platforms like Twitter, where character limits for a single tweet are in place. Instead of using a long and cumbersome URL, you can generate a short link that directs users to the intended web page.

A branded link, also known as a custom short link or a vanity URL, is a type of shortened URL that includes a brand’s or organization’s name or a custom keyword as part of the link. Unlike generic short links that use a random combination of characters and numbers, branded links are customized to reflect the brand’s identity, making them more recognizable and trustworthy to users.

Branded links are a fantastic choice for businesses and individuals looking to enhance their online branding, improve user engagement, and create a polished and trustworthy online presence. 

Branded links can indeed offer several advantages, especially when it comes to strengthening your brand identity and increasing user trust. They are valuable for businesses and individuals looking to create a cohesive online presence and improve user engagement. 

The choice between branded links and short links eventually depends on your specific goals and the context in which you plan to use them. Let’s explore the benefits of each:

  • Strong brand identity: Branded links reinforce your brand identity, incorporating your brand name or a custom keyword. This can boost brand recognition and user trust.
  • Higher click-through rates: Branded links often have higher click-through rates as they appear more trustworthy and relevant to users.
  • Enhanced user experience: They offer a user-friendly and memorable link, making it easier to recognize and share.
  • Consistency: Branded links maintain a consistent brand image across different online platforms.
  • Analytics: You can track the performance of branded links and gain valuable insights into user engagement.
  • Conciseness: Short links are compact and ideal for contexts with character limits like social media or text messages.
  • Space-saving: They save space in printed materials, enhancing aesthetics and usability.
  • Universal use: Short links are versatile and can be used for various types of content.

The choice depends on your priorities:

Branded Links: If strengthening your brand identity, increasing trust, and improving user recognition are important to you, branded links are an excellent choice. They excel in marketing campaigns and content sharing where branding matters.

Short Links: If brevity and saving space are paramount, short links are suitable, especially in platforms with character constraints. They shine when the focus is on the content rather than the link.

Let’s take a look at how some of the most popular brands use branded links to their advantage:

  1. The New York Times – nyti.ms

The renowned newspaper, The New York Times, simplifies sharing long article URLs on social media and beyond by using the branded link nyti.ms. This branded link not only shortens the URL but also reinforces the brand’s identity with every click.

branded links
  1. Nike – swoo.sh

When it comes to sports and lifestyle, Nike is a household name. They utilize the branded link swoo.sh to create a memorable link for their products and promotions. This reinforces the Nike brand with every shared link.

branded links
  1. Amazon – amzn.to

E-commerce giant Amazon opts for the branded link amzn.to to shorten product URLs. This not only saves space in printed materials but also keeps the focus on their products rather than the URL itself.

branded links
  1. Coca-Cola – cokeurl.com

Coca-Cola, a global beverage icon, maintains brand consistency by using branded links like cokeurl.com. This approach ensures that every link shared aligns with their brand image.

branded links
  1. Starbucks – sbux.co

Coffee giant Starbucks utilizes branded links with the domain sbux.co to simplify the sharing of promotional content. This reinforces their brand identity and keeps their links looking clean and professional.

branded links

Shorten your links, amplify your brand.

Create shareable, trackable and fully customizable branded urls. Get more clicks with absolute link management features such as Bio Links, retargeting, deep Links, CTA’s and more.

Learn More!
fully customizable bio link

Are you ready to start using branded links for your own brand? Replug, a powerful URL shortening and branding tool, simplifies the process of creating custom short branded links. Let’s walk through the steps to create these links and amplify your brand’s reach.

Adding your custom domain

The first step in creating branded links with Replug is to incorporate your custom domain. While Replug provides a default shortener domain (rplg.co), using your custom domain strengthens your brand identity and reputation. 

Also read: What is a Branded Short Domain and How Do I Get One?

Follow these steps to add your custom domain:

Step 1: Access custom domains

  • Open your Replug dashboard and navigate to “Settings.”
  • Select “Custom Domains” from the dropdown menu.

Step 2: Add a new domain

  • Click on “Add Domain” to begin setting up your custom short URL.

Step 3: Connect the custom domain

  • On the next screen, provide essential details, including your custom domain and settings like the 404 redirect URL and branded domain.
  • Click “Connect” to add your custom domain to your Replug account.

Step 4: Manage your custom domain

  • After successfully connecting your custom domain, you can manage it within your Replug account. Check connectivity status, edit domain settings, or delete domains as needed.

Note: To complete the domain setup, don’t forget to point the CNAME in your domain registrar’s DNS. Depending on your registrar, you might need to use “@” or “www” as the HOST value.

With your custom domain integrated into Replug, you’re now ready to create your custom-branded link. Here’s how:

  • Once logged into your Replug dashboard, select “Select your campaign” to start a new campaign.
  • You’ll find the custom domain you just created within your campaigns.
  • Paste the original link you want to shorten in the “URL to shorten” section.
  • Click “Create” to generate a custom shortened URL.
Custom link

Also read: How to Create a Short URL: Step-by-Step Guide

Step 6: Customize your shortened URL

  • Enjoy the flexibility to customize your shortened URL. Select an alias or keyword to incorporate into the link, making it memorable and aligned with your brand.
  • Click “Update” to generate your custom shortened URL.

Step 7: Share and monitor

  • Utilize your custom-shortened URL in marketing materials, social media posts, emails, or any content where you want to promote your link.
  • Monitor the performance of your custom shortened URLs using Replug’s comprehensive analytics and tracking features, which provide insights into clicks, user location, referrals, and more.

Branded Short Links

Create and track branded short links for your business for better conversions.

Brand Your Links Now!
Branded Short Links


A branded link includes your brand name or a custom keyword, making it more recognizable and trustworthy. Short links, on the other hand, are simply shortened versions of long URLs, often generated randomly.

Branded links enhance your brand identity, boost user trust, and increase brand recognition. They also offer a more user-friendly and memorable link for sharing.

Branded links tend to be perceived as more trustworthy by users because they include a recognizable brand name, which can reduce suspicions of spam or phishing.

Yes, you can track branded link performance. Most branded link services offer analytics and tracking features to monitor clicks, geographic data, and more.

Arslan Jadoon
Meet Arslan, a skilled website blog and content writer who combines creativity and expertise to deliver engaging and informative pieces that captivate audiences.

7 Best Link Trackers for Any Marketer

Hassaan Khan
10 minutes
1Replug Link Tracking & Management Tool
2Short io Link Tracker
3Bitly URL Shortener
4Rebrandly- Branded Link Management
7Red Track- Tracking Automation Tool
6Click Magik-Click Tracking
7Link Trackr- Link Cloaking & Tracking

Digital marketing is changing at a fast pace. Most marketers try to keep up with the innovation and adapt accordingly. However, some of them miss out on a number of things.
One of those essentials is URL tracking. If it doesn’t ring a bell, then you probably need to listen to me right now. Otherwise, some competitors who’re tracking their links might have a competitive advantage over you.
Since you haven’t had a chance to learn about the basics of link tracking, I’ll start from scratch and tell you everything you need to know.

Link tracking software is a tracking tool that tracks user activity by tracking clicks and conversions on the links. Further, providing users with an in-depth report on the clicks’ origin, CTR, traffic source, and other metrics.

A link tracker is used to analyze the performance of your URLs. It is an essential tool for brand marketeers that are constantly involved in sharing links on social media.

With the link analytics data, you can analyze performance on the base of clicks, conversions, demographics, etc.

One of the other benefits of link tracking is that marketers, bloggers, and webpreneurs get the idea of how their content or marketing campaigns are performing. They can also analyze which campaign is outsmarting the other ones.

URL tracking comes in handy in email marketing, social media marketing, affiliate link cloaking for product promotion, social media advertising, and website visitor tracking.

I hope it clarifies these queries. Now let’s head over to some tips about choosing the best link-tracking tool.

Link Tracker

Here are the features/options you should look out for when picking a link-tracking software for your business:

1. Data tracking features

  • If there is no clickability data in a link tracker, then there is no point in using it. The fundamental reason to use a link tracker is to analyze the clicks they’re getting on their links.
  • Conversion analysis is yet another important feature for link tracking. The URL tracking campaign goes to the next level if the reporting tool could analyze the action being taken after the clicks and record the conversion. This feature might only be able in top-notch link management tools.
  • Real-time reporting refers to reporting actions as they happen without any delay. Most link-tracking softwares have a delayed reporting system. However, real-time reporting is a huge plus in link tracking tools.
  • Traffic source is another key feature to analyze where your traffic is coming from. Some tools have in-depth analytics that track and report what kind of operating system, devices, location of users clicking on your links.

2. Integration capabilities

One of the best features to look out for in link trackers is whether or not it integrates with the industry’s other digital marketing and SAAS tools. It’ll be a bummer if a link tracker fails to connect with other marketing tools.

3. Simple user interface & easy campaign management

  • Make the users feel at home with a simple user interface. Users who cannot find the options on their dashboard screen tend to get bored of it and look for an alternative. So remember that a friendly-user interface is a big deal.
  • Campaign management is a feature that allows users to create and manage URL tracking within the campaigns. It immensely helps marketers to manage and track URL campaigns for different brands. Replug, the fastest-rising link management tool, has a campaign feature that makes it easier for users to manage different campaigns by creating short URLs.

4. Affordable pricing

One can’t choose an online marketing tool without seeing the monthly or annual price. A lot of users choose an alternative tool just because of a high price of an online tool.

5. Reputation

Buyers often check out the reviews of existing users. Plus, they check social media for the product/brand reputation before they put out their credit card information. So, always take a look at the reviews of users before making your final choice.

6. A/B testing facility

A/B testing is the feature that helps users compare two versions of the same thing to see which one outperforms the other. The best link trackers have this feature, allowing users to split-test two or more links to see which one performs better.

We have compiled this list after great research so that you don’t have to spend time researching and you can get on with the list to try what suits your individual or business needs.

1. Replug

Replug- URL Shortener Video

A complete link tracker and link manager that comes with enhanced capabilities. The primary functions of the tool are URL-shortening and link tracking, providing several handy solutions for marketers. It’s a powerful link management solution for brands and marketers to create, manage, and track short URLs.

Apart from click & conversion tracking, elevate your social media marketing ad campaigns with Replug. The link management tool allows you to add pixel codes of your favorite social platforms to Replug. Then run your retargeting campaigns and build custom audiences when anyone clicks on your shortened retargeting link.


Furthermore, Replug integrates with several email marketing services, lead generation tools, and retargeting platforms flawlessly. All in all, it’s an excellent platform to set up your link-tracking campaign.

Top Features:

⦁ It’s an easy-to-use link management tool
⦁ Users can connect their custom domains
⦁ It provides branded short URL facility
⦁ Every shortened URL can be tracked
A/B testing helps split test two versions of the URL
⦁ Add UTM codes to the URLs to track visitors sources and other details
⦁ Create short bio links for social media platforms
⦁ Convert offline audience into website traffic through QR codes
⦁ Retarget the audience that clicks on your short links through social media ads
Deep links allow users to seamlessly navigate to in-app sections without logging in

Replug pricing plan:

Replug has three plans:

Free Trial: Start your 14-day free trial account – no credit card required.

Basic plan$19 per month10000 clicks and unlimited links
Professional plan$49 per month50,000 tracked clicks, unlimited campaigns & retargeting links, 25 bio links and more.
Agency plan$79 per month200000 unlimited campaigns, links and advanced features

Note: Pricing may vary. You can always verify the pricing plans by going to the pricing pages.

2. Short.io

Short.io is a popular URL shortening tool that offers a number of link management services. It lets marketers and brands create personalized, short branded URLs without any hassle.
Furthermore, it integrates with several marketing tools such as Zapier, Slack, Google Tag Manager, Adroll, and others.

Top features of Short.io:

⦁ It lets you track clicks in real-time
⦁ Users can add custom domains for branded short URLs
⦁ Campaign tracking is available for all users
⦁ Apps developers and brands can create deep links
⦁ It provides API access for developers


Free Trial: Every paid plan has a 7-day free trial

Basic plan$19 per month50,000 tracked clicks and limited features
Professional plan$49 per month50 custom domains, unlimited tracked clicks and branded links.
Agency plan$149 per monthadvanced features, unlimited custom domains, tracked clicks and branded links etc.

3. Bitly

Bitly is one of the most popular URL shorteners on the market. It started as a URL shortener but transformed into a full-fledged link management tool.
It has mobile apps for Android and iOS users to manage their links on the go. Plus, it integrates with several SAAS and digital marketing tools. Moreover, it has Chrome, Edge, and Firefox browser extensions for users.

Bitly Short Video

Top features of Bitly

⦁ Bitly allows users to add custom domains for customized branded short URLs
⦁ It shortens the long and clunky URLs with ease
⦁ It lets users create QR codes for links
⦁ Link tracking and reporting make it easier to analyze the links’ performance
⦁ Users can create link-in-bio short links for social media platforms


It has three paid plans:

Free Trial: Bitly has a free plan that allows 10 Bitly short links per month

Starter plan$8 per month200 branded links and limited QR code customizations and scan data
Basic plan$29 per month1500 branded links, advanced QR code customizations, complimentary custom domain and more
Premium plan$199 per month3000 branded links and advanced features such as region base click and conversion statistics.

4. Rebrandly

Rebrandly is one of the reputable names in the URL shortening and link management genre. Its high-quality service, diversified features, and affordable pricing make it a good choice for marketers.
It covers all the bases when it comes to link tracking for brands and marketers. Moreover, it integrates with over 100 tools, SAAS products, and software.

Top features of Rebrandly:

⦁ Workspaces option allows marketers to share ULRs with teammates
⦁ Easily connect multiple custom domains to your Rebrandly account
⦁ Access customized analytics for short links through custom reports
⦁ Deep linking and traffic routing could help a brand smoothly navigate and test their audience
⦁ Retargeting allows brands to remarket the people who have clicked on the short URLs
⦁ Talk to the dedicated account manager for help or advice


Rebrandly has four paid plans:

Free Trial: Start a free trial that provides 25 branded short links per month

Lite plan$13 per month250 branded links and 1 custom domain
Essential plan$32 per month1500 branded links, 3 custom domains, 404 redirects, nded links, advanced QR code customizations, complimentary custom domain and more
Enterprise plan$625 per month20000+ branded links, 20+ custom domains and several advanced features, such as broken link management, deep linking, SSL, etc.

5. Red Track

RedTrack is a link-tracking software and affiliate marketing platform. It is designed to help businesses and marketers track the performance and effectiveness of their marketing campaigns, especially those involving affiliate marketing.

With RedTrack, users can create unique tracking links that they can use in their various marketing channels, such as social media, email campaigns, websites, and advertisements. These tracking links allow them to monitor the number of clicks, conversions, and other essential metrics to evaluate the success of their campaigns.

The platform provides in-depth analytics and reporting features, enabling users to gain insights into which campaigns and traffic sources are performing best.

Top features of Red Track

  • Create a tracking URL for each marketing campaign
  • Track conversions and events on your website or landing pages
  • Access real-time data and reports to monitor the performance
  • Conduct split tests to compare different campaigns
  • Target specific geographic locations and analyze performance data based on regions
  • Identify and mitigate fraudulent activities to ensure the accuracy of your tracking data
  • Generate comprehensive reports and customize them


The pricing plans of Red Tracker are as under:

Basic Plan$1,490/YearlyUnlimited tracking, 3 domains, free SSL and data storage for 18 months
Team Plan$2,490/YearlyWith everything in the basic plan, plus 2 additional users, unlimited domains, live-chat support, and 2-year data storage
Enterprise Plan$2,490/Yearlywith everything in the team plan, plus 10 additional users, unlimited domains, full API access, live-chat support and 3-year data storage, and more

6. Click Magik

ClickMagick is a sophisticated web-based tool extensively utilized by digital marketers, affiliate marketers, and online businesses for link tracking and comprehensive analytics. Its versatile features empower users to track, optimize, and gain valuable insights from their marketing campaigns across various channels.

What is ClickMagik?

Top features of ClickMagick:

  • ClickMagick enables users to create unique tracking links tailored to different marketing campaigns and traffic sources.
  • Users can accurately track and measure conversions occurring on their websites or landing pages.
  • The platform supports A/B split testing, allowing users to compare multiple variations of their campaigns.
  • It provides real-time data and reports, allowing users to monitor campaign performance as events happen.
  • Advanced bot filtering technology within ClickMagick helps detect and eliminate fraudulent or non-human clicks.
  • Users can set up their own branded tracking domains, enhancing their credibility and maintaining consistent branding in their marketing efforts.
  • ClickMagick provides a mobile app
  • ClickMagick’s geotargeting capabilities empower users to target specific geographical locations.


The pricing plans of Click Magic are mentioned below:

Free trial: They also offer a 14-day free trial.

Starter plan$49 per month10,000 clicks, real-time stats, 1 team member, 2 custom domains tracking, and 6-month data support
Standard plan$99 per month100,000 clicks, 3 team members, 10 custom tracking domains, 1-year data retention, cross-device tracking, mobile app, and more
Professional plan$199 per month1,000,000 clicks, 2-year data retention, unlimited custom domains, funnel tracking, team members, and more.

LinkTrackr is a powerful web-based platform that offers comprehensive link-tracking and marketing solutions. It allows users to track the performance of their marketing campaigns, efficiently monitor conversions, and optimize their marketing strategies.

Link Trackr Review by Digital Review
  • Easily shorten and cloak affiliate links with Link Trackr
  • Compatible with all popular affiliate networks
  • Rotate links and conduct split tests for landing pages or offers
  • Insert retargeting codes on any cloaked link
  • Implement redirects based on geographical location, click limits, and expiration dates


They have four different plans. i.e.

Basic plan$7 per month100 tracking links, 10000 clicks, default domains Etc.
Pro plan$17 per month500 tracking links, 50,000 clicks, pixel tracking Etc.
Hyper plan$27 per monthEverything you need, but with limitations including 1,000 tracking links,100,000 clicks, custom domain, split testing, link rotator, link cloaking and remarketing
Extreme plan$47 per month5,000 tracking links, 500,000 clicks, add custom domains, import affiliate CSV files,  split testing & link rotation and  pixel & postback tracking

Note: All the plans of Link Trackr are charged cumulatively annually.

I have used three link shorteners i.e. Replug, Bitly, and Goog.le.
The Goog.le from Google doesn’t exist now. However, there are thousands of alternatives available on the market.
I’m not going to lie; I have been using Replug for the past three years, and it has been exceptionally good. No offense to any other link-tracking tool, but Replug has been the best so far.
The reasons are multifold. Not only does it provide easy and effective URL shortening, but it also helps in tracking website visitors. Plus, the link analytics makes all the difference.
Furthermore, features like A/B testing, deep linking, retargeting, UTM parameters, and others take the link management strategy to the next level.
The integrations help marketers expand their digital engagement horizon without breaking the bank. Lastly, pricing is affordable, driving the buying decision in most cases.

Here are some popular questions about link-tracking tools:

Can you track a URL?

Yes, you can track a URL. All you need is to choose a set of tools to make it happen. Firstly, you need a link management tool like Replug to add UTM parameters and then you need something like Google Analytics to track the respective link.

The advanced URL tracking tools allow users to keep track of the geographic data of the link clickers. So it’s possible to track someone’s location but it only happens when they click or open the URL. It’s quite common in the email marketing industry. Most email marketing softwares report to the sender how many subscribers opened the email and where these openings have come from.

Don’t quote us on this because it’s difficult to say that every link-tracking software out there is safe and secure. However, most of the reputed and popular link trackers are safe to use. However, due diligence is always required before opting for a link tracker.

Hassaan Khan
Hassaan Khan is a freelance writer for SAAS companies, e-commerce stores, and niche websites. He has contributed to SEMrush, ThriveGlobal, BloggingCage, AllBloggingTips, and several other publications. He builds niche websites, publishes e-books, and helps website investors with his done-for-you niche site-building service.

What is Split Testing and How Does It Work: Ultimate Guide

Arslan Jadoon
8 minutes

Are you ready to take your marketing efforts to the next level?

Imagine a world where you could effortlessly uncover the most effective strategies to captivate your audience and drive better results. Well, the wait is over. Enter the game-changing technique known as split testing.

In this exciting guide, we’ll explore how split testing empowers you to compare different versions of your content and unlock insights that make a real impact. From emails that get opened to landing pages that convert, split testing holds the key to maximizing your marketing success.

Join us as we delve into the world of data-driven decision-making and discover the simple yet powerful art of split testing. Get ready to supercharge your marketing efforts and achieve remarkable results like never before. The future of your marketing success starts here!

What is split testing?


Split testing, also known as A/B testing, is a method used in marketing and experimentation to compare two or more versions of a webpage, email, advertisement, or other digital assets to determine which one performs better in achieving a desired outcome. The goal of split testing is to gather data and insights to make data-driven decisions and optimize the performance of marketing campaigns or user experiences.

Also read: 5 Top Link Rotators: Convert More With Traffic Routing & A/B Testing

AB testing vs split testing: What’s the difference?

No, there is no substantial difference between A/B testing and split testing. In fact, the terms “A/B testing” and “split testing” are often used interchangeably and refer to the same concept. Both involve comparing two or more variations of a webpage, email, or another marketing element to determine which version performs better in achieving a specific goal. 

Whether you refer to it as A/B testing or split testing, the underlying principle remains the same: conducting controlled experiments to optimize marketing efforts through data-driven decision-making.

Also read: How LinkedIn Retargeting Ads Work – A Complete Guide

How does split testing work?


Here’s how split testing typically works:

Identify the goal:

Clearly define the objective of the test. It could be increasing click-through rates, improving conversion rates, or any other specific metric you want to improve.

Create variants:

Develop multiple versions (variants) of the element you want to test. For example, if you’re testing a webpage, you may create two versions with different headlines, layouts, or call-to-action buttons. These variants should differ in one specific aspect (e.g., color, text, placement) while keeping other elements consistent.

Split traffic:

Direct a portion of your target audience or website visitors to each variant. This is usually done randomly or based on predetermined rules, ensuring a statistically significant sample size for accurate results.

Collect data:

As users interact with the different variants, data is collected on various metrics, such as click-through rates, conversion rates, bounce rates, or time spent on the page. This data helps you compare the performance of the variants and determine which one is more effective.

Also read: 7 Ways to Increase CTR for Better Conversion on the Website

Analyze results:

Use statistical analysis to evaluate the data and determine the significance of any observed differences between the variants. Statistical significance helps ensure that the results are not due to chance.

Implement the winning variant:

Based on the results, identify the variant that performed better and implement it as the default option or apply the insights gained to further optimize your marketing or user experience.

Repeat and iterate:

Split testing is an iterative process. Once you implement the winning variant, you can continue to test new variations, further refining your approach and continuously improving performance.

Split testing allows you to make informed decisions based on empirical evidence rather than relying on assumptions or guesswork. By testing different variations, you can understand what resonates best with your audience and make data-backed improvements to achieve your marketing goals.

Also read: From Likes to Love: Comprehensive Social Media Engagement Guide

6 Best split testing tools to use in 2023:

Here are some of the best split-testing tools to use in 2023:

  1. Google Optimize: 
split testing tools

Google Optimize is a free tool by Google that integrates seamlessly with Google Analytics. It offers A/B testing and personalization features, making it a versatile choice for small to medium-sized businesses.

  1. Optimizely: 
AB testing tools

Optimizely is a powerful and widely-used split testing platform. It offers a range of features, including A/B testing, multivariate testing, and personalization. Optimizely provides a user-friendly interface and robust reporting capabilities.

Also read: Unleashing Sales Success: The Best Sales Prospecting Tools of 2023

  1. VWO (Visual Website Optimizer): 
split testing tools

VWO is a comprehensive split testing and conversion optimization platform. It offers A/B testing, multivariate testing, heatmaps, and user behavior tracking. VWO provides an intuitive visual editor and detailed reporting.

  1. Replug:
AB testing tools

One of Replug’s standout features is A/B Testing, which allows users to experiment with different versions of their links to determine the most effective option. With Replug’s A/B Testing, users can create multiple variations of destination links, assign weights to each version, and analyze which performs best. 

This data-driven approach helps improve click-through rates, conversions, and overall campaign success.

Also read: 6 ways brands can use Replug to strengthen the customer’s journey

  1. Adobe Target: 
split testing tools

Adobe Target is a robust split testing and personalization tool. It integrates well with other Adobe Marketing Cloud products and offers advanced targeting and segmentation options. Adobe Target is suitable for large enterprises with complex testing requirements.

  1. Unbounce: 
split testing tools

Unbounce is primarily a landing page builder but also includes split testing functionality. It allows you to create and test different variations of landing pages to optimize conversions. Unbounce offers an intuitive drag-and-drop editor and solid analytics.

Remember to assess each tool based on your specific requirements, such as ease of use, integrations, statistical significance calculations, and cost. It’s also a good practice to explore customer reviews, request demos or trials, and consider the level of support provided by each tool before making a decision.

Also read: Campaign Tracking: Data-Driven Tools for Marketers

Split testing best practices:

When conducting split testing, it’s important to follow some best practices to ensure accurate results and make informed decisions. Here are some key split testing best practices to keep in mind:

1. Clearly define your goals:

Clearly outline the specific metrics or outcomes you want to improve through split testing. This will help you focus your efforts and measure the success of your experiments accurately.

2. Test one variable at a time:

To pinpoint the impact of individual changes, isolate and test one variable at a time. Changing multiple elements simultaneously can make it difficult to attribute the results to a specific factor.

3. Define a sample size and duration:

Determine the appropriate sample size and duration for your split tests. A larger sample size reduces the margin of error, while longer test durations account for potential variations over time.

Also read: A/B Testing Benefits, Examples & Other Factors To Consider

4. Randomize test groups:

Ensure that the distribution of test variations is randomized to minimize bias. Randomizing helps ensure that any differences in performance between variations are due to the changes being tested, rather than external factors.

5. Monitor statistical significance:

Use statistical significance calculations to determine if the observed differences in performance between variations are statistically significant. This helps you make confident decisions based on reliable data.

6. Segment your audience:

Consider segmenting your audience to gain insights into how different groups respond to variations. This can help you tailor your strategies and improve targeting based on specific user characteristics or behaviors.

7. Iterate and learn:

Split testing is an iterative process. Continuously analyze and learn from the results of your experiments. Use the insights gained to refine your strategies and implement further optimizations.

Also read: Starter’s Guide to Setup Facebook Custom Audience

8. Document and track changes:

Keep a record of the changes made during split testing, including the variations tested, results, and any insights gained. This documentation will help you learn from past experiments and inform future testing strategies.

9. Test on different devices and platforms:

Ensure that your split tests are conducted across various devices, browsers, and platforms to account for differences in user experiences. This helps validate the performance of variations across different user environments.

10. Consider long-term impact:

Remember to assess the long-term impact of changes made through split testing. Some variations may produce short-term gains but may not be sustainable or have a positive impact in the long run.

Also read: Top 22 Personal Branding Tools To Upscale Your Marketing


Why is split testing important in marketing?

Split testing is important because it allows you to make informed decisions based on actual data rather than assumptions. It helps you understand what resonates best with your audience, improve conversion rates, increase engagement, and ultimately maximize your marketing efforts.

What are the benefits of split testing?

Split testing provides several benefits, including identifying the most effective marketing strategies, optimizing conversion rates, improving user experience, increasing customer engagement, reducing bounce rates, and driving better overall campaign performance.

How can split testing improve conversion rates?

Split testing allows you to test different elements such as headlines, call-to-action buttons, visuals, layouts, or offers to determine which versions generate the highest conversion rates. By optimizing these elements based on data-driven insights, you can improve the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns and increase conversions.

What are some common elements to split tests?

Common elements to split test include headlines, copywriting, images, colors, call-to-action buttons, pricing, page layouts, forms, subject lines, and email templates. These elements can have a significant impact on user engagement and conversion rates.

How do you determine the sample size for a split test?

The sample size for a split test depends on various factors such as your desired level of statistical significance, the expected effect size, and the variability of your data. There are online calculators and statistical tools available that can help you determine an appropriate sample size.

What is statistical significance in split testing?

Statistical significance in split testing refers to the likelihood that the observed differences in performance between variations are not due to random chance. It helps determine if the differences you observe are statistically reliable and can guide you in making confident decisions based on the results.

How long should a split test run for?

The duration of a split test depends on factors like your traffic volume, the expected effect size, and the level of statistical significance you want to achieve. It is generally recommended to run a split test for a long enough duration to capture a representative sample size and to account for any variations over time.

What are some best practices for conducting split tests?

Best practices for split testing include clearly defining goals, testing one variable at a time, randomizing test groups, monitoring statistical significance, segmenting your audience, iterating and learning from results, and documenting changes for future reference.

What tools or platforms can I use for split testing?

There are several split testing tools available, such as Google Optimize, Optimizely, VWO (Visual Website Optimizer), Adobe Target, Convert, Unbounce, and Replug. These tools provide user-friendly interfaces, statistical analysis, and reporting capabilities to conduct split tests effectively.

Can split testing be used for different marketing channels, such as email marketing or paid advertising?

Yes, split testing can be applied to various marketing channels. For email marketing, you can test different subject lines, email content, or send times. In paid advertising, you can test different ad copy, visuals, targeting options, or landing pages. Split testing can be adapted to suit different marketing channels and optimize.

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Arslan Jadoon
Meet Arslan, a skilled website blog and content writer who combines creativity and expertise to deliver engaging and informative pieces that captivate audiences.

Role of Link Management in Building a Strong Online Presence

Hassaan Khan
10 minutes

In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for businesses and individuals alike. Whether you’re a small business owner trying to reach new customers or a freelancer looking to showcase your work, your online presence can make or break your success.

So what exactly does it take to build a strong online presence? There are many factors to consider, from creating high-quality content to engaging with your audience on social media. But one area that’s often overlooked is link management.

Links are the currency of the internet, and managing your links effectively can have a huge impact on your online presence. Links not only help users navigate your website, but they also signal to search engines that your content is valuable and authoritative.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the role of link management in building a strong online presence. We’ll look at how links affect your website’s visibility and authority, and show you how to manage your links effectively for maximum impact. So if you’re ready to take your online presence to the next level, read on!

Also read: Revamp Your Online Branding with Branded Short Links 

What is link management?


Link management refers to the process of organizing, tracking, and optimizing the links used in digital marketing campaigns. This includes managing links within websites, as well as links used in social media, email marketing, and other forms of online marketing.

Imagine you are a digital marketing strategist and your goal is to drive traffic to your website through various channels such as social media, email marketing, and online ads. To do this, you create different links that direct users to different pages on your website.

However, with so many links to manage, it can be challenging to keep track of which links are working effectively and which ones are not. This is where link management comes in.

Link management is like having a GPS system for your digital marketing campaign. It helps you navigate through the various channels, track your progress, and make adjustments along the way. With the right link management tool and strategies, you can optimize your links to improve your website’s search engine rankings, increase your click-through rates, and ultimately drive more conversions.

Why do companies need to use a link management tool?

E-commerce stores, affiliate marketers, and social media gurus need link management services to shorten the URLs, track clickability, and analyze conversion.

Bloggers and affiliate marketers do link management on the site level to make their affiliate product links look better.

So there are multiple reasons why a company needs a link management tool. Still, the crux is that nowadays, companies and influencers want to spearhead utilizing efficient tools as there is stiff competition in the market.

Popular URL shorteners allow users to generate short, branded URLs. It’s not rocket science. All you need is a URL shortener that flawlessly integrates with your website URL and helps you set up a short custom domain that is short and sweet. 

It offers several features that don’t only make your long URLs shorter but also drive social media traffic to your website. The key features include bio links, branded URLs, lead generation, and retargeting.

Also read: 8 Best Retargeting Platforms To Retarget Your Potential Audience

Want to get traffic, leads and sales with our all-in-one link management tool?

Talk to one of our experts to see how Replug can help you get the maximum return from your shared links.

Book a demo


Maximizing your online presence: Benefits of link management

Now you know what link management is and how companies and marketing experts utilize it to maximize social media output and organic traffic.

It’s time to head over to the benefits of link management to give you some perspective on what to expect from deploying a successful link management strategy.

Here are the benefits of link management:

1. Get statistical analytics

Replug-Link-Management-ToolStatistics and data are crucial to any digital marketing campaign, especially when social media or online advertising is involved. 

A huge benefit of link management is that it gives you access to the statistical analytics of your links. Once you’ve chosen a URL shortening tool and started using the short links, it must give you access to the statistics, such as:

  • Number of clicks on the URLs

It’s necessary to dive deep into the data to find out how many users clicked on the URLs. It doesn’t matter if you’re using a link management tool on social media or for affiliate links on the blog. The number of clicks on the links will determine how good your content marketing strategy and keyword targeting are. 

Also read: How to Track Clicks on a Link?

  • Understanding the audience through data

When a link management strategy is in place, it gives you insights into various elements that help you understand the type of website visitors or social media followers you’re gaining. The analytics provide you with user data on various parameters such as country, device, operating system, web browser, and search engine.

  • Run and monitor campaigns

Most URL shortening tools give you access to the clicks and source, so it helps you find out what specific campaign or source is sending you the most visitors. This would allow you to fine-tune your overall link strategy.

Also read: Track Your Success: How to Create a Tracking Link?

2. Improves branding

Branding is undeniably an important aspect of marketing. Not only does it sparks the brand’s creativity, but it also has a psychological angle to build a better online reputation.

Link management may have dozens of benefits, one of which is brand visibility. Here’s how short URLs do the trick:

  • Create branded URLs for a specific campaign

Branded Links in ReplugOne of the perks of having a link management strategy is that you can create branded URLs for specific campaigns. Have you ever seen discount landing pages of brands? They often use short URLs and highlight the campaign names in short links.

  • Branded URLs improve trust to click the link 

It’s been noticed that people don’t trust long URLs with parameters injected into them, and rightly so. Such long and funky URLs start to look suspicious. On the other hand, short and branded URLs show that the brand or the expert has taken the time to improve the URLs. Thus, most people are likely to trust such links. 

  • Increases engagement

It’s unlikely that social media audiences click on random long URLs from random sites they come across on social media. Therefore, short and branded URLs could easily increase engagement on social media as they seem legit and trustworthy.

Also read: Brand Consistency:  Build Brand Consistency Using Branded Links

3. Increase CTR and sales

Would you fancy an increase in sales and conversion on your website?

Well, there is a reason why companies like Amazon and others are making use of URL shorteners. 

One of the reasons why short URLs could increase click-through rates and sales are that the links look clean and simple. On the other hand, website visitors get annoyed by links with suspicious brand names or random long URLs with many parameters attached to them. 

However, it doesn’t happen on a whim. In fact, you would have to play smart to pull this off. There are certain ways to utilize short links to increase CTR and sales. Here are some of the areas where short links could come in handy:

Also read: Amazon Link Shortener: 10 Reasons For Amazon Sellers To Try

  • Bio links

bio-link-previewBio links offer a one-link solution to social media influencers. It lets you create a single-link custom landing page that displays all of your bio and social media channel links. The bio link goes into the Instagram, TikTok, or Twitter bio and lets people check out all social media links once they click on the bio link.

Also read: 7 Ways You Can Use Instagram Bio Links to Your Advantage

  • Deep links

Turn your marketing around using deep links. It allows mass branding opportunities for companies, celebrities, and influencers. Directly place users at in-app locations to increase conversions, follows, likes, and subscribers without the need to log in to the app. The smart links can determine and identify browsers, operating systems, apps, etc., to provide seamless navigation. For example, if the app is not installed, then the deep link will navigate the user to complete the pre-requisite steps to reach the destination URL.

Also read: A Quick Guide To Deep Linking & Its Benefits

  • QR code marketing

QR code marketingCreate QR codes for their social media or website links. The purpose of QR code marketing is to drive offline audiences to digital channels. For instance, QR codes could be printed on business cards or event invitations so that people scan them and find your web address or social media link.

Also read: A Complete Guide To Use QR Code Marketing

  • Pop-up Call-to-Actions

CTR with CTACreate and use custom CTAs, it provides an opportunity to display a pop-up CTA snippet when the end-user opens the URL. Suppose you grab a Forbes article, shorten the link, and share it on Twitter. When the audience would click the link and lands on the Forbes article, they’d also see a small pop-up snippet that could drive traffic back to your website.

Also read: How to Create a perfect Call-To-Action (CTA) For Maximum Conversion

4. Improve social following using Bio Links

Sabrina-Anns-bio-linkIt’s a fact that bio links are vital to improving your social media presence and increasing your social media followers. 

If you’re wondering how on earth you could improve your social media followers using bio links across different social media platforms, then keep reading.

When you’re using a short bio link generated through Replug, there are several reasons why it can improve your social media following. Let’s take a look at a few of them:

  • Cross-promote

The biggest benefit of a bio link is that you can cross-promote your social media accounts. Suppose you have more followers on Instagram as compared to Twitter. You can insert the Twitter profile link in the Instagram bio to let Instagram know that you’re active on Twitter as well. Or even better is that it also lets you create a custom landing page with multiple CTAs leading to your other socials and business pages.

Also read: How To Add A Instagram Link In Bio?

  • Trustworthiness

It’s far better to use short branded URLs than long and hefty URLs in the social media bio. People are likely to ignore those clunky links as they look suspicious, especially when they don’t know much about the user.

  • Increase engagement

Since you can use one link in the bio to showcase multiple social media links, it could get you more attention across different social media platforms. The reason is that more people would discover your other social media links when they click on the bio link.

Also read: How to add Amazon link to Instagram bio?

5. Short URLs are recognizable and shareable

No doubt, short URLs are easy to remember when people stumble upon them through blog posts or social media platforms. In fact, they’re recognizable when they’re seen on pamphlets or ad hoardings outdoors.

There is a reason why ad networks, affiliate companies, and e-commerce stores use short URLs. Moreover, several e-commerce businesses use custom short domains for their social media marketing so that their URLs don’t seem rubbish when shared on social media.

Also read: 8 Ways to Increase eCommerce Sales Using Social Media 

Performance analysis of Replug

I did some testing with Replug URL shortener. I took an article link and shortened it, and tweeted it once. 

Even though my Twitter engagement isn’t that great, I started seeing some clicks in Replug Analytics.

It made me realize two things. First, my Twitter following isn’t that dead. And the second is that Replug could generate extra traffic to my site just by using others’ content on social media after shortening the URL.

Also read: 5 Reasons To Start Using Link Shortener For TwitterReplug-Best-URL-Shortener

If you aren’t sure how short URLs from Replug can generate traffic from social media, then create a campaign in Replug, choose the campaign type as retargeting, and the widget as call-to-action (CTA)

Next is choosing the CTA type; you can go with a button, link, or form. Then, add a message headline, message body, CTA text, and link to drive traffic. 

Once you have created this campaign in Replug, the next time you choose this campaign while shortening the URL, your pop-up call-to-action will appear every time someone clicks the short URL to visit the website page.

Let’s conclude!

Link management is crucial to your social media marketing campaign. Branded short URLs are real, and if you keep on ignoring these social media marketing tactics, your competitors might take advantage of them.

I’ve explained what link management is and how brands and entrepreneurs can benefit from them. Since Replug is the go-to link management tool for me, I plugged it in without any hesitation whatsoever.

If you’re serious about social media, branding, and driving traffic to your website, then pay close attention to link management or short branded URLs. It could skyrocket your social media (website) traffic within a few months.


What is branded link management?

Branded link management is the practice of creating, managing, and tracking branded links for digital marketing campaigns. Branded links are shortened URLs that contain your brand name or a relevant keyword, making them more memorable and recognizable to your audience.

Can I use branded links on social media?

Yes, branded links can be used on social media platforms to promote your brand and drive traffic to your website. However, it’s important to comply with each platform’s guidelines and best practices for link sharing.

Why is link management important?

Effective link management is important for improving website traffic, search engine rankings, and overall campaign performance. By tracking and optimizing links, businesses can increase click-through rates, reduce bounce rates, and improve conversion rates.

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Hassaan Khan
Hassaan Khan is a freelance writer for SAAS companies, e-commerce stores, and niche websites. He has contributed to SEMrush, ThriveGlobal, BloggingCage, AllBloggingTips, and several other publications. He builds niche websites, publishes e-books, and helps website investors with his done-for-you niche site-building service.

 How to create a vanity URL?

Arslan Jadoon
4 minutes

Vanity URLs are a valuable tool for branding, marketing, and tracking efforts and can help to improve the overall user experience. This guide teaches you how to create a vanity URL in just a few simple steps and explains what making a vanity URL entails. So let’s begin!

Vanity URLs: how do you set them up?

Creating a vanity URL can make it easier to remember a web address and can also improve brand recognition. To create a vanity URL, you can either use a link management tool or a content management system (CMS).

  • A link management tool is a standalone platform that specializes in creating custom short links. You simply enter the long URL you want to shorten, and the tool generates a vanity URL.
  • A CMS, on the other hand, is a platform used to manage the content of a website. Some CMSs have built-in redirect functionality, but others may require a redirect plugin to create a vanity URL. To use a CMS to create a vanity URL, you would set up a redirect from the custom short link to the longer, original URL.

In either case, a vanity URL can be easily shared and is a useful tool for branding and marketing.

Also Read: What Is A Vanity URL & How To Track It?

How to create a vanity URL using a link management tool?

Creating a vanity URL using a link management tool has several benefits. 

  • A memorable URL can increase click-through rates and drive more traffic to a website.
  • Vanity URLs can be tracked and measured, enabling businesses to gain a deeper understanding of their campaigns. 
  • A link management tool can allow for the creation of multiple vanity URLs, making it easier to manage multiple campaigns and track their performance. 

Boost Your Marketing with Replug’s Vanity URL Builder

By using Replug’s Vanity URL Builder, businesses can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their marketing efforts, increase click-through rates, and drive more traffic to their website.

Here’s how to create a vanity URL using Replug:

Step 1: Sign in to Replug or create an account for free. 

Step 2: Select a campaign on the main dashboard page or create a new campaign by going to manage > campaigns > new campaign

Note: Creating a new campaign in Replug is a matter of seconds. Here’s how to create a new campaign. 


Increase your CTR with a Branded Link Now!

Replug Branded CTA

Step 3: Paste the URL in the “URL to shorten” section under the “select your campaign” section and click the create button. 

url to shorten

Step 4: Your vanity URL will be generated. You can customize the URL slug using the edit icon to fit your needs. 

edit icon

Also Read: How to Shorten a link using a URL shortener?

Step 5: Once done editing the URL, copy your new vanity URL, click the update button, and you’re done. 

Note: Find your vanity URL at the main dashboard > manage > replug links. 

update button

How to make your vanity URL more clickable?

To make your vanity URL more clickable using Replug, follow these steps:

Choose a short and memorable vanity URL: The shorter the URL, and the easier it will be for people to remember and click on it.

Use a relevant keyword: Use keywords relevant to the content behind the link so people know what they’re clicking on.

Use a recognizable brand name: If your brand has a recognizable name, use it in your vanity URL to build trust and make it more recognizable.

Create a custom domain: Replug allows you to create a custom domain for your short links, which can make your links look more professional and increase clicks.

Add a call-to-action (CTA): Adding a CTA to your vanity URL can encourage people to click on it. For example, “Click here to learn more” or “Get your discount now.”

Use UTM parameters: Utilize UTM parameters to track the performance of your links and make data-driven decisions about future link campaigns.

Test and iterate: Test your vanity URL and track its performance to see what’s working and what’s not. Make changes and improvements based on the data you collect.

Shorten your links, amplify your brand.

Create shareable, trackable and fully customizable branded urls. Get more clicks with absolute link management features such as Bio Links, retargeting, deep Links, CTA’s and more.

Learn More!
fully customizable bio link

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How to create a QR code for a URL?

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Arslan Jadoon
Meet Arslan, a skilled website blog and content writer who combines creativity and expertise to deliver engaging and informative pieces that captivate audiences.

How to get to the link in the bio on Instagram?

Arslan Jadoon
6 minutes

A link in your Instagram bio is a great way to drive traffic to your website and increase engagement with your content. In addition, it allows you to direct potential followers to a landing page, portfolio, or blog post you want to promote. 

You can also link to an email sign-up page, product page, or shop. This feature is handy for businesses, brands, and influencers who want to increase their reach and promote their content.

Follow this step-by-step guide to quickly find any profile’s link in the bio on mobile and desktop.

How to get to the link in the bio on Instagram on a mobile device?

Step 1: Open the Instagram app on your mobile device.

Open Instagram

Step 2: Tap on the user’s profile name (username) on whose caption you noticed the Link in Bio.

click profile

Step 3: You will be taken to the user’s profile screen. Here you will see a website link that’s your “Link in Bio.” Just tap on the link to open it.

How to get to the link in the bio on Instagram on a computer device?

Here are two simple steps to find the Instagram link in the bio on a computer.

Step 1: Click on the profile that says Link in bio in a post.

user profile name

Step 2: The website link will show up under their bio on their profile screen. Click on it to open the link.

link in bio

Increase your CTR with a Branded Link Now!

Replug Branded CTA

How To Add A Instagram Link In Bio?

Adding an Instagram link in your bio helps direct your followers and potential customers to your Instagram page.

As a result, makes it easier for them to find your profile and learn more about your brand. It also encourages followers to engage with your content, which can help drive sales and increase brand awareness.

Here’s how to add an Instagram link in the bio:

Step 1: Open Instagram on your mobile and tap your profile icon in the bottom right corner.

tap profile icon

Step 2: Tap on the edit profile button on your profile page. 

edit profile

Step 3: Now, you will see the add link section on your mobile screen. Tap on it. 

add link

Step 4: Tap the add external link section to add your website address. 




Step 5: Copy and paste the URL in the URL section and add a title in the title section. 

add external link

Step 6: Your link in the bio will now appear in your profile.

url in bio (2)

Your Instagram profile now has a link in the bio. 

Instagram bio page with multiple bio links – Is it possible?

Adding multiple bio links to your Instagram bio is a great way to drive more traffic to your website and other online resources. By adding links to your Instagram bio, you can easily direct your followers to your website, blog, YouTube channel, and other platforms where they can learn more about you and your business.

Additionally, including multiple bio links allows you to showcase your work, products, or services in an efficient and organized way. You can use a URL shortener tool to create a single, short URL that links to multiple websites. 

Follow these steps to add multiple bio links to your Instagram profile. 

Step 1: Sign in to your Replug account or create a new one if you don’t have one.

signin or create account

Step 2: You’ll be taken to the main dashboard page. Click on the bio links section from the main dashboard page.  

bio link


Step 3: Click the new bio link button to create your bio link. 

add bio link

Step 4: Add Social Icons, Links, RSS Feed, Audio, Video, Card, and Text as part of your bio links. Our bio link page, for example, has social icons and a card.

Note: The above image shows you the options (blocks) you can choose for your Instagram bio or landing page.

social icons and next

Step 5: Choose social icons and click next. You can choose up to 5 social icons (profiles).

social icons

Step 6: Now, add a title to your social links, customize the icon’s color and enter the links or usernames for your social media accounts, as shown in the picture below.

Note: When someone clicks on any of your social icons, they will go to the relevant social media profile. 

social icons links, color, title

Step 7: Now, click the update block button to add other blocks, like card, text, video, etc. 

update block

Step 8: Now, choose another block, for example, a card.

click card

Step 9: In the card section, add your destination URL add the card image, title, and description. Also, choose the style of the card and click the save block button.

card select

If you want to see how any section or block looks, you can preview it side by side. Here is an example of how the card looks. 

preview card

Step 8: Once you have added all the necessary blocks, click the next button.

click next

Step 9: You are now on the final page. Upload your avatar, select a brand, add a title and sub-title, and choose a domain. 

Note: Replug allows you to create a brand with a custom domain in seconds.  

final page


Step 10: As you scroll down, you’ll find other cool features, such as custom appearances, SEO, social media open graph images, favicons, and retargeting pixels. Make your bio link more appealing by adding these features.

rich features

Step 11: Once you’re done, click the save link button, and your bio link is ready to share on any social platform.

save link


Can you have more than one link in your bio? 

Yes, you can have more than one link in your bio. However, it is important to remember that a bio should be concise, so it is advisable to limit the number of links to two or three.

Can I create a link with multiple links? 

Yes, you can create a link with multiple links using Replug. Simply create a Replug account and follow the instructions to create a link with multiple links, often called Bio links. 


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How to Increase Followers on Instagram: Share Custom links

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YouTube URL Shortener-A Must Have For Every YouTuber

Arslan Jadoon
Meet Arslan, a skilled website blog and content writer who combines creativity and expertise to deliver engaging and informative pieces that captivate audiences.

How To Change A URL Of Any Website?

Arslan Jadoon
3 minutes

Are you looking to change the destination URL of a published page, blog post, or web link? Following this easy step-by-step process, you can quickly and easily create short URLs.  

5 simple steps to change a URL:

Replug is an all-in-one link management tool for creating custom URLs, embedding call-to-actions, and making social media bio-links. You can change the URL of a website in seconds by following these simple steps. 

Step 1: 

Sign in to your replug account or create one if you don’t have one.

signin or create account

Step 2: 

Find the desired campaign on the main dashboard, or create a new one. 

Note: If you have difficulty creating a new campaign, check out this guide: Create a campaign in seconds.” 

Step 3: 

Once you’ve chosen or created the campaign, paste the URL in the “URL to shorten” section below “Select your campaign”.

paste url

Step 4: 

Click on create, and you can customize the website URL how you want, making it simple and easy to read. 

click create

Step 5: 

Click on the edit icon and type the slug you want for your newly created URL. 

Once you have done that, click on the update button below. Now that your URL has been created, you can start making an impact.

edit url and update

For example, I created the link above by changing the old URL to a new one.


Can I shorten any website links?

You can easily shorten any website link using a URL shortener tool like Replug. It allows you to shorten your link and make it the way you want. Moreover, you can share it among your audience and track its performance by examining the metrics like clicks, unique clicks, conversion rate, etc.

Can I edit my domain name?

Your custom domain is a top-level domain you own and use to share your links. Replug lets you easily edit your domain name, and if you want to maintain your branding and reputation, you should always use your custom domain name. Here’s how to set up a custom domain.

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How To Add A Instagram Link In Bio?

Arslan Jadoon
Meet Arslan, a skilled website blog and content writer who combines creativity and expertise to deliver engaging and informative pieces that captivate audiences.

Long URL Problem Solved: Use Cases and Examples

Khadija Anwar
11 minutes
Is it bad to have a long URL?
A long URL is bad from a marketing aspect as they are not easy to share and remember. Such URLs receive little to none engagement rates. Shorten long URLs using a URL shortener that builds your brand’s identity.

Now and then we get to see URLs that are either too long or carries random characters. However, URL shorteners is the magical way to not only shorten a long URL but also to change the URL name and to use the URL as a powerful marketing tool.

Link shorteners do way more than disguising a link, as times have changed, and so does product marketing. Long URL shortener is a reliable tool to change URL length, edit characters, add a call to action, and much more. We can also track and analyze how links perform across all social channels. 

For example, global businesses are now thoroughly based on online marketing and URL sharing. However, with a nasty URL, it is hard to describe what it is about. Unknown and random characters in the URL are suspicious enough not to stray away the receiver from clicking on it.

Hence, custom URL shorteners come in to play. 

Long URL shortener: Use cases and examples 

A good URL shortener will help in two main objectives, simplifying the link with fewer characters and measuring analytics for it. Anyone with internet availability can use a link shortener, from product marketers to small business owners, from Tiktokers to individuals. Everyone can use it anywhere!

Here are some reasons why a link shortener should be an important part of your marketing aspect.

#1:Tesla Incorporating Branded Links

Any URL with your brand name will assure the link reader that it will lead to your page. Link shortening tools make URLs visually appealing and legitimate. 

It has been reported that branded links increase CTR so the companies that go with the changing trends and technologies are adapting.

Elon Musk’s multinational automotive company, Tesla, incorporates branded links when they run social media campaigns. 

Look at the example below.


Increase your CTR with a Branded Link Now!

Replug Branded CTA

#2: Fail Army promoting video content


Youtubers are also realizing the power of bio links

Fail Army is a popular Youtube channel known for curating funny videos. They also have a massive Instagram following. Their strategy is to use bio links to promote their latest content. These links directly take the user to their promoted content.

#3: Pewdiepie’s merchandize marketing

Here’s an example of how Youtubers are utilizing bio links to promote other content on their socials.


Famous Youtuber Pewdiepie, has a massive social following on Youtube and Instagram. He has monetized his Instagram following by promoting its merchandize store through Instagram bio links.

When any one clicks the bio link it takes them to his online store.  He also share pictures of himself wearing his latest clothing to promote on Instagram.

Related: How To Add Instagram Link In Bio?

#4: G Fuel’s bio link strategy

Gfuel is a famous energy drink and often collaborates with Ninja and Pewdiepie. It is also the official drink of Esports. If you visit their Instagram, they have multiple pictures of their products. Every product description says, “link in the bio.” 


Here is the bio link of Gfuel. 


If you click the link, you will go to the landing page showing exact pictures as on Instagram. You further tap on your target product picture and land on the purchase page. 


This is an easy way of capturing leads to the product page and changing them into conversions.  

#5: Digital branding and marketing

Branded links increase trust and credibility of the URL. 

Below is an example of an unreliable link.


There are ways to make the links more appealing. Create short URLs, in return that can also bring more conversions. 

Instead, this is what you should do.


Editing random and untrustworthy links through shortening tools becomes more genuine and authentic. It is important to edit messy links, especially if you are running digital and social media marketing campaigns.

Related: Bio Links From Replug: Create a Stronger Marketing Impact while Social Sharing:

#6: Podcast marketing


Above image is an example of Jack Paxton’s account. He mentions his bio link, which will be redirected to a page filled with all podcast links. 

Like this: 


Bio links are the best strategy to take your Instagram audience to the podcast library. This is also helpful in collecting emails by adding the “email me” button. 

Use case #7: Amplify your music following

Another feature of the URL shortening tool is a deep link. Deep links redirect you from the URL to the specified screen page of a particular app.  

Spotify is a well-known audio streaming and media provider company. They recently tweeted about a new album and shared a customized link. If you click the link, you will directly go to wizkhalifa’s new album on Spotify.


Related:How to Build a Custom Audience through URL Tracking

#8: Myfix Cycles retargeting strategy to reduce cart abandonment 

Retargeting is a great feature that can bring back visitors that have bounced from your websites. Along with other great features, Replug also gives you the control to retarget visitors through retargeting pixels.

Retargeting has proved to be a great source of converting potential buyers to customers. Link retargeting allows users to target the people who have already visited your social or website.

Most of the eCommerce companies face cart abandonment issues where users leave without completing the purchase. With retargeting, users can remind customers through ads or emails to complete their purchase. Retargeting has proven to be a far more successful strategy to increase conversions.

Myfix Cycles uses retargeting smartly and resells their product that didn’t make the purchase the product the first time around. Below is the image of their retargeting.


Related: How To Utilize Replug for Facebook Retargeting Ads?

#9: A/B test your marketing campaigns

Link analytics plays a very important role when it comes to creating tracking URLs. One of the exclusive features of link shortening tools is A/B testing.

Imagine you are running a specific sales campaign and creating two or more special offer web pages to test which content performs well. 

A/B testing allows you to split traffic and compare performance of each URL on the base of weightages that you set. Finally, choose the page that performs well or optimize the content that underperforms. 

This feature is very handful for designers to test their designs, for content creators to evaluate their content and for every marketer as a whole package. 

Related: Conversion Rate Optimization Tips – 8 Easy Ways to Boost Sales

#10: Deep linking example of text marketing to increase conversion

Deep links in SMS marketing motivate users to install the app. Take the example of a shopping app. Use a deep link with a bonus point which will be rewarded after users install the application. Once the user clicks the deep link, it will launch the app on the relevant system. If it is not installed, a relevant store will be opened. When the user initiates the app, the product page and offer will appear. Without deep linking, these steps require manual processing.


Let’s say you are making an online shop and promoting a certain item; deep links help you direct visitors to relevant content. In case the app is not installed it will take you relevant play store

Deep links are very helpful when it comes to online user experience. Suppose, you are a seller on Amazon, Shopify or any other ecommerce platform and you want to direct the user to specific products rather than search the product on the app or web. With deep linking, no unnecessary steps will be required and you will directly land on the relevant content as shown in the below image.


You don’t need to advertise the app as a whole. Only the relevant content that you want to target and the user that clicks that link will reach the appropriate location without any hurdles. This not only increases the rate of conversions but also improves the overall experience.

Related: How to Use Short Links for SMS & SMS Marketing

#11: Short links are best for Tweets

You have only 280 character limits for tweets to express opinions, use captions, add captions, call out a person, and much more. You can do anything under Twitter’s specified character limit. Brands use URLs while announcing any update, sale, or mega deal. 

Generally, links are overly long, and they tend to cover all Twitter character space. Therefore, people tend to use URL shortening tools to change messy long URLs into branded URLs

Here are some brands that have used short & customized links in their tweets. 


Disney is also making a new series announcement with a customized link in their tweet. 


Here is Disney’s example of using a short & customized links in their tweets. 

Disney is also making a new series announcement with a customized link in their tweet. 


Disney’s customized link is not short only but has the brand’s slogan in it. There are higher chances for the audience to visit links, check new promos, and subscribe to a streaming platform if they haven’t already.

#12: Turning USP realizes the power of bio links for brands

Link shortening tool can change a single link into a beautiful, mobile-friendly, flexible landing page. You can offer the services you want. Pre-designed layouts are available to create a landing page. 

Moreover, you can add videos, images, text etc. to showcase your brand. Drag and drop editor can make everything easy and efficient. 

Here is an example of Turing USP that mentioned their bio link in the Instagram bio. 


#13: Engage more QR code marketing

QR codes are new scannable marketing sources. You can generate a new smart QR code with every branded link you customize with a link shortening platform. 

Download it and use it in your every visual content, such as visiting cards, flyers, or discount codes, as a marketing opportunity to build brand authority. QR codes are a powerful way of amplifying your brand’s slogan.

QR codes promote engagement and interaction. This type of business strategy enables businesses to share information with users.

The calamities like the pandemic and global warming initiatives have pushed us more towards creating a contactless and paperless green environment. While QR Codes are playing a vital and supportive role towards it yet they are also proving to be a great tool for marketing.


From banking payments to promotion or any information and material, it is proving a useful tool for analytics aswell as to improve user experience. 

Here are some ways how you can maximize QR codes to monitor the performance of your marketing campaigns properly. 

  • Lands customers directly on the website
  • Dial your business number
  • Send message/ email
  • View business locations
  • Download app
  • Direct customers to social media pages

#14: Make your social links count!

Similarly length is important for all your social links. A domain name adds more plus points. They provide a clean look. 

Any URL with your brand name will assure the link reader that it will lead to your page. Link management tools make URLs visually appealing and legitimate. 

Look at Gary Vee’s bio link


He uses the bio link to drive users towards his Apple podcast.

Similarly, you can share your favorite content with friends without the installation of a particular app. Let’s say if somebody shared a TikTok video link with you, and you don’t have a TikTok account, you can click the URL and still watch it without installing TikTok. This is the power of deep links. 

You can share your favorite content with friends without the installation of a particular app. Let’s say if somebody shared a TikTok video link with you, and you don’t have a TikTok account, you can click the URL and still watch it without installing TikTok. This is the power of deep links. 

Related: How To Get More TikTok Views?

#15 Perfect Call to Action buttons

Every Marketer’s end goal is to earn high revenue. It gets possible when your product reaches the right audience. It improves your impression and ad rank. 

High CTR means more people seeing, clicking, and engaging with your services. It is all possible with link shortening URL platforms. You can create, edit, and advertise links that have a custom domain name or brand’s slogan. They will be considered authentic and genuine and will attract the right customer. 

#16 Example of media companies using Vanity URLs

Several major media companies and publications use vanity URLs when sharing links:

  • Netflix = movi.es
  • Time = ti.me
  • TechCrunch = tcrn.ch
  • Engadget = engt.co
  • Huffington Post = huffp.st
  • Economist= econ.st
  • New York Times = nyti.ms

Related: What is a Vanity URL and How to Track it?

#17: Track, analyze & convert

url-tracking- analytics

URL shortening tools empower to make informed decisions by providing vital data points. You can track what content is working best for you and what needs to improvise. 

URLs are trackable and give insights about clicks and engagements. You can also retarget your prospected clients who have already shown interest in your content. 

Campaign analytics help you optimize your marketing efforts. It helps you understand your audience better. You can observe which social media channels drive maximum traffic and design strategies accordingly.

How do I shorten a URL length?

It is a pretty simple process to shorten your links using a URL shortener.

Step 1
Login to your Replug account


Step 2
Navigate to create quick Replug link”. Enter the campaign and the long URL to shorten. 

  1. Now click “Create”


Step 3
In the next step, you can edit the link or change the slug. You can add or remove existing tags. Click the update button and you are done.



What is a long URL?

A long URL is a long and nasty address to a particular document or file. They are difficult to remember. Sometimes they are long enough that after copying them on social channels, you don’t have any space left to write details. 

Here is an example: 


All the above URLs have one thing in common, they are long, messy, and have random characters. Therefore, they may look suspicious to some people when forwarded in DM, which makes them avoid clicking it. 

What is too long for a URL?

A URL is considered too long if it has above 100 characters. An overly long URL causes search engine and usability issues. It may also lead to lower CTR (click-through rate). 

Long URL doesn’t display better on the web. An extra-long URL might have symbols and characters. Google doesn’t support an overly long URL with random characters. 

Is it okay to have a long URL?

It doesn’t matter how long the URL length is.  However, with respect to marketing and SEO, the leading brands try to keep them shorter than 100 characters. It makes monitoring easy.
For example:


This URL is 118 characters long, and Twitter has 280 characters limit. So the above link is long enough in itself that it doesn’t leave any space to say anything about it. Furthermore, such link are unappealing and unattractive to share.

Long URL Problems Solved
Shortening long URLs is pretty simple and easy. Brands and celebrities have realized the powerful features that come along with URL shorteners. The use cases and examples have highlighted just. If you are still not convinced, I recommend taking time for an online meeting just might change your thoughts towards URL shorteners. One thing is for sure. a long URL just sucks and drains your online marketing!

Khadija Anwar
I am Khadija Anwar, B2B Copywriter. I started my career as a freelance writer in 2019 and built a strong portfolio. I have crafted multiple blogs, website content, fashion magazines, news outlets, SEO content, and technical documentation. Last but not least, my favorite cartoon character is Dopey Dwarf, resembling my real-life character- calm, happy, and lively.

Instagram URL Shortener Tools To Elevate Your Marketing

Khadija Anwar
8 minutes

Looking for a hack for Instagram and other socials to boost your social presence and following? Tools like Instagram URL shortener is what you need to try out. It simply can do much more than just shortening your long nasty URLs. For example, you can shorten the URL with a domain name, add catchy call-to-action, create bio links, manage analytics, and redirect your audience.

In short, you can create trackable and memorable links that enhance your brand recognition across all social media channels. 

Let’s discuss how link shortening tools can strengthen your social media presence and help you increase your following through custom links on Instagram, Tiktok and other socials. 

Why Use an Instagram Link Shortener?

Link shorteners make sharing significantly easier that promote marketing as a whole. They use a few precious characters to deliver links and catch a higher click-through rate. In addition, the Instagram link shortener can track the performance of all URLs you share across social media channels. These analytics record your audience’s behavior patterns and find what they want. 

Bio links are the most prominent feature among the people that use Instagram URL shorteners. However, some other specific advantages of using a URL shortener are discussed below.

Stronger Branding with One Bio Link

Creating a bio link with Instagram URL shorteners can direct the customer to a custom landing web page. Create CTAs, add text, pictures, and videos and design the landing page. Most socials don’t allow adding more than one bio link to your profile. So with a bio link, you can provide more information about yourself or your business. 

Here is an example of Replug’s Bio Link:


Here is an example of Airbnb: 


They have mentioned the Airbnb accommodations link in the bio. If you click that link, it will lead you to a single bio page with all rental places.


If you further click down any picture, it will redirect to complete detail of that particular place just like this: 


Now, this is a simple URL redirecting example with a brand’s profile name mentioned in it. You can do this with your brand or personal Instagram profile, share it on any social media channel, and bring direct traffic to your account or shop. Link shorteners for Instagram make all work easy without making themselves the third wheel. It is a straightforward technique to build brand credibility and enhance brand awareness.

Related: Amazon Link Shortener: 10 Reasons For Amazon Sellers To Try

Branded Links are Appealing

Branded links can enhance social media presence because they seem legit. They encourage click-through, engagement, and conversion rate around a product or service. Moreover, you can build brand awareness through branded links wherever you use them. Data has shown that branded links receive 34% more clicks than non-branded links. Besides brand awareness, branded links are appealing because they reflect the domain or brand’s slogan, which is an essential element of your digital presence. 


Disney uses a link management tool for shortening, redirecting, and promoting its official podcast while highlighting Disney’s slogan “di. sn” in the URL. 

When you customize your links, you have an opportunity to promote a product or service by creating a domain. For example, you are running a YouTube tutorial channel for pizza making, and you don’t want a messy long URL. In that case, you can edit it to Pizz. co/tutorial. 

Related: YouTube URL Shortener-A Must Have For Every YouTuber

Links are Trackable

Marketing without analysis and tracking is like shooting in the dark. It is a waste of time, energy, and substantial resources. Link shortening platforms track your links and save from extra effort. Knowing your visitor’s demographic, interests, and favorite social channels allows you to post more relevant and exciting content. Your customers are a valuable asset to your company. By tracking analytics, you can observe what your audience is looking for, their needs, and expectations. 


Being a marketer is a tough job; you must know what your audience wants without hearing from them directly. Therefore, you can determine which marketing channels you should utilize to find your next customers through link shortening platforms.



Cross Promote with Same Link

You might have noticed that you uploaded a picture on Instagram and wanted to share it on WhatsApp, but the link is too nasty that you gave up. This is wherecustom URL shortener for Instagram step in to change malicious URLs into short ones and make them sharable on any app. Vanity links are friendly, memorable, authentic, and safe to use. In addition, you can add a custom domain name to enhance brand awareness and build brand credibility. 


The above image shows Spotify’s shortened link with its domain’s name and recommended Sabrina Ann’s playlist. 

In addition, link shorteners provide services for all social media channels, not just Instagram. Suppose you have changed a long URL into a short URL and forwarded it to people’s DM. Then you can also use the same link across all social media channels; Facebook, Twitter, Tiktok, LinkedIn, and many more. You can apply the same link on every marketing channel to bring more leads, engagement, and conversions.

Related: 7 Ways You Can Use Instagram Bio Links to Your Advantage

Deep Links Improve the User Experience


The deep links feature allows users to reach the in-app location directly or to be directed to the relevant app store, depending on their devices. For instance, sharing a shortened link through text or a DM would mitigate the unnecessary steps required. Thus, improving the user experience, increasing the chances of conversions, and increasing followers on your other socials.

Related: How to Understand and Maximize Your Reach on Any Social Network

Increase Engagement

As discussed in the above examples using a custom link can increase engagements. Research evidence supports these claims as shorter URLs receive 39% higher engagement than long URLs.

Whether you are an influencer or a brand, short links will help you generate more traffic, attract a higher following and ultimately increase overall engagement.  

Easily Apply Redirection

Imagine you are running a social media marketing campaign and have forwarded a link to a big chunk of the audience. Then you realize it has a typo mistake. But unfortunately, you can’t go to every platform and change or delete the URL. 

You can redirect that erroneous link to your profile or website, and the audience will directly land on it.

Related: Using Vanity URLs for Social Brand Awareness

Retarget Clicks

Retargeting is served to people who have already visited your website, prospective leads, or customers. For example, a link shortener offers retargeting that provides additional points of association with your brand or product, increasing the likelihood that those leads who know you will convert. With the ever-changing digital marketing landscape, the fight for the audience’s attention has to be won in quality and quantity.


Retargeting is a great way to stay in front of prospective clients and keep them aware of your brand such as facebook retargeting ads is a great example. It is a cost-effective technique to gain maximum ROI for every penny you spend on digital advertising. Last but not least, you can gain insight into where your prospected clients are being found after leaving your website. Comparing current and old retargeting campaigns will make a roadmap for future marketing campaigns to bring quality traffic to your website. 

Related: 14 Crazy-Effective Ways to Boost E-commerce Sales Through Retargeting

5 Best Instagram Url Shortener Tools (500-700)



Replug is an all-in-one link management tool to change long, messy links into short branded URLs. It helps brand recognition, amplifies your engagement and boosts brand awareness, through retargeting ads and strategies to generate leads.

Replug.io is a cost-effective, feature-packed tool that helps optimize marketing campaigns and monitors and analyzes every interaction with your audience. 

Branded links offer a consistent, trustworthy experience. Moreover, you can view all data on a simple dashboard. You can filter your data with keywords, sources, and channels to help you understand how your links perform. 

Replug.io creates and tracks your offline campaign with customizable dynamic QR codes and offers much more. 


  • A/B testing
  • Geo and social targeting
  • Add OG titles and descriptions 
  • Chrome extension
  • Create beautiful bio landing pages
  • Track analytics and KPIs
  • Add a catchy call to action
  • Add a custom domain or brand slogan
  • Retarget your audience
  • Custom Support 24/7

Replug.io offers three affordable and efficient pricing plans:

  • Basic $19/month
  • Professional $49/month
  • Agency $79/month



RocketLink allows you to pass retargeting pixels through shortened links. You can enjoy link tracking features to retarget people who have clicked on your link. RocketLink allows you to use their or your domain for link tracking. Once you have created links, you analyze them. This is similar to any other link shortening platform. You can manage and create links effectively, shorten URLs, use a custom domain to improve UX, build trust and drive traffic to your website. You can track all links and clicks on a single dashboard and optimize your marketing effort. 

It offers three pricing plans: 

  • Liftoff $19/month 
  • Space $29/month
  • Galaxy $69/month



PixelMe is another link management app for social marketers. With the help of PiexelMe, you can brand track and share URLs through this platform. It has retargeting pixels to track all leads who visited your website. It also has custom domains and sludge features, making it a reliable link shortening tool. In addition, it offers in-depth analytics and KPIs to track all leads and the progress of your links so far. It suits mega enterprises and small companies trying to build brand recognition

PiexelMe offers three pricing plans: 

  • Growth $99/month 
  • Scale $149/month 
  • Elite $249/month 



SayHey is a powerful but simple built-in editor to create beautiful landing pages. It allows you to share the story in your desired way. It is a user-friendly link shortener tool for creators and marketers that lets you connect with Instagram, Shopify, and many more. SayHey uses high premium quality converting landing pages to promote your campaign. It makes a custom page by adding visual arts, newsletter, and sign-up, and also integrates with Instagram, YouTube, MailChimp, and Shopify. In addition, it offers weekly and monthly analytics to better understand current and previous campaigns. 

SayHey offers a free and pro-paid account starting from $10/month. 



JotURL is another link management tool to create deep links, pixels and branded links for marketing campaigns. Besides creating branded links, it monitors, analyzes, and is able to perform many other link-building functions. In addition, it can create a catchy call to action. It offers many functions within a unique and efficient tool. JotURL increases conversions, tracks revenues and engages prospects. It helps you attract, catch, and convert your clients. It tracks which events catch leads in order to expand your marketing reach. 

The pricing plan starts from $55/month. 


Does Instagram allow short links?

Instagram allows only one active link in the bio section. But Instagram should allow adding short links in the regular post or at least in sponsored posts at additional costs. Short links become very helpful in digital marketing. 

Why is my link not clickable on my Instagram bio?

The Instagram bio link isn’t clickable from mobile because the link is added in the bio field and not in the dedicated website field. To fix this problem, make sure you have an updated Instagram account version, put a link in the right section, and have a good internet connection. 

Create Youtube, Tiktok, Instagram short URLs, bio links, track clicks and do much more with URL shorteners.

Khadija Anwar
I am Khadija Anwar, B2B Copywriter. I started my career as a freelance writer in 2019 and built a strong portfolio. I have crafted multiple blogs, website content, fashion magazines, news outlets, SEO content, and technical documentation. Last but not least, my favorite cartoon character is Dopey Dwarf, resembling my real-life character- calm, happy, and lively.

9 Bitly Competitors That Agencies Should Try Out

Khadija Anwar
7 minutes

Bitly is among the top URL shortening tools in the market. However, since its origin in 2008, many other Bitly competitors have entered the ever-developing software industry. Despite Bitly offering great features but not every agency can afford the price.

Therefore, our team of experts has conducted a comparative analysis between Bitly and these new multi-tasking link shortening tools in the market. The analysis is based on premium agency plans to assist agencies in choosing your ideal platform.

Below are the Bitly alternatives that are surely worth taking a look at.

Comparative Analysis between Bitly and Bitly Alternatives

1. Replug


Replug is a URL shortener that offers so much more than just a link shortening service. Here are some of its features:

  • Replug can create branded short links with your customized domain
  • You can retarget your audience who clicks on your link and shows interest
  • You can add call-to-actions
  • Replug helps you create beautiful bio landing pages
  • You can track analytics of every link you create and share
  • Replug also has chrome extensions

Replug offers unlimited branded links for $49/month, while Bitly offers only 1000 branded links for $199/mon.

Replug is reliable and user-friendly. It is a fine combination of smart & simple. Replug meets the marketing requirements of individuals, small enterprises, and mega-corporations. Replug is a link management tool you can ask for.


Sr. Feature Bitly  Bitly Competitor: Replug
1 Branded Links 3000 Unlimited
2 Clicks tracked  Unlimited 200,000 per month
3 Campaigns  Available Unlimited
4 Retargeting Pixel  Not available Unlimited
5 CTA Available Unlimited
6 QR Codes Available Unlimited
7 UTM Available Unlimited
8 Team Not Available 10
9 Brands Available 10
10 Bio links Available 50
11 Custom Domains Available 10
12 Traffic Routing Not Available Available
13 Deep Links Available Available
14 Personal Branding Not Available Available
15 Tracking and Analytics Available Available
16 Chrome Extension Available Available
17 A/B Testing Available Available
18 Add OG titles and description Not Available Available
19 Customer Support Available Available


Winner: Replug is a reliable, user-friendly and most importantly, affordable link shortening tool. If you are looking for extensive features on a single dashboard, we suggest Replug with 14 days free trial.

2. RetargetKit


This platform is helpful for affiliate marketing by offering unlimited branded links. You can connect Retarget Kit with the rest of the tools you already have. It helps improve conversion rate through A/B testing and see what works for your niche.
The retargeting kit premium plan starts from $40/month, while the Bitly premium plan starts from $199/month.

Sr. Feature Bitly  Bitly Competitor: Retargeting Kit
1 Branded Links 3000 Unlimited
2 Clicks  Unlimited 250k
3 Users 50 50
4 Custom Domain  Available 5
5 Retargeting Pixels Not available 5
6 Bio Links Available 5
7 Team member Not Available 3
8 A/B testings Available Available
9 GEO traffic routing Not Available Available
10 Deep Links Available Available
11 Tracking and Analytics Available Available
12 Password protection Available Available


Retarget kit is offering the extensive features at a lesser price. Its team member, A/B testing, and geo traffic routing features make it suitable for small to medium enterprises. 

Winner: Retarget Kit

3. RocketLinks


It is another reliable link shortening and retargeting tool. It shortens and customizes links, track performance, and share across the platform. It helps to improve UX, drive traffic to the website and build trust. 

RocketLinks’ premium plan starts from $69/month, while Bitly’s premium plan starts from $199/month.

Sr. Feature Bitly  Bitly Competitor: RocketLinks
1 Clicks Unlimited Unlimited
2 Branded links 3000 1000/month
3 Link Analytics Available Available
4 Custom Domain Available 50
5 CTA Available 100 Available
6 Chrome Extension Available Available
7 Retargeting Pixels Not Available 50 pixels Available
8 Password protection Available Available
9 QR Codes Available Available
10 UTM Available Available
11 A B Testing Available Not Available
12 Customer Support Available Not Available


Rocket Link offers 1000 branded links per month while Bitly offers 3000/month. Bitly is suitable for enhancing your brand’s appearance. 

Winner: Bitly

4. JotUrl


This is another link management tool to elevate brand awareness, track leads, and shorten and customize links. It is also helpful for traffic routing, which Bitly doesn’t include in its premium plan.
JoltURL offers the extensive feature in its premium plan, which starts from $ 199/ month, the same price as Bitly’s.

Sr. Feature Bitly  Bitly Competitor: JotURL
1 Team Members Not available 10
2 Branded links 3000 250K
3 Brands Available 100K
4 Personal branding Not Available Available
5 UTM available 50
6 A/B Testing Available Available
7 Traffic Routing Not Available Available
8 CTA Available Available
9 QR Codes Available 150
10 Retargeting Not Available Available
11 Tracking and Analytics Available Available
12 Custom Support Available Available


Bitly and JoltURL have the same pricing plan, but Bitly doesn’t offer retargeting campaigns and traffic routing.

Winner: Jolt URL

5. Sniply


It is trusted by 100k marketers, using this platform for content curation, link shortening, and detailed insights to drive conversions. You can also include a call-to-action on every link you create. 

Sniply’s premium plan starts from $250/month.


Sr. Feature Bitly  Bitly Competitor: Sniply
1 Clicks Unlimited 250000 per month
2 Branded links 3000 5k per month
3 Brand profiles Available 15
4 Members Not Available 10
5 CTA available Available
6 A/B Testing Not Available Available
7 Custom Domain Available Available
8 Retargeting Pixels Not Available Available
9 Reporting and analytics Available Available
10 Chrome Extension Available Available
11 API access Available Available
12 Custom Support Available Available


Sniply is the second tool that earned an edge in pricing. Sniply justifies its pricing plan with 5k branded links, retargeting pixels, and A/B testing

Winner: Sniply 

6. Capsulink


This is the all-in-one tool to shorten, customize, optimize, target, edit, manage, track, analyze, sync, and automate all in one place. In addition, you can generate QR codes and experience real-time analytics.
Capsulink premium plan starts from $133/month.


Sr. Feature Bitly  Bitly Competitor: Capsulink
1 Clicks Unlimited 500k
2 Members Not available 40
3 Branded Links 3000 per month Unlimited
4 Custom Domain Available Unlimited
5 Retargeting Not Available Available
6 QR code Available Available
7 Password Protection Available Available
8 API access Available Available
9 Traffic routing Links Not Available 60
10 Link Analytics Available Available


Capsulink offers unlimited branded links, unlimited custom domain, team members and traffic routing links at a lesser price than Bitly. 

Winner: Capsulink

7. Pixel Me


It shortens your URL and shares them on all social media platforms to increase leads. It also retargets interested audiences to boost sales. Ad campaigns and Amazon attributions are solid factors for marketers to join Pixel me

The premium plan starts from $249/month.


Sr. Feature Bitly  Bitly Competitor: Pixel Me
1 Ad Campaigns Available Unlimited
2 Custom Domains Available 10
3 Retargeting Pixels Not Available 10
4 Branded Links 3000/month Available
5 Amazon Attribution Available Available
6 Dedicated Support Available Available
7 Bio Links Available Available
8 UTM Available Available
9 Chrome Extension Available Available


8. Linkly


It can create simple branded links to share across the platform. With it, you can retarget ads and much more. For example, track the click on a particular link and retarget the audience. Moreover, it changes social media previews for maximum impact.
Linkly premium starts from $129/month.


Sr. Feature Bitly  Bitly Competitor: Linkly
1 Clicks Unlimited 200k per month
2 Branded links 3000 Available
3 Retargeting Pixels Not Available Available
4 Traffic Routing Not Available Available
5 Tracking and analytics available Available
6 Add OG titles and description Not Available Available
7 Custom Domain Available Available
8 UTM builder Available Available
9 QR code Available Available
10 CTA Available Available
11 Chrome Extension Available Available


Linkly is more suitable for extensive marketing. It offers OG description and titles, retargeting pixels, and traffic routing at less price than Bitly. 

Winner: Linkly



Rebrandly also offers similar services as the rest of the platforms above. In addition, it can shorten and customize the link. The main advantage over Bitly is that it provides traffic routing and retargeting pixels, and you can add OG titles and customize messages on links. 

The Rebrandly premium plan starts from $499. 


Sr. Feature Bitly  Bitly Competitor: Rebrandly
1 Clicks Unlimited 1,500,000 per month
2 Branded links 3000 150,000 per month
3 Custom Domain Available 20
4 Members Not Available 10
5 Deep Links Available Available
6 Analytics Available Available
7 QR code Available Available
8 UTM Available Available
9 Traffic routing Not Available Available
10 Retargeting Not Available Available
11 API access Available Available
12 Custom Support Available Available
13 Chrome Extension Available Available
14 Add OG titles and descriptions Not Available Available


Here Bitly will be suitable for $199 with the same features as Rebrandly. However, comparatively Rebrandly is expensive with a $ 499 pricing plan.

Winner: Bitly

Final Verdict

When it comes to social media marketing and branding, branded URLs convert more than non-trackable links. If you aren’t using any link shortening platforms, it’s time to try any tool mentioned above. 

Incase,  if you are looking for a bag of magical beans (having max features at a reasonable price). Then choose Replug.io with eyes closed. Try taking a 14 day free trial.

Trust me, its hands on value for money product with flexible pricing plans and great offerings.

So whats the wait for?

Conveniently convert ugly long URLs into vanity links to and starting retargeting to converting more.

If you need further assistance, we are always here for extra help!

Khadija Anwar
I am Khadija Anwar, B2B Copywriter. I started my career as a freelance writer in 2019 and built a strong portfolio. I have crafted multiple blogs, website content, fashion magazines, news outlets, SEO content, and technical documentation. Last but not least, my favorite cartoon character is Dopey Dwarf, resembling my real-life character- calm, happy, and lively.

Amplify Your Marketing With Optimized Link Sharing

Over 35,000+ marketers, agencies, businesses, e-commerce stores and brands optimize and track their links using Replug and get better returns on their marketing efforts.