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Tag: cta

Top call-to-action tools – Proven CTA tips and tricks

Manahil AsifMustafa Niazi
6 minutes

You’re running an e-commerce store with top-notch products, vibrant themes, detailed listings, and genuine reviews. Coupled with high-end SEO and social media marketing campaigns.

Everything seems in place, but your conversion rates need to hit the mark. Then what’s the missing piece? Let us clue you in – it’s the absence of an advanced call-to-action tool!

Using an advanced call-to-action tool can make all the difference by converting your website visitors into paying customers. 

With strategic placement and catchy texts, CTAs compel users to take specific actions. Which ultimately helps you in boosting brand revenue potential.

Still confused? Don’t worry guys. In today’s blog, we’re covering everything from the finest CTA tips to the most cutting-edge CTA tools. Let us get you started.

What’s a CTA?

CTA stands for Call to Action. It’s an instruction that tells your audience what you want them to do next. These are commonly found in marketing and advertising but can be used anywhere you want to guide users toward a specific action.

What is a good call-to-action example?

A good example of a call-to-action is a clear and simple statement that tells users what to do next. For example, ContentStudio’s CTA “Try it for free” invites users to explore the tool without any commitments.

Best call-to-action tips to use

Call to action-

1. Try to use action verbs

Action verbs are the powerhouse behind persuasive CTAs. They prompt users to take immediate action, driving them toward the desired goal. Incorporate dynamic verbs like “discover,” “explore,” or “get” to instill a sense of urgency and motivation in your audience. Grab attention, Drive action!

Related: A list of persuasive call to action phrases

2. Focus on value

Communicate the value proposition clearly in your CTAs. Highlight the benefits or rewards users will receive by clicking through, whether it’s accessing exclusive content, unlocking special discounts, or gaining valuable insights. The more value users perceive, the more likely they are to act.

3. Create FOMO

Creating a sense of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) is a potent tactic to drive action. Hint at limited-time offers, exclusive deals, or upcoming events to instill urgency in your audience. By suggesting that time is running out, you motivate users to act quickly to seize the opportunity.

4. Use fancy graphics and colors

Visual appeal is key to capturing attention and enticing clicks. Incorporate eye-catching graphics, vibrant colors, and captivating imagery to make your CTAs stand out. Choose visuals that align with your brand identity and message while grabbing the user’s attention.

Related: How to create call-to-action that really converts?

5. Catchy shapes or sizes

Experiment with unique shapes or sizes for your CTAs to make them visually appealing and memorable. Whether it’s a bold button, a playful icon, or a custom design element, think outside the box to create CTAs that stand out and invite interaction.

6. Keep the text brief

Keep your CTA text concise and to the point. Avoid overwhelming users with too much information. Instead, focus on conveying your message succinctly, highlighting the key action or benefit users should take.

7. A/B test multiple CTA’s

Don’t settle for the first iteration of your CTAs. Experiment with different variations, including text, design, placement, and color scheme, to identify what resonates best with your audience. A/B testing allows you to optimize your CTAs for maximum effectiveness and drive better results over time.

Top call to action tools to use

1. Replug

Link Management Made Easy

Your go to link management tool for CTAs, branded and bio links, QR Codes, tracking and retargeting.

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link management made easy

Our top favorite is Replug – a powerful link management platform that allows users to create branded short links, track click data, and retarget audiences across various digital channels.

In terms of CTA generation, Replug enables users to embed call-to-action (CTA) overlays or pop-ups on shared links, directing traffic to desired landing pages or offers.

You can obtain detailed information about your website traffic, including the country, browser, device, and date, giving you precise insights into your audience.

2. Hubspot CTA

HubSpot’s CTA tool is part of its comprehensive marketing automation platform, designed to help businesses attract, engage, and delight customers. With its CTA tool, users can create visually appealing CTAs that seamlessly integrate with their website or email campaigns.

Hubspot- Call to Action Tool

Moreover, these CTAs are strategically placed to prompt visitors to take desired actions, such as downloading a resource or requesting a demo.

Related: CTA button: Best examples & practices

3. Sniply

Sniply-Call to action tool

Sniply is a unique tool that allows users to add custom messages or CTAs to any web page they share, even if they don’t own the page. 

Users can create branded Sniply links that drive traffic back to their own website or landing pages. This CTA generation method leverages shared content to capture leads and drive conversions.


Scalenut is an AI-powered content marketing platform that helps businesses create, distribute, and optimize content at scale.

The platform offers a free CTA generation tool. By understanding user intent and preferences, Scalenut assists in generating CTAs that resonate with target audiences.

Also check out: What makes Replug the best Sniply alternative


Canva is a versatile design platform that empowers users to create stunning graphics, presentations, and marketing materials with ease.

While not a dedicated CTA tool, Canva provides users with the tools to design eye-catching CTAs that complement their branding and messaging. Users can create custom graphics or templates for CTAs to be used across various digital channels, from social media posts to website banners.


Things to consider when choosing your CTA tool

Here are some of the most important things to consider when choosing your CTA tool.

  • Consider your budget: Free options offer good basic functionality, while paid tools might have advanced features like A/B testing or performance analytics.
  • Think about your needs: Do you need a simple CTA builder or a tool with AI-powered suggestions? How important is customization for you?
  • Read reviews and comparisons: Researching user experiences can help you find a tool that works well for others in your situation.

You may also like: Call To Action best example

What is the best CTA generation tool?

Branded Short Links

Create and track branded short links for your business for better conversions.

Brand Your Links Now!
Branded Short Links

The best CTA generation tool is no other than Replug. This is because: 

  • Easy to Use: Replug doesn’t require coding knowledge. Get a free CTA builder specifically designed to craft compelling CTAs with customizable text, buttons, forms, and pop-ups.
  • Targeted CTAs: Replug allows you to define your target audience during CTA creation. This ensures the CTAs you build resonate with the specific user group you’re aiming for.
  • A/B Testing: Replug integrates A/B testing so you can track CTA performance and see which variations drive the most conversions. This data-driven approach helps you continually optimize your CTAs for maximum impact.
  • Retargeting capabilities: It enables users to maximize conversions by embedding CTAs directly within shared links, ensuring targeted audiences are directed to relevant landing pages or offers. 

Overall, Replug’s combination of advanced features and ease of use makes it ideal for businesses looking to drive engagement and conversions effectively.


What is an example of a call to action in AI?

AI can analyze vast amounts of data to understand user behavior, preferences, and context, allowing businesses to tailor their CTAs for maximum impact. 

Some of the common examples include:

  • Sign up today
  • Download now
  • See how it works
  • Join now

What is a strong CTA?

A strong CTA combines clarity, relevance, and urgency to compel users to take the desired action. It communicates the value proposition briefly and motivates users to act without hesitation.

What is a call to value instead of a call to action?

A call to value focuses on highlighting the benefits and value proposition offered to the user rather than explicitly instructing them to take action. 

What is a secondary call to action?

A secondary call-to-action serves as an alternative action for users who may need more time to be ready to commit to the primary CTA. It provides additional options for engagement, such as downloading a resource, exploring related content, or joining a mailing list, catering to diverse user preferences and behaviors.

Manahil Asif
Meet Manahil - A wordsmith who practically buddies with B2B and B2C businesses to create digital magic. With a dash of humor and a sprinkle of wit, she whips up content more addictive than your morning coffee.
Mustafa Niazi
Mustafa Niazi is a blogging addict, a tech fanatic, and a SEO specialist.

CTA Button: Best Examples & Practices

Mahnoor Shahid
6 minutes

Ever heard of the term CTA button? 

Whether you’re familiar with it or not, chances are most of us have encountered different types of calls to action while browsing websites or social media platforms.

For instance,

You might have clicked on a “Learn More” button and ended up landing on a page containing more information related to that topic.

Or you might have clicked on a “Buy Now!” call to action button that takes you to a product page or a similar web-page.

Now why do they matter?

CTA buttons matter as they point users towards a desired action.

Hence, the name of the term is “Call to Action”.

What is a call to action button?


A call to action (CTA) button is a clickable button or link on a website, advertisement, or piece of content that encourages the audience to take a specific action.

CTAs can drive a variety of different actions depending on the content’s goal, such as generating leads, making a purchase, or subscribing to a newsletter.

CTAs are crucial to generating leads from a website, and can help motivate visitors into deeper engagement with a brand.

Related: 60 Best Call To Action Phrases To Increase Click Through Rates

Why is a CTA button important?

CTA buttons are important because they act like helpful guides on your website, pointing visitors toward valuable content or actions that benefit both you and them. Here’s why:

Benefits for visitors:

  • Clarity: They tell visitors what to do next, eliminating confusion and helping them find what they’re looking for faster.
  • Convenience: They offer a one-click path to things like downloading resources, starting free trials, or contacting you.
  • Value: They highlight content or actions that can solve their problems or improve their experience.

Benefits for you:

  • Conversions: They encourage visitors to take specific actions, like signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase.
  • Engagement: They keep visitors actively interacting with your website and exploring what you offer.
  • Data: They provide valuable data about what actions users are most interested in, helping you make better decisions about your website content and marketing strategy.

Branded Short Links

Create and track branded short links for your business for better conversions.

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Branded Short Links

Different types of CTA buttons to boost your CTR

CTA buttons can vary in style and size depending on your goal conversion and website style. Each type has a specific purpose and works best in different situations. 

Let’s explore some common ones:

1. Lead generation:

Imagine offering a free e-book in exchange for an email address. Your CTA button could be “Get Your Free E-book Now!” and placed prominently near the e-book description.

Lead- Generation- CTA button

2. Form submission:

This CTA helps gather visitor information, like “Sign Up for Our Newsletter” on a blog or “Tell Us Your Needs” on a contact page.

Form-Submission- CTA button

3. “Read More” button:

If you have snippets of longer content, this CTA encourages visitors to delve deeper, like “Read the Full Article” on a blog post preview.

Read-More- CTA button

Related: Call to Action for Social Media

4. Product or service discovery:

This CTA leads visitors to explore your offerings, like “Browse Our Collections” on a clothing website or “Discover Our Services” on a marketing agency page.

CTA-Button- type-

5. Download now:

After someone signs up, a CTA like “Download Our Beginner’s Guide” keeps them engaged and learning more.


6. Purchase CTA button:

On product pages, a bold “Buy Now” or “Add to Cart” button prompts immediate purchase.

Closing-Sale- CTA button

7. Demo/Trial CTA:

Let visitors try before they buy with CTAs like “Start Your Free Trial” or “Book Your Demo Today.”


8. Contact us:

Make it easy for people to reach out with a clear “Contact Us” or “Chat with Us Now” button.

Contact-us-CTA button

8. Banner CTA

A Banner CTA, is a visually prominent element usually displayed at the top or within a webpage, often in the form of a banner or button. These banners are strategically designed to be eye-catching, fostering user engagement and interaction with the intended goal.


9. Social sharing CTA

Social sharing CTA, or Call to Action, is a prompt strategically placed on a website or social media platform to encourage users to share content, such as articles, images, or videos, with their network.

Related: How to create a custom CTA for maximum conversion?

Best practices for designing an effective CTA button

  • Tell them what to do: Use strong verbs like “Download” or “Learn More.”
  • Highlight the benefit: What do they get by clicking? Free guide? Exclusive content?
  • Short and sweet: Keep the text easy to read.
  • Make it stand out: Use contrasting colors and good placement.
  • Mobile-friendly: Easy to tap on any device.

Remember, good CTAs guide users and improve their experience.

Bonus Tip: Replug is a tool that lets you design different types of CTAs like buttons, forms, and even pop-ups, without needing any coding skills. Plus, you can track how well your CTAs are performing to see what resonates with your audience.

Related:How to Create a CTA Campaign Using Replug?

3 best call-to-action button examples

Ready to see some great CTA strategies in action?

Here are 3 stellar examples:

1. Netflix: “Join Free for a Month”

It is clear, concise, and gets straight to the point.

 Because it’s:

  • Free: Who doesn’t love trying something new for free?
  • Limited: Only a month to explore, so dive in quick!
  • Easy: Joining = binge-watching heaven awaits.
  • No pressure: A month lets you try before you commit.

2. Airbnb: “Try Hosting”

This button taps into users’ curiosity and encourages exploration.

It is because;

  • Intriguing: “Try Hosting” piques curiosity without making a big commitment.
  • Open-ended: It invites users to explore the possibilities of hosting without pressure.
  • Low barrier to entry: “Try” suggests it’s easy to get started and see if hosting is right for them.

Overall, it’s a smart way to encourage people to consider being Airbnb hosts without feeling overwhelmed.

Air BnB- CTA-button-example


The “Spin for a Chance to Save” technique used by TOMS can be an effective way to grab attention and spark interest, especially for younger audiences. Here’s why:

It is because;

  • Gamification: Spinning a wheel is a fun and interactive way to engage users, making them more likely to participate compared to just clicking a button.
  • Surprise and anticipation: The mystery of what someone might win adds excitement and keeps them invested in the process.
  • Potential reward: Even if the savings aren’t guaranteed, the chance to win something appealing can motivate people to try.

Remember, your CTA buttons are your website’s secret weapon. Craft them with care, and track your clicks (and conversions) soar!


What is a call to action button behavior?

A Call to Action (CTA) button prompts users to take a specific action, such as making a purchase or signing up. Its behavior should be clear, compelling, and guide users toward the desired action.

What should a call to action button say?

CTA button text should be concise, action-oriented, and aligned with the desired action. Examples include “Buy Now,” “Sign Up,” or “Learn More.”

How do I create a CTA button?

Use Replug’s CTA builder to design and customize your button. Specify the action, craft compelling text, set the button link, define the target audience, and save and implement the CTA on your website.

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Mahnoor Shahid
Meet Mahnoor, the tech enthusiast who works magic with words for B2B and B2C SaaS platforms. Turning tech talk into fascinating stories is her specialty, making brand messages clear and exciting. She's the storyteller companies wish they had!

Boost Your ROI with Personalized Call to Action for a Website

Mahnoor Shahid
6 minutes

Quick Summary

  • Personalized call to action for a website:
    • A CTA is a prompt on a website urging users to take specific desired actions. Personalizing CTAs enhances online presence and user engagement.
  • Types of CTAs:
    • Subscription, Button, Form, Read More, Social Sharing, Sign Up, and Demo/Free Trial etc. CTAs cater to various purposes.
  • Best practices:
    • Ensure visibility, use eye-catching button colors, keep it short and simple, use compelling action verbs, and create a sense of urgency.
  • Creating a CTA with Replug:
    • Sign in, navigate to campaigns, start a new CTA campaign, select brand, choose CTA type and theme, customize, enable, add message, set timer or activate “exit intent,” save, and monitor performance.

Personalized Call to Actions (CTA) perform 202% better than basic CTAs, as they align with users’ buyers’ journeys and preferences

In the online world, where websites compete for attention, creating personalized Calls to Action (CTAs) is an essential strategy.

A well-crafted CTA is not merely a button; it’s a gateway to engagement, conversion, and a thriving online presence.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore what a CTA is, delve into various types, understand best practices, and create personalized call to action for a website using Replug.

What is a call to action for a website?

A call-to-action (CTA) is a prompt on a website that tells the user to take a specific action, such as “Sign Up” or “Buy Now.” 

It’s usually a button or link that’s super important in digital marketing. It helps users know what to do next on a website or how to complete a specific action.

CTAs can vary from simple requests to more demanding actions, and they are designed to encourage user engagement and lead them through the sales funnel. 

In simple terms, a CTA is a direct invitation for the user to do something, like making a purchase, signing up for a service, or downloading a resource.

Related: Call To Action For Social Media

Types of call to actions

Not all Call-to-Action solutions fit everyone. Avoid using “Click Here” on a red button everywhere. Figure out the right call-to-action for your needs

Here are various types for different purposes.

1. Subscription CTA:

Encourage visitors to subscribe to newsletters for regular updates.

Subscription Call to Action for a website

2. Button CTA:

Prompts action with a clickable button, often leading to a transaction or next step.

Buuton-Call to Action for website

3. CTA Form:

Engages users through interactive forms, gathering valuable information.

Form-Call to Action for a website

4. “Read More” or “Find Out More” CTA:

Invites further exploration into relevant content or offers.

5. Social sharing CTA:

Encourages users to share content across social platforms, expanding reach.

6. Sign Up CTA:

Prompts users to sign up for exclusive access or membership.

SignUp-Call to Action for website

7. Demo or Free Trial CTA:

Offers users a hands-on experience, creating a sense of product/service value.

Free Trial- Call to Action for website

5 best practices for creating a perfect call to action

Call to action

Keep reading till the last line of this blog post and get a surprise reward!

Well, now that we’ve got your attention, let’s dive into the call to action best practices that you should consider;

1. Make the CTA visible:

Ensure your CTA stands out by using contrasting colors, average white space, and strategic placement on your website.

2. Eye-catching CTA button colors:

Bright and vibrant colors grab users’ attention and make the CTA button inviting.

3. Keep it short & simple:

Craft concise and actionable text directly tied to your specific offer. Clarity is key.

4. Clear & compelling action verbs:

Elevate engagement by choosing dynamic verbs like “get,” “read,” or “try” over other terms like “submit.”

5. Create a sense of urgency:

Encourage users to take action quickly by incorporating time-sensitive offers or limited availability. Urgency sparks action.

You may also like: 60 Best Call To Action Phrases That Boost CTR

Create a call to action for a website using Replug

Now, let’s walk through the step-by-step process of creating a personalized CTA using Replug:

Step 1: Sign in

Sign in to Replug or Create a Free Account.

Step 2: Navigate to campaigns

Once you’re logged in, find the “Manage” section on the main dashboard and click on “Campaigns.”

Go To Campaigns

Step 3: Start your new CTA campaign

Click the “New Campaign” button to initiate your personalized CTA campaign.

Start a new campaign

Step 4: Select Your Brand or Create a New One

Choose your existing brand for consistency or create a new one if needed.

Select or create a brand

Step 5: Choose CTA Type

In this step, choose the CTA type and theme of your preference. Upload an image for your CTA, and then proceed by clicking on the next button.

You can select from various CTA types, such as Button CTA, Link CTA, or Form CTA.

Choose a CTA theme from Social classic, Social modern, Banner, Exit intent, Popup, Scroll box, and Bridge page.

Choose Call to action for website type

Step 6: Customize your CTA

Dive into customization by adding background colors, text colors, and CTA button colors that align with your brand identity.

Customize your CTA

Step 7: Enable call to action

Assign a name to your campaign, activate the call-to-action in the widgets, and proceed to the next step.

Enable your CTA Widget

Step 8: Add your message

Write what you want to be displayed as CTA and a link to your site.

Add your description and call to action phrase

Step 9: Set the timer or activate “exit intent”

Decide when your CTA should appear on your website. You can also enable the “Exit Intent” option for strategic timing based on user behavior.

Set timer

Step 10: Save your campaign and check performance

Save your campaign, and leverage Replug’s analytics features to monitor and analyze its performance over time.

Check CTA short link analytics for each click


Crafting personalized CTAs is an ongoing process of refinement and adaptation. With a strategic approach and the right tool like Replug, your website can become a hub of meaningful interaction. 

Improve your online presence by instilling purpose into each CTA, guiding every click toward success.

FAQs on call to action for a website

Is call to action a strategy?

Yes, incorporating a call to action (CTA) is a proven strategy to prompt desired actions from your audience.

What is CTA in a blog?

CTA in a blog refers to a “call to action,” which is a directive prompt aimed at encouraging readers to take specific actions, enhancing engagement.

What is the best CTA?

The effectiveness of a CTA depends on your specific goals and target audience. Customize your call to action to align with your objectives and resonate with your readers. Ideally, it should include action words like “get,” “now,” “sign in,” etc.

More Interesting Reads

Mahnoor Shahid
Meet Mahnoor, the tech enthusiast who works magic with words for B2B and B2C SaaS platforms. Turning tech talk into fascinating stories is her specialty, making brand messages clear and exciting. She's the storyteller companies wish they had!

How to Create a Perfect Call-To-Action (CTA) For Maximum Conversions?

Wasiq Naeem
13 minutes

In a world brimming with distractions, capturing and holding attention has become an art. Whether you’re a marketer, a business owner, or simply someone aiming to make an impact, mastering the art of the Call-To-Action (CTA) is essential. 

A well-designed CTA can transform passive onlookers into active participants, driving conversions and propelling your goals forward. But what does it take to create the perfect call to action that compels, entices, and converts? Join us as we uncover the secrets behind crafting CTAs that leave a lasting impact on your audience. 

Get ready to uncover the secret to irresistible attraction and unleash a new era of engagement.

What is a Call-to-Action?

A Call-To-Action (CTA) is a prompt or instruction designed to encourage a specific response or action from the audience. It is typically presented as a clear and concise statement, often accompanied by a visually distinctive button or link.

CTAs are commonly used in marketing and advertising to guide users toward a desired action, such as making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, downloading a resource, or requesting more information.

The purpose of a CTA is to motivate and engage the audience, driving them to take the next step in their journey, ultimately leading to conversions and achieving specific business goals.

Your website might have won the best website award or could be a slick content source, but your efforts could go futile if your audience fails to understand the workflow. That is why you need to cite your websites with a helpful call to action; to help users progress through your website easily.


Also read: What is a Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) Score? And Why Does It Matter?

How to create a perfect call to action? Explained with the best call-to-action examples:

When it comes to capturing your audience’s attention, design takes the spotlight. As the first element they encounter, it has the power to leave a lasting impression. By choosing the right color palette and crafting compelling words, you can effortlessly sweep your audience off their feet.

Now, let’s delve into the captivating world of CTA design schemes. Discover how you can skillfully play with colors, typography, and layout to create CTAs that not only catch the eye but also drive meaningful engagement.

Psychology of Colors in CTAs:

We all experience and perceive colors differently. The vibe we get from different colors strums the strings of our brains and settles in the subconscious part of our minds.

Researchers found in a study, impact of color on marketing, that 90% of the immediate judgment about a product is greatly affected by its color.

An item that stands out attracts more eyeballs toward itself. The importance of color could be magnified by this example below.


An ordinary alteration like a change in button color can boost conversions.
The boost in conversion was noticed by doing a very ordinary alteration; a change in button color.

The red colored ”Get Started Now” CTA boosted conversions by 21%. Keeping this example in mind, imagine what you can achieve by changing just the color of a button.

There you go; a very simple yet revolutionary tip can turn the tables for you.

Nevertheless, the idea is not to use blazing colors in your CTAs, but the idea is to make the CTA stand out from the background.

In this example, the page is constructed on a green palette. A green-colored CTA simply blends in with the background and doesn’t pinch the viewer that much. Whereas, the contrast of the bright-colored CTA button adds to its captivating.

Also read: How to automatically shorten URLs in an RSS Feed

Inspiring example from Shopify CTA story:

Let’s see how Shopify grabs your attention with its CTAs. The current call to action they use on their website looks like this:


But before this, during the past few years, they had been constantly trying to improve the look of their CTA. In 2013, they advertised these versions of CTA ads.


The predominant version of their CTA till 2016 was


You can also get the maximum lead by playing with your CTAs and improving their outlook.

Use smart wordplay in your CTA:

Overlooking your website’s call to action is synonymous with wasting hours of effort spent on creating one. Be it the colors or the text of your CTA, it should be well thought out.

Don’t use mainstream CTA words such as ”Buy Now”, ”Download” or ”Click This”. Such boring words could destroy your conversions. Instead, use the words that go best with the idea of your product.

Because you don’t want your users to think that you are a brain-fed robot prone to go with worn convention.

Choose the words wisely!

Let’s see this example:

Let’s take an example of this case study; changing one word in the call-to-action of the B2B website generated a 38.26% lift in conversions.


Here the weighted value of the words “Order” and ”Get” can be measured.

Apparently, both these words are used to nudge the user to click on the CTA to buy your product. But take a look at the psychological effect these words have.

The word Order indicates what the user has to do- no anticipation for the end result is built for the user.
Conversely, the word Get emphasizes the end result- what the user is going to get if they click on the button.

And just like the colors of your CTA, your text has to be discrete too.

There is a fine line between being unique and being extra. However, don’t lose your originality at the verge of being unique.

The secret is to resonate with your product. Let’s take an example of WordPress and how they’ve shaped their CTA.

Create a website that works for you.”
You can observe that the text of the CTA goes seamlessly with the story of the website.

So, spend some time associating your CTA with your business story.

What is a business story?; you must ask.

Let me spell it out for you.

Use the power of storytelling:

Have you ever heard about neural coupling?

It is a phenomenon that illuminates the storyteller’s and the listener’s brains in the same areas.

You must have witnessed unwitting attention when you start listening to a story.

A story is the compilation of events in such a manner that it reverberates maximally with our neural cells. In easier words, we ought to remember information in the form of a story much easier than plain facts.

When you are writing the text in your CTAs, the wording needs to complement the story’s rhythm. Let the readers feel the emotions and make them empathize with your concepts.

Tommy Walker states in a blog that the purpose of the CTA is to build anticipation. The effective CTA is not created by smart wordplay, it is insurance to the reader that your story gets better when they sign up.

Let’s take a look at the example of Movement Mortgage:


Their concise CTA “Your Mortgage At your fingertips” is appealing enough for the user to click on the “Try it now” button.

The information they’ve provided on their landing page is neither insufficient nor overwhelming.

Also read: How to Insert Links in YouTube Descriptions: Step-by-Step

Create a sense of urgency:

Fear and love are the two powerful forces that drive mountains. Love is difficult to understand, so let’s use fear in our marketing strategies.

Sometimes, you have to use alarming words in your call to action to sell your deal. Instead, use words that create urgency and enchant the viewer to click on them.

If you succeed in making your users believe that they’ll miss out on the hot deals if they don’t click on the CTA. The fear of missing out will push the users to check out the deal before the time runs out.


Also read: Call To Action For Social Media : 15 Best Examples

Less is more:

Keep things simple and unambiguous.

Simplicity brings out elegance, and elegance is attractive.

If you can explain something while keeping it simple, why go down the hard path?

Simplicity could be used to sprout curiosity in the viewer’s mind which elicits them to explore more of your offerings.

Unamo, a tool for marketers, sets a live illustration of simplicity.


You can see in the screenshot that the words used on their landing page are quantifiable and ignite questions in the reader’s mind. And, to unveil the details, the users are invited to learn more via a call to action.

Be direct:

If you own a renowned brand, you don’t need to splash unnecessary information on your website. People already know you and your specialties. So be direct, swab away all the explanations, and directly introduce your user to your offer.

Square, a credit card processing tool, aces the use of CTA by direct targeting. Check out their landing page in the screenshot below.


On their website, they have taken advantage of the fact that people are already acquainted with them. Look at how sleekly they have made use of CTAs.

People know their business and visit the website to sign up. And there it is, right in front of their eyes, they don’t have to search for it. The effective targeting and agile placement bring in the exact audience that Square hopes to convert.

Use CTAs According to Your Funnel:

Your audience can be at different stages of their customer journey while coming across your offering. Therefore, the personalization and customization will add more relatability for them, and they are more likely to convert through a specific call to action.

This can be done by customized CTAs according to the type of content, whether it’s awareness level content, consideration level content, or conversion level content. Therefore, Retargeting CTAs can be more specific than awareness campaign CTAs.

For example,

Let’s look at Slack’s case study and how it caters to different audiences through different CTAs on the same page.


Slack has two CTA buttons on its features page. This page caters to two types of audiences. One who is in the mid of their research stage and is learning and exploring the tool’s features. The second CTA targets people who are in the last stage of their customer journey and want to sign up for the tool.

In addition to these, they also have several other CTAs on their page where they offer you to talk to their sales team for more information and understanding of the offerings. So again, this is a great example of catering to different audiences at different customer journey stages.

Here’s another example:

Nintendo’s website is another example of moving down your audience in the funnel through effective CTAs. They answer the questions of their visitors by answering them through a CTA button. For example, here they have the CTA of “Compare Features”, which enables their customers to research the options. 


Having relevant CTAs according to where your visitor is in their customer journey will enable you to drive conversions by maneuvering their journey. 

You can now see just how important little CTA tweaks can be.

Also read: What is a Tracking Pixel and How Does it Work?

Create selling content to go with your CTA:

Credibility is one of the core values in the online and offline world for converting our visitors into customers. That’s why you must pair your CTA with the content which adds authenticity to your offerings. 

One way is to use testimonials as social proof that your services have been tried and tested by real users. Social proof and reviews from other people make a substantial difference in your customer’s decision-making.

For example,

In this post, Neil Patel Digital used the testimonial of a business owner to share her experience of working with Neil Patel. After this feedback, people are more likely to explore the offerings by clicking on the CTA at the bottom.


Another way to pair your CTAs with selling content is to add numbers and compelling statistics. These statistics also prove your credibility that there is already a high number of people who trust your services, products, or current offering. This also creates a sense of urgency by making people realize that they might be missing something. 

For example,  Neil Patel uses his organic results on CTAs to attract visitors to attend his webinar. With this copy, people are more likely to explore the tricks and tips to increase their website traffic.


Right contextual placement is crucial:

Using a CTA on your website is essential but its placement is the tricky part.

A well-placed CTA is likely to gain more leads than a misplaced CTA which is not backed up by a powerful story.

Don’t we all crave harmony in our lives?

Just like that, you as a marketer should harmonize all your call to action on your website. Create a story on your website and make the end-user a part of your selling story.

A logical story will create momentum in the user’s brain to figure out your product’s value.

To make sense to the user, everything has to be in context.

Let’s say you have a website and your motto is to promote your product. After highlighting one of your key features, invite the user to try out that feature via a CTA right below the description. This will encourage the user to click on the CTA to substantialize the concept they’ve just learned.

Make the user’s visit worthwhile so that they appreciate the sweet symphony your service provides them.

The relevance of your content with your CTA matters equally as the quality of both, if not more.

If you don’t place your CTAs in the right context, the users will be confused about their next move. Thus, they will get intimidated and bounce off of your website.

Check out how smartly Lynda’s CTAs integrate with the offers they sell.


The CTA is placed right above the offered courses, directing the users to start a free trial right away. The point to notice here is that had the CTA been present elsewhere, it would have been cumbersome for the seeker to find the CTA to move forward.

Another perspective explains that for complex websites, it’s better for the CTA to reside below the fold. ContentVerve reinforces this statement by providing us with some facts and figures.

So, according to their study, CTAs placed at the bottom of complex products and service websites gained 304% more conversion than if the same CTA were placed at the top.

This theory is not a game-changer though, as the concept is to stay consistent. If you have a product that needs plenty of description for the viewer to digest, don’t risk skipping the important message.

Remember that the expanse of your CTA is wider than just pixels and colors. It’s about creating psychical chemistry with the onlooker.


Customer feedback:

At this point, you pretty much are on the expert ladder to incentivize your CTAs.

The next thing to take care of; is customer feedback and customer satisfaction score. Your website should be understandable by a wider audience and elucidate their cognitive curiosities.

Even if you have created a classic CTA for your website that withstands all the rules, you still have to rely on the end user. Because an impartial user attains an unbiased experience of your website.

Value the feedback of your customers. Make sure that your users understand the workflow of your website properly. Revise and upgrade your design to the extent that your website becomes a piece of cake for the coming traffic.

How to use CTAs in a Blog:

A Call-To-Action may defer in its guise, but the essence remains the same; i.e. to lead the visitor toward their next step.

Above are some examples of CTAs being used in the home website to guide the visitor toward their next move.

CTAs could also be used for brand marketing as well. The use of such CTAs could easily be staged in a blog.

For example, if you’re explaining a new feature in your blog or creating relevancy with your product, you could escort the user toward the landing page of your home website via a powerful CTA. This could be done on different channels.


You can generate leads even when the audience is not present on your website. But how do you do it?

Replug has the answer to this question.

How does Replug help you create a perfect CTA?

Replug is a powerful tool that allows you to easily create and customize calls-to-action (CTA) on your website. With its user-friendly interface, you can quickly design CTAs that match your brand’s style and aesthetic by adding colors, fonts, and other design elements. 

Replug also comes with analytics features that allow you to track the performance of your CTAs and conduct A/B testing to determine which versions are most effective. This means you can optimize your CTA for a better conversion rate and increase your website’s performance.

Create compelling Call-to-Actions to boost conversions

Improve your click through rate by creating catchy CTAs for your marketing campaigns.

Get Started For Free!
compelling Call-to-Actions

Replug provides a complete canvas for you to draw a catchy call to action from scratch. In addition, the intuitive design of the website lets you smoothly progress through the whole process.

Try Replug for free and envisage your business venture by creating a powerful call to action for your business.

Maximize the Performance of Your Call-to-Action (CTA) with Replug Analysis:

Unlock the potential of your call-to-action (CTA) using Replug’s powerful analytics. Gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of your CTA by tracking and measuring key metrics. Replug provides comprehensive data on:

  • Click-through rate (CTR): Measure the number of clicks your CTA receives. A high CTR indicates an engaging CTA that prompts users to take action.
  • Conversion rate: Evaluate the success of your CTA in driving desired actions, such as purchases or sign-ups. A high conversion rate signifies an effective CTA leading users to conversion.
  • Bounce rate: Understand how many visitors leave your page after viewing a CTA. A high bounce rate suggests the need for a more relevant and compelling CTA to retain user interest.
  • Time on page: Assess the amount of time users spend on a page with your CTA. A low time on a page could indicate the need for a more engaging CTA or additional information to captivate users.
  • A/B testing: Compare two versions of your CTA (A and B) to determine which performs better. Replug enables you to measure and compare metrics, identifying the most effective CTA for driving conversions.

To effectively gauge CTA performance, define clear goals, understand your target audience, and tailor your CTA accordingly. With Replug’s insights, optimize your CTAs for maximum impact and drive superior results.


Discard the conventional rulings and design intuitive, more compelling CTAs for your audience.

Get them hooked on your products and services by resonating with their cognitive needs. Make your CTAs stand out by choosing smart color schemes for your CTAs. Create a story for your customers to make their exploration of your website purposeful.

The placement of the CTA is as important as its design. Carefully contextualize your CTA’s placement and make your users’ journey a seamless one.

Create benefit-oriented CTAs for your websites and multiply your conversion rate and lead generation.

A well-placed and well-designed call to action is not to be undervalued as it can stretch your business capacity to many folds.


Why is a strong CTA important?

A strong CTA is important for user engagement and improving conversion rates.

How can I optimize my CTA for better visibility?

Optimize your CTA by using clear language, visual prominence, strategic placement, urgency, and testing.

Can I include multiple CTAs?

Multiple CTAs can confuse users; focus on a primary CTA with secondary options if necessary.

How can I track the performance of my CTAs?

Track CTA performance using analytics tools, and monitor click-through and conversion rates.

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 How to create a custom CTA for maximum conversion?

Arslan Jadoon
5 minutes

A call-to-action (CTA) is a button or a link on a website or an email that encourages visitors to take a specific action. Such as purchasing a product or signing up for a newsletter. 

The purpose of a CTA is to guide visitors toward a goal conversion, such as completing a purchase or filling out a form. CTAs should be visually attractive and easy to spot so visitors can quickly and efficiently take the desired action. Strong CTAs can lead to maximum conversions, while weak CTAs may not be effective in guiding visitors to take action.

How to create a custom CTA using Replug?

Replug is a powerful tool that allows you to easily create a custom CTA for your website. With its user-friendly interface, you can quickly design CTAs that match your brand’s style and aesthetic by adding colors, fonts, and other design elements. 

Replug also comes with analytics features that allow you to track the performance of your CTAs and conduct A/B testing to determine which versions are most effective. This means you can optimize your CTA for a better conversion rate and increase your website’s performance.

Read Now: 5 Top Link Rotators: Convert More With Traffic Routing & A/B Testing

Here’s how to create a custom CTA using Replug:

Step 1: Sign in to Replug or create an account for free. 

Step 2: Go to the manage section on the main dashboard and click campaigns. 


Step 3: Click the new campaign button to start your new CTA campaign. Or you can select a campaign from the campaigns section if you have already created one. 

new campaign

Read Now: Conversion Rate Optimization Tips – 8 Easy Ways to Boost Sales

Step 4: After creating your campaign, you need to select your brand, or you can create a new oneOnce selected or created a new brand, click the next button. 

Note: Here’s how to create a new brand in just a few seconds. 

select brand

Step 6: Enter your campaign name, enable the call to action (CTA) and click next. 

Name and enable CTA

Step 7: Here, you need to select the CTA type and theme. And upload an image for your CTA, then click next. 

CTA types include; Button CTA, Link CTA, or Form CTA.

CTA theme includes; Social classic, Social modern, Banner, Exit intent, Popup, Scroll box, and Bridge page. 

CTA type and theme

Step 8: Next step is to enter the headline, message, CTA button text, and the actual link to your CTA button, then click next. 

cta message and link

Step 9: Customizing your CTA is the next step. 

Add background colors, text colors, and CTA button colors. See other customizing options and click next. 

customize cta

Step 10: Choose the time after which your CTA appears on your website. 

Alternatively, you can make your CTA appear when the user wants to exit by enabling the “exit intent” option.  

Click the save campaign button, and you’re done.

cta appearance

Analyze your CTA’s performance using Replug:

Replug helps you analyze the performance of a call-to-action (CTA). With Replug, you can track and measure specific metrics. These metrics can include the following:

  • Click-through rate (CTR): Replug measures the number of clicks a CTA receives. A high CTR indicates that the CTA effectively motivates users to act.
  • Conversion rate: with Replug, you can measure the number of successful conversions (e.g., completed a purchase or sign-up). A high conversion rate indicates that the CTA leads users down the desired conversion path.
  • Bounce rate: It measures the number of visitors who leave a website after viewing only one page. A high bounce rate on a page with a CTA could indicate that the CTA needs to be more relevant and compelling to users.
  • Time on page: This measures the time a user spends on a page before leaving. A low time on a page with a CTA could indicate that the CTA needs to be more engaging users or that the page needs to provide more information to keep users interested.
  • A/B testing: It compares two versions of a CTA (A and B) to determine which one performs better. With Replug, you can measure the compare the metrics of both versions. Also, you can identify which CTA is more effective in driving conversions.

It is important to note that you need to have clear goals and objectives for your CTA and a clear understanding of your target audience and their needs to effectively measure the performance of a CTA.

Hubspot and Replug: why should you use them together?

HubSpot is a marketing, sales, and service software that allows you to manage all aspects of your inbound marketing efforts, including creating and tracking CTAs. It provides many features, such as landing pages, forms, email campaigns, and analytics. It also allows you to track the performance of your CTAs and optimize them for better results.

Using Replug with HubSpot can be beneficial as it allows you to:

  • Track clicks on the shortened link using a link-tracking tool and see the number of clicks and the source of the clicks.
  • Create an easy-to-remember and share links for social media or messaging apps.
  • Track conversions using UTM parameters (Urchin Tracking Module) which allow you to track the source, medium, and campaign of the clicks that came from the link.

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Arslan Jadoon
Meet Arslan, a skilled website blog and content writer who combines creativity and expertise to deliver engaging and informative pieces that captivate audiences.

How to make a call to action using a link shortener?

Arslan Jadoon
5 minutes

An effective call to action directs audiences to take a specific action, which can lead to sales or conversions. A call-to-action generator helps you increase engagement and lead generation and drive traffic to a website. Therefore, CTAs are an essential part of any marketing or sales strategy as they help to convert leads into customers.

Why make CTAs using a link shortener?

Creating a call to action (CTA) using a link shortener has several benefits. 

Shortened links are more visually appealing and take up less space, making audiences more likely to click on them.

Additionally, link shorteners provide analytics and tracking features, enabling you to track how many people click on your CTA. This helps in understanding the effectiveness of the CTA and the engagement of the audience. 

Lastly, CTAs also help make the link more manageable, especially when it’s shared on social media platforms where the character limit is a constraint. 

Overall, a link shortener in a CTA can help increase click-through rates. Also, it makes tracking the CTA’s performance easier, which is crucial for any marketing or sales strategy.

Read Now: Call To Action For Social Media: 15 Best Examples

How to make a call to action using Replug?

Follow these steps to make a call to action in Replug.

Step 1: Sign in to Replug or create a free account. 

Step 2: Go to the Manage section on the main dashboard and click campaign. 

click compaign

Step 3: Click the “create new campaign” button in the campaign section.

new campaign

Step 4: To create a new campaign, you must select a brand first. You may choose an existing brand or create a new one if needed.  

select brand

Step 5: Click the next button once you’ve selected or created a brand. 

brand and next

Increase your CTR with a Branded Link Now!

Replug Branded CTA

Step 6: You will now see a page for choosing a campaign type. Choose a name for your call-to-action campaign here. 

Step 7: Select the call to action option from the campaign type page and click the next button.

select call to action button

Step 8: Select your CTA type; here, we’ve selected a link CTA.

Link CTA

Also Read: How to create a call to action using a URL shortener?

Step 9: After selecting the CTA type, you need to select the theme for your CTA. Your CTA’s appearance depends on your CTA’s purpose. As for this case, we have chosen a scroll box CTA theme.

Note: Read more about the use cases for different theme types to understand which CTA theme is perfect for you.

select cta theme

Step 10: Enter your URL and upload an image for the CTA, then click Next.

image and url

Step 12: You are now in the CTA message section. 

Write your headline, message, and CTA button text. And enter the URL of the CTA in the last block. 

Note: You can also preview the CTA side by side, as shown below.

CTA message and link

Step 14: You’re now in the CTA customization section, where you can add colors. (Background colors, text colors, CTA button background colors, CTA button text colors). Choose your colors and click next. 

cta colors

Step 15: In the final step, you will select the seconds, after which the CTA will be displayed to the user. 

Alternatively, you can select the “On exit-intent” option to display the CTA when the user wants to exit the page.

appearance time

Step 16: Save the campaign; now, you can share it across other platforms. Ensure that your newly created campaign appears in the campaigns section. 

save campaign

Also Read: How to Create a perfect Call-To-Action (CTA) For Maximum Conversion.

Track your CTAs with Replug:

Replug can also assist you with tracking the performance of a “call-to-action” (CTA) on a website. It provides analytics features enabling users to monitor the number of clicks a CTA receives. This information can be used to evaluate which CTAs are most successful and adjust marketing strategies accordingly.

Also Read: What is a Tracking URL and How Does it Work?


How do you write a good CTA?

To write a good call-to-action (CTA), you should:

  • Use action-oriented language: Encourage the user to take action by using verbs such as “buy,” “Subscribe,” “register,” etc.
  • Make it clear and specific: Be clear about what the user will get or achieve by clicking the CTA.
  • Keep it simple and easy to understand: Don’t use jargon or complex language.
  • Use contrasting colors: Make your CTA stand out using contrasting colors or graphics.
  • Make it stand out: Make sure your CTA is prominently placed and stands out from the rest of the content on the page.
  • Test different versions: Different versions of your CTA to see which performs best, and adjust accordingly.
  • Make it compelling: Make it sound like a valuable opportunity they want to take advantage of.
  • Use urgency and scarcity: Use language that creates a sense of urgency and scarcity, such as “limited time only” or “while supplies last.”

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Arslan Jadoon
Meet Arslan, a skilled website blog and content writer who combines creativity and expertise to deliver engaging and informative pieces that captivate audiences.

How to create a call to action using a URL shortener?

Arslan Jadoon
5 minutes

Creating a call to action using a URL shortener can effectively drive conversions and encourage users to take a specific action. Using a URL shortener to create a call to action has a few key benefits.

First, it can make long and complex URLs easier to share and more visually to appeal. Sharing a link in a social media post or on a platform with limited space for long URLs can be beneficial. 

Second, URL shorteners can help to track clicks on a link, which can help understand the effectiveness of your call to action. 

Finally, URL shorteners can make creating custom and branded links easier, which can help build brand awareness and make your link more memorable.

How to create a call to action using Replug?

Use these simple steps to create a call to action that inspires users to take action that will benefit your business or organization.

Step 1: Sign in to Replug or create an account if you’re new.

signin or create account

Step 2: Go to the manage section on the main dashboard page and select campaign. 

click campaign

Step 3: Click on the “create new campaign” button in the campaign section.

new campaign

Step 4: To create a new campaign, you must select a brand first. You may choose an existing brand or create a new one if not already been created.

select brand

Step 5: Click the next button once you’ve selected or created a brand. 

brand and next

Increase your CTR with a Branded Link Now!

Replug Branded CTA

Step 6: You will now see a page for choosing a campaign type. Choose a name for your call-to-action campaign here. 

campaign name

Step 7: Select the call to action option from the campaign type page and click the next button.

select call to action button

Step 8: Next, select your CTA type; here, we’ve selected a button CTA.

button cta

Step 9: After selecting the CTA type, you need to select the theme for your CTA. Your CTA’s appearance depends on your CTA’s purpose. As for this case, we have chosen a popup CTA theme to appear after clicking the shortened link.

Note: Read more about the use cases for different theme types to understand which CTA theme is perfect for you.

select cta theme

Step 10: Enter your URL, upload an image for the CTA, and click Next.

Note: Recommended size: Width = 920, Height = 1080

image and url

Step 11: You can view your CTA side-by-side.

preview image and click next

Step 12: You are now in the CTA message section. Write your headline, message, and CTA button text

CTA message

Step 13: Enter your CTA button’s URL or phone number in the last block, and click Next. 

button url or number

Step 14: You’re now in the CTA customization section, where you can add colors. (Background colors, text colors, CTA button background colors, CTA button text colors). Choose your colors and click next. 

cta colors

Step 15: In the final step, you will select the seconds, after which the CTA will be displayed to the user. Alternatively, you can select the “On exit-intent” option, which will display the CTA when the user wants to exit the page.

appearance time

Step 16: Save the campaign; now, you can share it across other platforms. Ensure that your newly created campaign appears in the campaigns section

save compaign

Did You Know?

Replug can also help to track the effectiveness of the CTA, as it offers analytics tools that allow you to track how many clicks the CTA receives. This can help you determine which CTAs are most effective and optimize your marketing efforts accordingly.


What are the 3 features of a strong call to action?

Any CTA should have these three key features:

Clarity: A strong call to action should be clear and straightforward so that the reader knows exactly what they are being asked to do. This means using actionable language, such as “click here” or “sign up now,” and avoiding vague or confusing phrases.

Urgency: A sense of urgency can be a powerful motivator, and a strong call to action should convey a sense that the reader needs to take action immediately. This can be achieved through time-sensitive language, such as “limited time offer,” “act now,” or by highlighting the benefits of taking action immediately.

Relevance: A strong call to action should be relevant to the reader and the context in which it appears. This means that it should be tailored to the specific needs and interests of the audience and should align with the overall goals and message of the campaign or piece of content. By focusing on the reader and their needs, a strong call to action can increase the chances of conversion.

What elements are in CTA?

There are a few key elements that are typically included in a CTA:

Action verb: The CTA should include an action verb that tells the reader what to do. Some common action verbs used in CTAs include “click,” “sign up,” “download,” and “register.”

Button or link: The CTA should include a button or link that the reader can click to take the desired action. The button or link should be prominently placed and easy to find.

Benefit: The CTA should include a benefit or reason for the reader to take the desired action. This could be a discount, exclusive content, or a chance to win a prize.

Sense of urgency: The CTA should convey a sense of urgency or time sensitivity to encourage the reader to take action immediately. This can be achieved through time-sensitive language or by immediately highlighting the benefits of taking action.

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Arslan Jadoon
Meet Arslan, a skilled website blog and content writer who combines creativity and expertise to deliver engaging and informative pieces that captivate audiences.

Call To Action For Social Media : 15 Best Examples

Hassaan Khan
11 minutes

A call to action for social media is an untold success secret that top brands and influencers use it every day.The majority of the top-performing social media content usually has a strong call-to-action phrase.

No wonder the audience reacts to it quickly. I’ve got social media call-to-action examples to share with you. But, before I get to those examples, it’s essential to discuss the basics around call-to-actions that will come in handy.

Why do CTAs matter in social media marketing?

Social media marketing becomes dull if there is no activity whatsoever. The purpose of social media call-to-actions is to entice the audience to react to the message.

Social media success lies in the engagement process regardless of the social media platform. The reason CTAs matter in social media marketing is that they encourage the audience to respond to social media posts no matter what.

What elements should you include in your CTA strategy?

Here are the seven key elements that should be added to a CTA strategy:

  1. Wittiness: A little bit of fun or excitement goes a long way
  2. Appeal: An appealing message that attracts the audience right away
  3. Shortness: A short and sweet copy that is understandable and catchy
  4. Relevance: It should be related to the target audience in order to work
  5. Clarity: It must help clarify the context of the story or event
  6. Enticement: It must be enticing the audience to reply
  7. FOMO: Sometimes, a fear of missing out also helps in conversion. Try using the urgency-factor in the CTAs.

Call to actions for social media

There is plenty to learn from the experts on social media in every area – CTAs are no exception. Take a look at some of the examples of call-to-actions for social media:

LinkedIn CTAs

LinkedIn is a top-tier social media platform, and ignoring this lead-generation machine would be a big mistake. When it comes to LinkedIn posting ideas, CTAs should be part of every social marketer’s LinkedIn content strategy.
Below are some good examples of call-to-actions found on LinkedIn.

  1. Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a popular cloud hosting service that allows users to host websites and apps.

Let’s check their LinkedIn ad:


Why it works

  • The main copy of the ad states the message with clarity. It simply hits the bullseye by targeting web and app developers.
  • A plus point in this LinkedIn ad is that it tells the audience about getting started for free – the CTAs like “sign up for free” and “free trial” in the copy always bring attention.
  • The ad has a “learn more” call-to-action that drives visitors to the AWS sign-up page. Moreover, such CTAs push prospective customers one step further, especially if they’re on the fence.

If you are looking to track or disguise links that appear much friendlier to the online user, then Amazon link shortener is just the tool for you. It helps you optimize product URLs and turn them into trackable and easy to share short branded links.

Tip: Make most of your CTAs by using it with deep links to amplify marketing efforts by sending users directly to the in app content and trigger app installations to the users that have not installed the app on their smartphone devices.
  1. Microsoft

Microsoft is a tech giant that sells software, operating systems, and gadgets.

Here’s Microsoft’s recent LinkedIn ad about financial institution’s guide to the public cloud:


Why it works

  • The crux of the message is clearly written in the white bold text on the ad. No fluff or detailed text.
  • The “download now” CTA on the ad banner symbolizes that there is an ad for a downloadable item. It hints to the target audience to look into it.
  • Microsoft’s marketing team smartly used the “download” call-to-action button on the ad to make it easier for the audience to decide and take action about downloading the public cloud guide.
  1. LinkedIn Talent Solutions

LinkedIn Talent Solutions is a powerful recruitment tool available on the LinkedIn platform.

Here’s their LinkedIn ad:


Why it works

  • A brief yet meaningful introductory text on the ad steals attention immediately.
  • Short link at the end of the introductory text gives the audience a chance to explore it further.
  • A downloadable CTA tells the target audience to get their hands on the downloadable item.
Tip: Audience-matched targeting can help you reach more prospects you already know.
  1. Reliance Infosystems

Reliance Infosystems is a tech powerhouse that offers cloud hosting, network management, and IT security management services.

Take a look at their LinkedIn ad:


Why it works

  • The text on the ad image easily becomes overwhelming for the viewers unless it’s short and precise. Reliance Infosystems seems to be pulling this off quite well.
  • The dashboard picture of their software solution balances the whole thing. Pictures and vectors mostly help retain the target audience’s attention.
  • The sign-up call-to-action pushes the audience to take a leap.
  1. LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning is an educational platform from LinkedIn. It provides users access to the platform through their LinkedIn accounts. Check out their LinkedIn ad:


Why it works

  • The most attractive part of this ad is the copy of the ad. It has a short yet catchy statement on the ad banner. Along with a strong CTA phrase, the “Learn more” CTA button persuades users to click and get more information.
  • A number or percentage on the ad copy immediately grasps the attention of the viewers.
  • The ad design is quite simple which shifts the focus toward the copy.

Twitter CTAs

Twitter may seem simple, but it has a lot to offer. All you need is to know how to capitalize on the attention. Here are some of the tweets from brands and influencers that are crushing it with their call-to-actions on Twitter:

Tweets allow to use a limited amount of characters. So link shorteners for Twitter help create short URLs that can fit into your tweets.

  1. Canva

Canva is a popular online graphics designing tool for creating social media images, banners, and ads. Check out their tweet:

canva-Tweet-Call to action-

Why it works

  • The tweet from Canva vividly targets the organizations or companies with team members for their “Canva for teams” plan.
  • The simplicity of the tweet language ensures that readers keep on reading the two-paragraph tweet from them.
  • A call-to-action text at the end of the tweet makes it easier for the prospective audience to click through and land on the respective plan page.
  1. Guy Kawasaki

Guy Kawasaki is an entrepreneur, investor, and adviser to startups.

I stumbled upon one of his recent tweets, and it’s worth mentioning here:


Why it works

  • A one-line tweet and the text body includes “7 lessons” – it surely rings the bell. People would like to take a sneak peek at the list of seven lessons even for a second. A good move, indeed.
  • A short URL is used very smartly – the tweet stays in just one line, which makes the short link more prominent and clickable.
  • A picture is added to the tweet just to weigh in on the organic reach. Pictures and images usually get more attention and organic viewership as compared to text-only social media posts.
  1. Semrush

Semrush is a powerful SEO analysis and rank tracking software used by professional digital marketers around the globe.

Here’s one of their tweets mentioning SEO expert Barry Schwartz.


Why it works

  • The tweet from Semrush cashed in on the hot trend in the online marketing and SEO fields, which is the September core update 2022.
  • Semrush mentioned Barry Schwartz in the tweet, which is a fantastic engagement strategy and gets the attention of the audience.
  • A short and brief call-to-action directs visitors to the article, which makes it a perfect tweet from a social media engagement standpoint.
  1. TV Guide

TV Guide is an entertainment portal that discusses TV shows and movies.

Take a look at one of their recent tweets:

tv-guide-tweet-Call to action

Why it works

  • The tweet has a news update for Netflix fans. It announces the availability of the Witcher: Blood Origin TV series on Netflix.
  • The tweet is short and sweet with no fluff. Such social media posts get more attention as compared to hefty social media posts.
  • TV Guide wrote a simple yet attractive call-to-action for driving Twitter followers to the article.
  1. PageFactory

Allison Seboldt is the developer of PageFactory – an online content publishing app for content management systems.

Check out her tweet:

page-factory-Call to action for social media

Why it works

  • Allison’s tweet has an attractive text body. She kept it simple yet meaningful. Her tweet was about the announcement of PageFactory’s integration with the Webflow platform.
  • The second thing that fascinated me was the two-line explanation that summed up the whole tweet.
  • The call-to-action was clear, concise, and catchy – it pushes the audience to click and check out the website.
  • The video in the tweet took the announcement to the next level.

YouTube CTAs

YouTube is the second most popular search engine on the internet. When it comes to call-to-action for social media, YouTube has an excellent real estate to offer for CTAs.

Shorten links and add CTAs to your Youtube links using a Youtube URL shortener.

Let’s take a look at a couple of YouTube influencers who are capitalizing on the call-to-actions on YouTube:

  1. Epic Gardening

Epic Gardening is a well-known gardening brand that has a YouTube channel and a website. Let’s see how this gardening brand is using the call-to-actions on social media:

epic-gardening-CTA for social media

Why it works

  • Epic Gardening is using the video description for sharing the link. Since the video description is a place to find the detail about the video, the channel has a product link in the video description.
  • The channel is promoting the lemon plant through the link in the description – the video is also about the same plant. Therefore, relevancy is the key to generating sales.
  • The product link is in the first line of the video description, which makes the link more prominent.
  1. Creative Explained

Creative Explained is a YouTube channel around gardening and life hacks made by Armen Adamjan. He is promoting an ebooks bundle deal and using his YouTube video descriptions to sell the bundle deal.

Take a look at the description of one of the recent videos on this channel:

creative-explained-CTA for SMM

Why it works

  • Armen mentioned his website address in the very first line to drive people to check out the deal next to the call-to-action.
  • This YouTube influencer used the naked URL of the bundle deal right below the call-to-action.
  1. Meta for Creators

Meta for Creators is a platform built by Facebook with creators in mind so that they could meet, collaborate, and earn money online.

Check out their Facebook ad:


Why it works

  • The ad has a short and sweet introductory text, which catches the attention in a split second.
  • Meta for Creators used the “follow” in the introductory text and mentioned their Facebook page to grow followers.
  • They used the video to attract, engage, and convert the audience.
  • The ad also has a “Follow” CTA phrased button at the bottom to ensure that more people follow their Facebook page.
Tip: Use bi links tools for your Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and Twitter to drive more followers and conversions. 
  1. Compose AI

Compose AI is a browser extension that has powerful AI features to write speedy emails and messages. It works across multiple sites but is commonly used for Gmail.

Here’s the Facebook ad for Compose AI:


Why it works

  • The first and foremost is the circled “free” text in the ad copy, which immediately steals the attention.
  • The ad image showcases a snippet of how this tool works – it’s an excellent way of enticing the audience to try out the product.
  • The headline of this Facebook ad says, “Write 2X Faster for Free” – it’s a fantastic one-liner along with the download CTA at the bottom.
Tip: Automate your content publishing using social media management platforms and grow your reach.
  1. Circle

Circle is a financial technology company that helps in financial transactions at a fast-paced using the power of USDC and Euro Coin.

Let’s take a look at their Facebook ad:


Why it works

  • Circle is cashing in on their ability to deal with USDC cryptocurrency in their Facebook ad.
  • The copy of the ad emphasizes the trustworthiness of the coin.
  • They also have a “learn more” CTA at the bottom to drive people to their website for more details.

Replug: How do CTAs work?

Replug is an all-in-one link management tool that creates branded short URLs with the ability to track link performance. Moreover, the additional features include deep links, custom domains, integrations, bio links, UTM codes, retargeting, and call-to-actions.

Here are the steps of creating a CTA using Replug.


Step #1: Create a campaign in Replug

Log in to your Replug account and go to the campaign section. Click on the “New Campaign” button to get started with creating a new campaign.

Step #2: Select your brand

The second step is to select the appropriate brand or create a new one just in case. Once you’re done with this, click the “next” button to proceed.

Step #3: Choose the CTA widget

The next up is the selection of the CTA widget. Since you’re creating a call-to-action with Replug, choose the “call-to-action” option from the widgets section.

Step #4: Opt for the CTA type

After selecting the CTA widget, choose the CTA type. You’ll see three options, such as a button, link, and form. Choose the required CTA type to proceed.

Step #5: Add a CTA message

Add a CTA message afterwards. If you opt for the CTA button option in step #4, you’ll have to input the message headline, message body, and button text.

Step #6: Customize the CTA

You can customize the CTA to match your company’s branding if you will.

Step #7: Adjust the appearance

Adjust the popup timing in the appearance settings to make sure that the CTA snippet appears the way you want it to appear.

Final thoughts on call-to-action for social media

Most people think of call-to-action buttons as green or yellow rectangular buttons that say “sign up” or “download” on the websites.

However, a call-to-action doesn’t necessarily mean a button. In fact, it could be a text, image, or emoji that navigates the audience or influences the visitors to take an action.

Since there is cut-throat competition on social media, it’s essential to use every tool available at your disposal to attract, engage, and convert the audience.

The call-to-actions for social media is surely something that could increase post visibility, clickability, and engagement across all social media platforms.

Don’t hesitate to alter your social media strategy by including tailored-made call-to-actions for social media to see how they turned out for you.

Reach out to us on social media and tell us how this tactic worked out for you because if it works, then you could always rinse and repeat.


Here are some burning questions about social media CTAs that need to be answered:

Does every social media post need a call to action?

Social media posts with call-to-actions tend to perform better from an engagement standpoint. However, it’s not absolutely important to infuse a CTA every time you post on social media.

Some social media post types such as useful tips, personal stories, and case studies don’t require call-to-actions. Instead, they have to be authentic, helpful, and engaging.

What is a call to action on TikTok?

The commonly used call-to-action on TikTok is “link in bio” – it’s similar to Instagram. However, it’s a completely different story in the TikTok ads.

What is a call to action on Facebook?

Facebook allows URLs in the caption/introductory text on a post. Most social media users utilize short links on Facebook to drive the audience to their website or a different social media profile. It’s a popular social media tactic to capitalize on the attention.

What is a good call to action on Instagram?

A good call-to-action on Instagram means a CTA that grasps the attention right away. To make such a CTA, make sure that you’re reaching out to the right audience, sharing something relevant with powerful call-to-action such as free, get access, download now, grab it today, avail discount, early access, etc. Instagram link shorteners like Replug help create tracking CTAs and bridge pages that can redirect traffic to any webpage with a shortened URL that helps convert more.

What is a call-to-action hashtag?

It’s a type of hashtag that brands and organizations create that emphasizes taking action or encouraging the followers to perform a specific job. Sometimes, brands start a Twitter trend with a specific hashtag and pay influencers to use that hashtag for promotion.

Hassaan Khan
Hassaan Khan is a freelance writer for SAAS companies, e-commerce stores, and niche websites. He has contributed to SEMrush, ThriveGlobal, BloggingCage, AllBloggingTips, and several other publications. He builds niche websites, publishes e-books, and helps website investors with his done-for-you niche site-building service.

Amplify Your Marketing With Optimized Link Sharing

Over 35,000+ marketers, agencies, businesses, e-commerce stores and brands optimize and track their links using Replug and get better returns on their marketing efforts.