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Tag: affiliate links

How to use an affiliate link shortener: A quick guide 

Arslan Jadoon
6 minutes

In the realm of online marketing, affiliate marketing has become a go-to strategy for many individuals and small businesses aiming to make some extra cash. It’s all about promoting other companies’ products or services through special referral links, known as affiliate links, and earning a commission when those links lead to sales.

If you’re already knee-deep in the affiliate marketing game, you know the struggle of dealing with those long, clunky affiliate links. They can be a real pain, right? But fear not! There’s a nifty little tool out there called an affiliate link shortener, and it’s here to make your life a whole lot easier.

In this quick guide, we’ll look at why using a link shortener is a smart move for savvy marketers like yourself. So, let’s dive in and discover why this tool might just be your new best friend in the world of affiliate marketing.

An affiliate link is more than just your average hyperlink. It’s a specially crafted URL that directs potential customers to a specific product or service offered online. At first glance, it appears like any other link you might stumble upon while browsing the web. However, what sets affiliate links apart is their ability to track the performance of marketers who promote them.

An affiliate link shortener is a handy tool designed to simplify and streamline lengthy affiliate links. It takes those sprawling URLs associated with affiliate marketing and condenses them into shorter, more manageable versions. These shortened links retain the same destination as the original affiliate links but are much cleaner and easier to share.

Besides making your links look nicer, affiliate link shorteners often offer additional features like click tracking and analytics. This means you can monitor how many people are clicking on your links and gauge the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

Branded Short Links

Create and track branded short links for your business for better conversions.

Brand Your Links Now!
Branded Short Links

Affiliate links are the backbone of affiliate marketing, serving as pathways between marketers and the products or services they endorse. Here’s a breakdown of their functionality:

Affiliate links are generated by affiliates themselves or through specialized affiliate marketing apps. These links direct users to the product or service being promoted. When someone clicks on an affiliate link and subsequently makes a purchase, the vendor can identify the source of the referral through a unique ID. 

This attribution enables the vendor to credit the sale to the affiliate who directed the customer to their product or service. As a result, affiliates earn a commission based on the specific program’s terms.

Making use of affiliate networks

Affiliate marketing networks serve as intermediaries between content creators and companies offering affiliate programs. Here’s how to make the most of them:

  • Strategic program selection

Identify your target audience and select an affiliate program that aligns with your interests. Prioritize relevance over commission rates to ensure successful partnerships.

  • Streamlined access

Joining an affiliate network grants access to a diverse array of programs, simplifying the process of finding suitable products to promote.

Tracking the performance of affiliate links is crucial for optimizing marketing strategies. Tools like Replug make it easy to monitor the engagement and effectiveness of affiliate links. 

With Replug, marketers can track multiple links from a centralized platform, enabling informed decision-making.

Also read: Affiliate Link Tracking To Optimize Your Earnings

Maximizing click-through rates

Encouraging users to click on affiliate links requires engaging content and strategic placement. Here are some effective tactics:

  • Build trust through informative content

Create content that informs and educates your audience, fostering trust and credibility. Trustworthy recommendations are more likely to result in click-throughs.

  • Ensure clear and compelling links

Craft affiliate links that communicate the value proposition of the product or service being promoted. Transparency and relevance are key to driving user engagement.

  • Strategically place affiliate links

Integrate affiliate links seamlessly into your content, ensuring they complement the narrative and provide value to the reader. Strategic placement enhances user experience and increases the likelihood of click-throughs.

Branded Short Links

Create and track branded short links for your business for better conversions.

Brand Your Links Now!
Branded Short Links

Replug offers a user-friendly platform for shortening and managing affiliate links. Here’s how to utilize Replug effectively:

1. Sign up and log in

Start by signing up for a Replug account if you haven’t already. Once registered, log in to your account to access the platform’s features.

Navigate to the dashboard of your Replug account. Locate the option to add a new link and paste your affiliate link into the designated field.

Replug allows you to customize your affiliate link to make it more appealing and memorable. You can edit the URL slug, add a branded domain, and even include relevant keywords for SEO purposes.

One of Replug’s key features is its comprehensive link-tracking capabilities. Monitor metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and audience demographics to gauge the effectiveness of your affiliate campaigns.

5. Optimize with call-to-actions (CTAs)

Enhance the effectiveness of your affiliate links by incorporating compelling call-to-action. Replug enables you to create and customize CTAs that prompt users to take desired actions, such as making a purchase or signing up for a service.

6. Leverage UTM parameters

Implement UTM parameters to track the source of your traffic accurately. Replug allows you to add custom UTM tags to your affiliate links, providing valuable insights into the performance of different marketing channels and campaigns.

7. Integrate with your marketing stack

Seamlessly integrate Replug with your existing marketing tools and platforms for enhanced efficiency. Connect Replug to email marketing software, social media platforms, and analytics tools to streamline your workflow and optimize your affiliate marketing efforts.

8. Monitor and adjust strategies

Regularly review the performance of your affiliate links using Replug’s analytics dashboard. Identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement, and adjust your strategies accordingly to maximize your earning potential.

Also read: A Quick Guide on Affiliate Decloaking 

Branded Short Links

Create and track branded short links for your business for better conversions.

Brand Your Links Now!
Branded Short Links

Employing an affiliate link shortener offers numerous advantages for marketers looking to streamline their affiliate marketing efforts. Here are some key benefits:

An affiliate link shortener simplifies the task of managing numerous affiliate links, particularly during long-term campaigns. It enables users to organize and track links efficiently, ensuring that every link used in sponsored content is accounted for and its performance monitored effectively.

2. Improved branding

Customizable branded links provided by affiliate link shorteners enhance brand visibility and recognition. Users can tailor links to align with their brand identity, categorize them according to promoted products, or incorporate domain names for a cohesive and professional appearance.

3. Enhanced analytics

Affiliate link shorteners offer robust analytics capabilities, providing valuable insights into link performance and user behavior. By analyzing metrics such as engagements, visitor demographics, and referral sources, marketers can make data-driven decisions to optimize their campaigns in real-time.

4. Increased security

Shortened affiliate links add an extra layer of security, mitigating the risk of spam and fraud. Customized links are more challenging to replicate, reducing the likelihood of malicious actors exploiting unsuspecting users. Additionally, branded links instill trust and credibility, reassuring audiences of their authenticity.

5. Higher engagement rates

Short, branded links contribute to higher engagement rates, especially on social media platforms. Recognizable custom URLs make it easier for audiences to identify and interact with brand content, increasing the likelihood of link clicks and conversions.

Also read: 11 Best Affiliate Marketing Tools of 2024 – Features, Reviews, Pricing, and More

Link Management Made Easy

Your go to link management tool for CTAs, branded and bio links, QR Codes, tracking and retargeting.

Get Started for FREE!
link management made easy


Yes, most affiliate link shorteners allow users to customize shortened links with their branding, domain names, or keywords. Customizing links enhances brand recognition and builds trust with users.

The best affiliate link shortener depends on individual preferences, budget, and specific needs. Popular options include Bitly, Rebrandly, and Pretty Links, each offering unique features and pricing plans.

Affiliate link shorteners typically use fast server-side redirects, minimizing any impact on link click speed. However, users should ensure that the chosen shortener maintains high-performance servers to avoid delays.

Yes, affiliate link shorteners can be used on social media platforms to shorten URLs and track click-through rates. However, some platforms may have restrictions on the use of affiliate links, so users should review each platform’s guidelines before posting.

Most affiliate link shorteners provide built-in analytics tools that track metrics such as click-through rates, conversions, geographic location of users, and referral sources. Users can access these analytics dashboards to monitor the performance of their shortened links.

Arslan Jadoon
Meet Arslan, a skilled website blog and content writer who combines creativity and expertise to deliver engaging and informative pieces that captivate audiences.

How to Create Affiliate Links and Keep Track of Affiliate Results?

Arslan Jadoon
4 minutes

Curious about the perks of affiliate links and how to make them work for you? You’re in the right place. We’ll walk you through the basics, the benefits, and the nitty-gritty of crafting links that get results. Plus, we’re throwing in our top tips to help you amp up your website traffic and sales figures.

Let’s dive in and discover the simplicity behind using affiliate marketing to your advantage. Get ready to not only create killer links but also keep tabs on your affiliate results for a marketing strategy that packs a punch. Let’s get started!

Affiliate links are like regular links, but with a special twist—they come equipped with a unique ID that lets you monitor the link’s performance. Picture it as a digital trail: every time someone clicks on the link, you capture that click. If the click ultimately translates into a sale, your analytics will spell it out for you, attributing the sale to that precise link. 

This system is your compass for recognizing which affiliate deserves the credit for driving traffic or sealing the deal. In essence, affiliate links provide a transparent way to link actions to outcomes, ensuring credit lands where it’s due.

Creating affiliate links is a breeze, and here’s a simple step-by-step guide to get you started, with a bonus tip on making them even better using Replug:

Step 1: Choose your affiliate network

Select an affiliate network that suits your needs. Popular platforms include Rakuten, ShareASale, and ClickBank. Ensure the platform aligns with your goals and provides the features you require.

Step 2: Set up your affiliate program

Once inside your chosen affiliate network, establish an affiliate program. Define custom rules, outline promotions linked to your affiliate links, and specify the commissions affiliates will earn.

Step 3: Select affiliates

Browse through the available affiliates on the platform and add your preferred ones to your program.

Step 4: Generate unique affiliate links:

Using the affiliate dashboard, generate distinct affiliate links for each affiliate. This step ensures accurate tracking of their performance.

Step 5: Integrate Replug for enhancement

Sign up or log in to Replug, a link management service. Leverage Replug’s Link Management to create custom vanity URLs (available to Basic plan users and above). This replaces the standard “rplg.co” part of a shortened link with your custom-branded domain.

Utilize Replug to customize the slug of your links as well. This transforms the affiliate link’s unique ID string into a more descriptive and attractive component. People are more likely to click on links that hint at their destination.

Setting up your affiliate program takes a bit of groundwork, but once in place, crafting and enhancing affiliate links through Replug becomes a matter of minutes. While optional, using custom domains and descriptive slugs not only boosts credibility but also increases the likelihood of clicks from your audience.

Also read: How to Create a Short URL: Step-by-Step Guide

Link Management Made Easy

Your go to link management tool for CTAs, branded and bio links, QR Codes, tracking and retargeting.

Get Started for FREE!
link management made easy

Affiliate links can offer several lucrative benefits. Here are a few:

The affiliate marketing industry’s significant growth, valued at $15.77 billion in 2021 and projected to reach $27.78 billion by 2027, underscores the vast opportunities it offers. 

By engaging in affiliate marketing, you tap into a network that extends beyond your immediate audience. Each affiliate brings their followers, creating a ripple effect that dramatically expands your brand’s reach and exposure.

2. Boost Sales: The affiliate marketing advantage

According to a survey by Digiday and Awin, 80% of marketers consider affiliate marketing a crucial revenue source. Unlike some marketing strategies focused on generating clicks, most affiliate programs are geared toward driving actual sales. 

Affiliates actively market your products, directing potential buyers to your pages and maintaining high conversion rates to earn commissions. It’s a win-win situation, aligning their efforts with your sales goals.

Also read: How to Post Amazon Affiliate Links on Facebook?

The unique identifiers embedded in affiliate links empower you with robust performance tracking and analytics. Unlike generic websites or social media analytics, affiliate marketing allows you to pinpoint the effectiveness of each link. 

Dive into metrics to understand why certain links outperform others—whether it’s the affiliate’s chosen channels, audience reach, or content strategy. This granular insight enables you to optimize your approach for maximum impact.

4. More cost-effective advertising:

Affiliate marketing stands out as a cost-effective advertising method. Your primary investment includes the setup of an affiliate marketing platform and the establishment of partnerships, often requiring a modest monthly fee. 

Unlike other digital marketing avenues that demand substantial investments in website development or content marketing, affiliate marketing leverages the creativity and strategies of content creators—bloggers, influencers, email marketers—whose efforts align with your product promotions. The result is an efficient and budget-friendly advertising approach that delivers tangible results.

Also read: Affiliate Link Tracking To Optimize Your Earnings

Supercharge your affiliate marketing with Replug

Ready to take your affiliate marketing game to the next level? Look no further than Replug. We offer a robust toolkit that empowers you to craft captivating and effortlessly traceable affiliate links. Bid farewell to complicated URLs and embrace a world of simplicity and effectiveness.


Shorten your links effortlessly and infuse them with custom branding for a unique and captivating touch.

Precise tracking & analytics:

Delve into Replug’s analytics to gain a profound understanding of link engagement and conversions. Use these insights to make strategic decisions.

Effortless A/B testing:

Experiment with different link variations effortlessly. Discover what resonates best with your audience, elevating your conversion rates.

Pro-level retargeting:

Ensure valuable leads don’t slip away. Replug’s retargeting feature lets you reconnect with potential customers, maximizing your marketing ROI.

Deep linking precision:

Guide users directly to relevant content, enhancing relevancy, customizing experiences, and increasing conversion chances.

Effortlessly showcase multiple offers in one location. Customize your bio link to reflect your brand identity and gain insights into your top-performing offers.

Ready to amplify your affiliate game? Join the ranks of successful marketers who have embraced Replug’s power—increased click-through rates, boosted conversions, and maximized earnings are just a click away!

Link Management Made Easy

Your go to link management tool for CTAs, branded and bio links, QR Codes, tracking and retargeting.

Get Started for FREE!
link management made easy


Affiliate links track clicks, and when someone purchases through the link, the affiliate earns a commission.

Promote affiliate links through social media, blogs, and email marketing. Create engaging content and provide genuine recommendations.

Join the Amazon Associates program, generate links in your dashboard, and use them in your content to earn commissions on sales.

Affiliate link payments vary; they can be a percentage or a fixed amount. Research programs aligned with your niche for optimal results.

Arslan Jadoon
Meet Arslan, a skilled website blog and content writer who combines creativity and expertise to deliver engaging and informative pieces that captivate audiences.

How to Post Amazon Affiliate Links on Facebook?

Arslan Jadoon
4 minutes

Join Amazon’s Affiliate Program, share products you love on Facebook, and earn commissions effortlessly. 

In this guide, we’ll show you how to post Amazon affiliate links on Facebook easily. Get ready to boost your income with the power of affiliate marketing – let’s dive in!

Post Amazon affiliate links on Facebook using SiteStripe on Amazon.com:

Here’s how to post Amazon affiliate links on Facebook using SiteStripe on Amazon.com:

Important: You must have an Amazon associates account in order to share Amazon affiliate links.

Step 1: Go to affiliate-program.amazon.com and log in to your Amazon Associates account.

Step 2: Navigate to the specific item or page on Amazon.com that you wish to link to.

Step 3: At the top of the Amazon.com page, you should see a black bar called “SiteStripe.” If you don’t see it, make sure you are logged in to your Amazon Associates account.


Step 4: Within Site Stripe, you’ll find social media logos such as the Facebook “f” logo or the Twitter bird logo. Click on the respective logo for the platform you want to post the link on (e.g., Facebook).


Step 5: If you want to share the link on other social media platforms not directly supported by SiteStripe, you can choose the “Text” option. This will provide you with the link that you can manually copy and paste into your other social media posts.


Step 6: If you’re not already logged in, a window may pop up asking you to sign in to your Facebook or Twitter account.

Step 7: After signing in, click on the “Share Link” button (for Facebook) or “Tweet” button (for Twitter) to post the affiliate link on your chosen social media platform.

Also read: Affiliate Link Tracking To Optimize Your Earnings

  • Use high-quality images of the products you are promoting.
  • Write engaging and informative descriptions of the products.
  • Use relevant hashtags to help people find your posts.
  • Promote products that your followers are likely to be interested in.
  • Track your results to see how well your posts are performing.

Also read: How to add Amazon link to Instagram bio?

Create bio links for Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn.

Create fully customizable bio link webpages to drive traffic from and to your social media channels, online store, website and much more.

Learn More!
fully customizable bio link

Supercharge your Amazon affiliate marketing with Replug

Replug’s link shortening and bio link feature can significantly enhance your Amazon affiliate marketing efforts on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Here’s how Replug can help:

Engaging posts: Replug allows you to create short and branded links for your Amazon affiliate products. Short links look more appealing and professional, encouraging your audience to click on them.

Tracking and analytics: Replug provides detailed analytics and tracking data for each shortened link. You can see how many clicks your affiliate links receive, helping you measure the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.


Single point of access: Instead of sharing individual affiliate links in each post, you can use Replug’s bio link feature to create a single landing page where your followers can find all your affiliate products. This simplifies the process for your audience and increases the chances of them exploring and making purchases.

Customization: Replug’s bio link feature allows you to customize the landing page with your branding, profile picture, and a brief introduction. This personal touch helps build trust with your audience and reinforces your affiliate marketing efforts.

Real-time updates: You can easily update the links and products on your bio link page as needed, without having to edit individual posts or captions. This flexibility keeps your content fresh and relevant for your audience.


Also read: How To Add A Instagram Link In Bio?


What is Amazon Affiliate Marketing?

Amazon Affiliate Marketing is a program that allows individuals to promote products from Amazon on their websites, blogs, or social media platforms and earn commissions for each sale generated through their unique affiliate links.

Yes, you can use Amazon affiliate links on Instagram posts, but follow Amazon’s rules and Instagram’s guidelines.

Absolutely! You can share Amazon affiliate links on your Facebook page. Just adhere to the platform’s and Amazon’s guidelines.

What pays most on Amazon affiliates?

Amazon affiliate earnings vary by category. Electronics, luxury beauty, and Kindle devices often pay higher commissions.

Can I post Amazon affiliate links on YouTube comments?

While Amazon doesn’t explicitly forbid it, follow YouTube’s rules and Amazon’s policies when using affiliate links in comments. Stay transparent and valuable

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Arslan Jadoon
Meet Arslan, a skilled website blog and content writer who combines creativity and expertise to deliver engaging and informative pieces that captivate audiences.

Affiliate Link Tracking To Optimize Your Earnings

Mustafa Niazi
8 minutes

Do you know, affiliate marketers earn $59,060 per year? It is considered a reliable source of passive income. Isn’t it amazing? But how to set up and track affiliate links? Let’s find out in this blog.

What are affiliate links? 

Affiliate links are special URLs that contain a unique identifier that associates a sale with an affiliate marketer. When a user clicks on an affiliate link and makes a purchase, the affiliate marketer earns a commission on the sale.

Affiliate marketing is a popular way for bloggers, influencers, and website owners to earn money by promoting products or services to their audience. It can also be a cost-effective way for businesses to reach new customers and increase sales.

What does affiliate tracking mean?

Affiliate tracking refers to the process of tracking the performance of affiliate marketing campaigns. It involves using a unique tracking link or code to monitor clicks, conversions, and sales generated by affiliate marketers.

When an affiliate marketer promotes a product or service, they include a special affiliate tracking link or code in their content. When a user clicks on the link and makes a purchase, the affiliate tracking software records the transaction and attributes the sale to the affiliate.

The tracking software then calculates the commission owed to the affiliate based on the agreed-upon commission rate and other terms and conditions of the affiliate program. 

This allows businesses and affiliates to track the performance of their campaigns, monitor their earnings, and make informed decisions about their marketing strategies.

Affiliate tracking can be done using a variety of software tools and platforms, including affiliate networks, third-party tracking software, and in-house tracking systems. 

These tools typically provide detailed analytics and reporting features, which allow businesses and affiliates to analyze their performance data and optimize their campaigns for better results.

Why is link tracking important for affiliate marketers?

Let’s look into a few reasons why link tracking is important for affiliate marketing:

Monitor campaign performance:

Link tracking enables businesses and affiliates to track clicks, conversions, and sales generated by their marketing campaigns. This information can help them identify which campaigns are performing well and which ones need improvement.

Optimize marketing strategies:

With link tracking, businesses, and affiliates can analyze data to identify trends and patterns that can inform their marketing strategies. For example, they can determine which marketing channels or tactics are driving the most sales and focus their efforts on those areas.

Calculate commissions accurately:

Link tracking ensures that affiliates are credited for the sales they generate, and they receive accurate commissions based on the agreed-upon commission rate and other terms and conditions of the affiliate program.

Avoid Scam:

Link tracking can help prevent fraudulent activities, such as click fraud or cookie stuffing, which can artificially inflate clicks and conversions and result in inaccurate commission payments.

What to look for in affiliate tracking software?

When selecting an affiliate tracking software, there are several key features and factors to consider. Here are some important things to look for:

Reliability and uptime:

The software should be reliable and have a high uptime to ensure that tracking is accurate and uninterrupted.


The software should be compatible with the platforms and systems used by your business and affiliates, such as website platforms, payment gateways, and advertising networks.


The software should be customizable to meet the unique needs of your business and affiliates, such as commission structures, tracking parameters, and reporting features.

Tracking accuracy:

The software should provide accurate tracking to prevent fraudulent activities such as click fraud or cookie stuffing.

Reporting and analytics:

The software should provide detailed reporting and analytics features, such as campaign performance data, earnings reports, and conversion rates.

Integration with third-party tools:

The software should integrate with other tools and services used by your business and affiliates, such as marketing automation tools, email marketing software, and customer relationship management (CRM) systems.

Customer support:

The software provider should offer reliable customer support and resources to help businesses and affiliates use the software effectively and resolve any issues that may arise.

Best affiliate link tracking tools 

Selecting the right affiliate tracking software is an important decision for businesses and affiliates, as it can have a significant impact on the accuracy, effectiveness, and profitability of their affiliate marketing campaigns.

Here are some of our recommended tools.


Whether you’re an affiliate marketer or looking to enhance your personal brand, Replug is a top contender. With Replug, affiliates can create custom short links that feature their own branding and logo, making it easy to promote their business or product across different channels.

Replug’s powerful set of features help you promote your brand across multiple channels and monitor your performance with its analytics and reporting capabilities.
Additionally, its link retargeting and call-to-action features can help you increase engagement and conversions on your content. Thus, making Replug an excellent choice for those looking to enhance their branding and track their performance.
Some of the key features of Replug include:

Branded URL Shortening:The platform enables users to create custom-branded short links, which can help increase brand visibility and recognition.

Link Tracking: This feature enables users to monitor how their links are performing and make data-driven decisions.

Call-to-Action Overlays: The platform allows users to add call-to-action overlays to their links, which can help increase engagement and drive conversions.

Custom Domains: Custom domains give the user the option to use custom domains, which can enhance the credibility and trustworthiness of the links.

Link Rotators: The platform provides link rotators, which allow users to rotate multiple links within a single shortened URL, making it easier to manage and track multiple campaigns.

Retargeting: Replug enables users to create retargeting campaigns for their links, which can increase the effectiveness of their marketing efforts.

Bio Links: The platform enables users to create custom bio link webpages so that you market your share their links on social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
Also Read: How to Disguise a Link Using a URL Shortener?

How to set up affiliate link tracking using Replug?

To set up affiliate link tracking with Replug, follow these steps:

If you haven’t already, sign up for an account with Replug.

Let’s say we want to change a long messy URL into an affiliate link:



Make a new campaign or select any previous one (if you have one).

For the said case, I am using an already created campaign.
Now copy and paste the link to shorten and click on create.

ENter the url to shorten

Now you can edit this shortened link with your brand name or affiliate e-commerce store name.

Customize your affiliate link


With Replug, monitor the performance of your links and make data-driven decisions. Lastly, share your banded links on social media platforms, email campaigns, or other marketing channels to drive traffic and conversions.

Pricing: It offers three pricing plans, Basic $19, Professional $49, and Agency $79.




tapfiliateTapfiliate provides an easy-to-use platform that allows businesses to set up their affiliate programs quickly. It also allows businesses to track sales from their affiliates. Tapfiliate offers white-labeling options that allow businesses to customize the platform’s branding to match their own.

Pricing: It offers three plans; Essential $89, Pro $149, and a custom plan.

Pretty Links

Pretty links

Pretty Links can be a useful tool for affiliates, as it provides a way to create customized, shortened links to use in their marketing efforts. Affiliates can track clicks and conversions on their links, as well as monitor which sources are driving the most traffic and revenue.

It also provides an automatic link replacement feature, which can be useful for affiliates looking to update their links across their entire site. Pretty Links also offers advanced features such as split testing, which allows affiliates to test different variations of their links to see which performs best.

Pricing: It offers three pricing plans; Beginners $99, Marketer $149, Super Affiliate $199.

Click Meter


ClickMeter is a web-based link tracking and optimization tool that provides users with powerful insights into how their links are performing. It also enables users to create custom tracking domains, which can help improve the credibility and trustworthiness of their links. ClickMeter allows users to perform A/B testing on their links, which can help optimize their performance over time. 

Pricing: It offers two different plans in two categories
For everyone: Lite $12/month, Essential $28/month, Professional $85/month.
For business: Professional plus $359/month and a custom plan. 



Sniply offers a unique perspective on affiliate marketing, with its call-to-action overlay feature allowing you to promote your own products or services while sharing third-party content with your audience. 

By directing traffic back to your own site, you can increase visibility and potentially boost conversions. Moreover, Sniply’s analytics and reporting features help you track your success and identify areas for improvement.

Pricing: It offers a basic plan of $9 per month, a pro of $29 per month, a Business $59/per month, and custom pricing.



Bitly is a versatile and powerful tool for anyone looking to manage and track their affiliate links and campaigns. This link management platform allows users to create shortened, customized links to share on social media, email, or other online channels.

With Bitly, users can create branded links that incorporate their own domain name, as well as track clicks and conversions on their links.

Pricing: It offers a free plan, starter $8/month, basic $29/month & premium $199/month.


voluum-logo-Voluum is a comprehensive affiliate marketing platform that provides tools for tracking, optimizing, and managing affiliate campaigns. One of the key benefits of Voluum is its ability to track traffic from multiple sources, including paid advertising, organic search, and social media.
It also offers integrations with a wide range of advertising networks, affiliate programs, and other marketing tools, making it easy to manage all aspects of an affiliate campaign in one place.

Pricing: It has 3 pricing plans, profit $149/month, scale $299/month, and start-up $499/month.



Customize the appearance of your links to match your brand using PixelMe. PixelMe allows users to create shortened, trackable links for their marketing campaigns. It also provides features such as retargeting and conversion tracking to help users optimize their advertising efforts. PixelMe integrates with tools, such as Google Analytics and Facebook Ads.

Pricing: It offers Growth at $99/month, Scale at $149/month, Elite at $249/month, and a customized pricing plan.

Affiliate tracking: Wrap up

In conclusion, affiliate links have become a popular and effective way for businesses to expand their marketing reach and drive sales, while also providing an opportunity for affiliates to earn a commission for promoting products or services. 

By using affiliate tracking tools such as Replug and tagging links with UTM parameters, businesses, and affiliates can track the performance of their affiliate campaigns. Overall, affiliate links can be a valuable tool for businesses and affiliates alike, as they provide a way to reach new audiences, increase revenue, and build long-term partnerships.


Can Google Analytics track affiliate links?

Yes, Google Analytics can track affiliate links, provided that the links are tagged with UTM parameters. UTM parameters are tags that can be added to the end of a URL to track the source, medium, and campaign name of traffic to a website.

What is a good percentage of affiliates?

The percentage of commission for affiliates can vary widely depending on the product or service being promoted, the industry, and the affiliate program. Generally, commissions for affiliates can range between 5% to 30% of the sale price.
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Mustafa Niazi
Mustafa Niazi is a blogging addict, a tech fanatic, and a SEO specialist.

Instagram URL Shortener Tools To Elevate Your Marketing

Khadija Anwar
8 minutes

Looking for a hack for Instagram and other socials to boost your social presence and following? Tools like Instagram URL shortener is what you need to try out. It simply can do much more than just shortening your long nasty URLs. For example, you can shorten the URL with a domain name, add catchy call-to-action, create bio links, manage analytics, and redirect your audience.

In short, you can create trackable and memorable links that enhance your brand recognition across all social media channels. 

Let’s discuss how link shortening tools can strengthen your social media presence and help you increase your following through custom links on Instagram, Tiktok and other socials. 

Why Use an Instagram Link Shortener?

Link shorteners make sharing significantly easier that promote marketing as a whole. They use a few precious characters to deliver links and catch a higher click-through rate. In addition, the Instagram link shortener can track the performance of all URLs you share across social media channels. These analytics record your audience’s behavior patterns and find what they want. 

Bio links are the most prominent feature among the people that use Instagram URL shorteners. However, some other specific advantages of using a URL shortener are discussed below.

Stronger Branding with One Bio Link

Creating a bio link with Instagram URL shorteners can direct the customer to a custom landing web page. Create CTAs, add text, pictures, and videos and design the landing page. Most socials don’t allow adding more than one bio link to your profile. So with a bio link, you can provide more information about yourself or your business. 

Here is an example of Replug’s Bio Link:


Here is an example of Airbnb: 


They have mentioned the Airbnb accommodations link in the bio. If you click that link, it will lead you to a single bio page with all rental places.


If you further click down any picture, it will redirect to complete detail of that particular place just like this: 


Now, this is a simple URL redirecting example with a brand’s profile name mentioned in it. You can do this with your brand or personal Instagram profile, share it on any social media channel, and bring direct traffic to your account or shop. Link shorteners for Instagram make all work easy without making themselves the third wheel. It is a straightforward technique to build brand credibility and enhance brand awareness.

Related: Amazon Link Shortener: 10 Reasons For Amazon Sellers To Try

Branded Links are Appealing

Branded links can enhance social media presence because they seem legit. They encourage click-through, engagement, and conversion rate around a product or service. Moreover, you can build brand awareness through branded links wherever you use them. Data has shown that branded links receive 34% more clicks than non-branded links. Besides brand awareness, branded links are appealing because they reflect the domain or brand’s slogan, which is an essential element of your digital presence. 


Disney uses a link management tool for shortening, redirecting, and promoting its official podcast while highlighting Disney’s slogan “di. sn” in the URL. 

When you customize your links, you have an opportunity to promote a product or service by creating a domain. For example, you are running a YouTube tutorial channel for pizza making, and you don’t want a messy long URL. In that case, you can edit it to Pizz. co/tutorial. 

Related: YouTube URL Shortener-A Must Have For Every YouTuber

Links are Trackable

Marketing without analysis and tracking is like shooting in the dark. It is a waste of time, energy, and substantial resources. Link shortening platforms track your links and save from extra effort. Knowing your visitor’s demographic, interests, and favorite social channels allows you to post more relevant and exciting content. Your customers are a valuable asset to your company. By tracking analytics, you can observe what your audience is looking for, their needs, and expectations. 


Being a marketer is a tough job; you must know what your audience wants without hearing from them directly. Therefore, you can determine which marketing channels you should utilize to find your next customers through link shortening platforms.



Cross Promote with Same Link

You might have noticed that you uploaded a picture on Instagram and wanted to share it on WhatsApp, but the link is too nasty that you gave up. This is wherecustom URL shortener for Instagram step in to change malicious URLs into short ones and make them sharable on any app. Vanity links are friendly, memorable, authentic, and safe to use. In addition, you can add a custom domain name to enhance brand awareness and build brand credibility. 


The above image shows Spotify’s shortened link with its domain’s name and recommended Sabrina Ann’s playlist. 

In addition, link shorteners provide services for all social media channels, not just Instagram. Suppose you have changed a long URL into a short URL and forwarded it to people’s DM. Then you can also use the same link across all social media channels; Facebook, Twitter, Tiktok, LinkedIn, and many more. You can apply the same link on every marketing channel to bring more leads, engagement, and conversions.

Related: 7 Ways You Can Use Instagram Bio Links to Your Advantage

Deep Links Improve the User Experience


The deep links feature allows users to reach the in-app location directly or to be directed to the relevant app store, depending on their devices. For instance, sharing a shortened link through text or a DM would mitigate the unnecessary steps required. Thus, improving the user experience, increasing the chances of conversions, and increasing followers on your other socials.

Related: How to Understand and Maximize Your Reach on Any Social Network

Increase Engagement

As discussed in the above examples using a custom link can increase engagements. Research evidence supports these claims as shorter URLs receive 39% higher engagement than long URLs.

Whether you are an influencer or a brand, short links will help you generate more traffic, attract a higher following and ultimately increase overall engagement.  

Easily Apply Redirection

Imagine you are running a social media marketing campaign and have forwarded a link to a big chunk of the audience. Then you realize it has a typo mistake. But unfortunately, you can’t go to every platform and change or delete the URL. 

You can redirect that erroneous link to your profile or website, and the audience will directly land on it.

Related: Using Vanity URLs for Social Brand Awareness

Retarget Clicks

Retargeting is served to people who have already visited your website, prospective leads, or customers. For example, a link shortener offers retargeting that provides additional points of association with your brand or product, increasing the likelihood that those leads who know you will convert. With the ever-changing digital marketing landscape, the fight for the audience’s attention has to be won in quality and quantity.


Retargeting is a great way to stay in front of prospective clients and keep them aware of your brand such as facebook retargeting ads is a great example. It is a cost-effective technique to gain maximum ROI for every penny you spend on digital advertising. Last but not least, you can gain insight into where your prospected clients are being found after leaving your website. Comparing current and old retargeting campaigns will make a roadmap for future marketing campaigns to bring quality traffic to your website. 

Related: 14 Crazy-Effective Ways to Boost E-commerce Sales Through Retargeting

5 Best Instagram Url Shortener Tools (500-700)



Replug is an all-in-one link management tool to change long, messy links into short branded URLs. It helps brand recognition, amplifies your engagement and boosts brand awareness, through retargeting ads and strategies to generate leads.

Replug.io is a cost-effective, feature-packed tool that helps optimize marketing campaigns and monitors and analyzes every interaction with your audience. 

Branded links offer a consistent, trustworthy experience. Moreover, you can view all data on a simple dashboard. You can filter your data with keywords, sources, and channels to help you understand how your links perform. 

Replug.io creates and tracks your offline campaign with customizable dynamic QR codes and offers much more. 


  • A/B testing
  • Geo and social targeting
  • Add OG titles and descriptions 
  • Chrome extension
  • Create beautiful bio landing pages
  • Track analytics and KPIs
  • Add a catchy call to action
  • Add a custom domain or brand slogan
  • Retarget your audience
  • Custom Support 24/7

Replug.io offers three affordable and efficient pricing plans:

  • Basic $19/month
  • Professional $49/month
  • Agency $79/month



RocketLink allows you to pass retargeting pixels through shortened links. You can enjoy link tracking features to retarget people who have clicked on your link. RocketLink allows you to use their or your domain for link tracking. Once you have created links, you analyze them. This is similar to any other link shortening platform. You can manage and create links effectively, shorten URLs, use a custom domain to improve UX, build trust and drive traffic to your website. You can track all links and clicks on a single dashboard and optimize your marketing effort. 

It offers three pricing plans: 

  • Liftoff $19/month 
  • Space $29/month
  • Galaxy $69/month



PixelMe is another link management app for social marketers. With the help of PiexelMe, you can brand track and share URLs through this platform. It has retargeting pixels to track all leads who visited your website. It also has custom domains and sludge features, making it a reliable link shortening tool. In addition, it offers in-depth analytics and KPIs to track all leads and the progress of your links so far. It suits mega enterprises and small companies trying to build brand recognition

PiexelMe offers three pricing plans: 

  • Growth $99/month 
  • Scale $149/month 
  • Elite $249/month 



SayHey is a powerful but simple built-in editor to create beautiful landing pages. It allows you to share the story in your desired way. It is a user-friendly link shortener tool for creators and marketers that lets you connect with Instagram, Shopify, and many more. SayHey uses high premium quality converting landing pages to promote your campaign. It makes a custom page by adding visual arts, newsletter, and sign-up, and also integrates with Instagram, YouTube, MailChimp, and Shopify. In addition, it offers weekly and monthly analytics to better understand current and previous campaigns. 

SayHey offers a free and pro-paid account starting from $10/month. 



JotURL is another link management tool to create deep links, pixels and branded links for marketing campaigns. Besides creating branded links, it monitors, analyzes, and is able to perform many other link-building functions. In addition, it can create a catchy call to action. It offers many functions within a unique and efficient tool. JotURL increases conversions, tracks revenues and engages prospects. It helps you attract, catch, and convert your clients. It tracks which events catch leads in order to expand your marketing reach. 

The pricing plan starts from $55/month. 


Does Instagram allow short links?

Instagram allows only one active link in the bio section. But Instagram should allow adding short links in the regular post or at least in sponsored posts at additional costs. Short links become very helpful in digital marketing. 

Why is my link not clickable on my Instagram bio?

The Instagram bio link isn’t clickable from mobile because the link is added in the bio field and not in the dedicated website field. To fix this problem, make sure you have an updated Instagram account version, put a link in the right section, and have a good internet connection. 

Create Youtube, Tiktok, Instagram short URLs, bio links, track clicks and do much more with URL shorteners.

Khadija Anwar
I am Khadija Anwar, B2B Copywriter. I started my career as a freelance writer in 2019 and built a strong portfolio. I have crafted multiple blogs, website content, fashion magazines, news outlets, SEO content, and technical documentation. Last but not least, my favorite cartoon character is Dopey Dwarf, resembling my real-life character- calm, happy, and lively.

What Is Affiliate Link Cloaking & How To Do It?

Hassaan Khan
10 minutes

What is Affiliate Link Cloaking?

Affiliate Link Cloaking is a process of replacing the long and clunky affiliate product links with short links that trackable links and point visitors to the same URL destination, but are trustworthy and brandable.

Expert affiliate marketers use affiliate link cloaking to make their affiliate product links look more trustable. You might be wondering how to get your hands on those short links. So let me briefly explain affiliate link cloaking, and then we will touch on more relevant topics you should know about.

Shall we?

Bloggers and marketers use affiliate link cloaking because visitors are hesitant toward longs and clunky product URLs. Most experts try to simplify the URLs, CTAs, and navigation so that readers feel safe.

Perhaps, people are skeptical about long URLs because scammers use several protocols in the URLs or page contents that lead to data theft or privacy issues.

Most website owners want to track the clickability on their site pages to analyze their on-page SEO strategies and understand the content performance through user behavior.

Anyway, affiliate link cloaking allows affiliate marketers and bloggers to minimize the complexity in the website navigation and provide a better user experience.

Should You Cloak Your Affiliate Links?

If you have ever thought about whether or not you should cloak your affiliate links, then this section might convince you to start paying close attention to affiliate link cloaking. 

I like cloaking affiliate links because I don’t want to scare off readers – some visitors hover over the links and when they see the long, clunky URLs, they avoid clicking on those links.

Cloaking affiliate links doesn’t mean you want to hide your association with the brands. But instead, it makes readers feel safe when the links seem short and sweet.

Below is a video that will make you understand the importance and benefits of affiliate links.

Can You Make a Living Off of Affiliate Marketing?

 The answer is yes; you can make a living off of affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is a lucrative business model if done right. The only caveat is that you must understand how it works.

Even though most affiliate marketers fail to make a significant amount of money with affiliate marketing, it’s still one of the most popular ways to earn money online.

When content creators put out valuable content to solve the audiences’ problems and mention the links to the products or services they have been using, the audience trusts them with their recommendations. 

The best part is that bloggers, YouTubers, and TikTokers make money off of affiliate marketing the same way – they build a fan base, provide value to earn trust, and make money by recommending products.

Related: Affiliate Marketing Guideline for Beginners: A Step-by-Step Guide

Fundamental Steps of Link Cloaking 

Since you have some idea of how link cloaking works, it’s important to discuss the fundamental steps of link cloaking.

i. Figure Out the Purpose of URL Shortening

Before you jump on cloaking random links on your blog just because you have seen influencers do this, it’s important to understand why you need to do this. A lot of bloggers blindly follow what experts are doing without having a plan in mind.

Most influencers and pro-bloggers cloak links because they don’t want messy links on their blogs. However, there are other reasons for cloaking links. For instance, short URLs or cloaked links also help in tracking clicks on those links. So figure out why you need to cloak links first.

ii. Identify the Website URLs to Trim Down

It’d be unfair if you start shortening the random URLs on your blog or website. Affiliate marketers and bloggers usually cloak affiliate product links to make them look decent. The reason is that affiliate product links are long and clunky, so cloaking them with a URL shortening tool makes them look nice.

You might not want to shorten the post or page URLs on your blog. Just stick to the affiliate product links when trimming the long URLs.

iii. Choose the Best URL Shortener

Cloaking links isn’t possible without an excellent URL shortener. Even though the core purpose of a link cloaking tool is to make links shorter and cleaner, it’ll be a bonus if any URL shortener provides additional features.

The value-added feature that you may want to look out for in a URL shortener or cloaking tool is click tracking. It’s vital to find out where visitors are clicking on your blog when it comes to affiliate marketing.

iv. Replace the Long URLs with Short Ones

Once you have shortened the long and clunky URLs on your blog using an external URL shortener or a WordPress plugin, the next up is the replacement of the long URLs with shorter ones. 

It shouldn’t take so long if you’re using a tool like Lasso. However, you can always replace the links manually.

Related: Amazon Link Shortener: 10 Reasons For Amazon Sellers To Try

How to Cloak Links Using URL Shorteners?

If you’re curious about how to cloak affiliate or e-commerce products on your blog or website, then there are several tools to cloak links that might come in handy.

One of the methods to cloak links on a blog or a website is by using a link cloaking WordPress plugin.

However, it’s only possible when you’re using the WordPress open-source program.


I use Replug for URL shortening. It’s a top-notch URL shortener that could connect with custom domains for creating branded short URLs. Plus, it has some of the best features, such as click tracking, integrations, bio link, UTM codes, retargeting, and more.

Let me show you how Replug works.

Go to the Replug website and log in to your account.


Once you’re in the dashboard, you’ll see the option called “Create Quick Replug Link” – this is where you could shorten the URLs.


However, I’d highly recommend checking out a few of our articles on how to use branded URLs or the benefits of using the short branded URLs, etc. 

Once you’re logged in to your Replug account, you’ll see the URL shortening section right at the top of the dashboard. All you need is to choose a campaign name and insert the URL you want to shorten.

Once you select the campaign name and paste the long URL to shorten it and proceed with it by clicking on the “create” button, a popup will be prompted with a form to fill out about the short URL.


Fill out the form and you’re all set.

Now you have generated a short URL using Replug URL shortener.

You could later check out the Analytics section to analyze the clickability of the short URLs.

Related: How to Setup Your Branded Short URL in Replug

5 Reasons Why You Should Cloak Affiliate Links


There are several reasons why you should cloak affiliate links, so allow me to share them with you.

Let’s take a look:

i. Clean Link Structure

Let’s admit that when you have short URLs instead of long ones, they look better. One of the aspects of URLs most people ignore is the link structure. If your affiliate link has a bunch of UTM codes, tracking codes, and serial numbers, people won’t trust your links, and rightly so.

So one of the biggest perks of cloaking affiliate links is that you clean up the link structure, which plays a vital role in improving the conversion rate.

ii. Clicks Tracking

You may or may not be properly tracking the affiliate conversion. Most bloggers and affiliate marketers rely on the merchants’ tracking – whatever the seller is using for affiliate sales tracking, and you have to rely on that.

However, when you’re using cloaked affiliate links, you have some control over click tracking. You know how many clicks have been recorded in your URL tracking system and you could match the number with your affiliate statistics. It’d help you figure out how accurate your affiliate dashboard is or enable you to find any discrepancies in the affiliate dashboard tool.

iii. Nofollow Affiliate Links

Most beginner affiliate marketers don’t even know that they should nofollow every affiliate link and most of them let the link juice pass to the merchant sites. When you let the link juice pass to the external sources, you’re letting the search engine bots slip to other sites.

There are WordPress plugins or nofollow scripts (for manual insertion) available for bloggers and affiliate marketers. Plus, you could always use a top-notch link management tool to have more control over your links, even when you’re shortening them.

iv. Increase Clickability

The experts in the SEO industry believe that visitors are likely to click more on short links rather than long links. You may have noticed that professional SEOs and bloggers keep their page URL slugs as short as possible. The same goes for other links, such as affiliate links.

Pro-bloggers and SEO experts think that shorter links get more clickability and add more relevance to the destination URL. 

v. Ease of Management

When you’re using a URL shortener to track clicks or conversion, you don’t just have control over data and statistics, but you also have ease of link management. Using a tool like Replug would enable you to track clicks on the short links as well as help you retarget the audiences who have clicked on the links.

So these were some of the main reasons why you should cloak affiliate links and make this process a part of your affiliate marketing regime.

Two Reasons Why Most Affiliate Marketers Fail At Affiliate Marketing

1. Zero Understanding

The no. 1 reason why most affiliate marketers fail is that they don’t figure it out. They think that just because they’ve put out a link to an affiliate product, people will click and buy the product. 

It doesn’t work that way – you have to convince people that this product is worth buying. In some cases, the affiliate marketer purchases the product themselves to test out and share the results with the audience. It earns them the trust and loyalty of the audience. Be ready to go above and beyond to earn trust online.

2. Get Quick Rich Scheme

Affiliate marketing isn’t a quick money-making scheme. You’re most likely to fail at affiliate marketing if you don’t have the patience. It ain’t work too fast. Most bloggers who successfully monetize their blogs with affiliate marketing have had loads of failures, and they always learn from their mistakes. 

If you want quick money out of it, you’re destined to fail at affiliate marketing. It doesn’t matter if you start with bloggers, YouTube, Instagram, or TikTok – it makes no difference unless you understand the game.

So you’ll be better off if you learn how to make money from affiliate marketing before jumping on the bandwagon of affiliate marketing.

Do Affiliate Links Affect SEO?


Affiliate links drive website visitors to the merchant’s website or landing page. It’s not rocket science that driving traffic to a page or website helps the destination page or website because everyone knows this.

But there is a caveat: if a link is pointing the visitor in a specific direction per se, then the destination page would benefit from it unless the link is nofollowed. 

Whenever a link is nofollowed, the search engine bots are directed not to follow the link. This way, the bots don’t travel through that link. Thus, the page or website keeps the bots for a little longer.

However, some SEOs believe that even nofollow links add credibility and trustworthiness in the search engines’ eyes, but not in the same way as the dofollow links.

If you’re wondering whether or not the affiliate links affect SEO, then here are a few cases when affiliate links could potentially affect the SEO performance of a site:

i. Dofollow External Links

Since affiliate links are external or outbound links because they’re directing visitors to a merchant’s website, they could harm your site SEO if they’re dofollow. Most bloggers and affiliate marketers keep their affiliate links nofollow to avoid passing the unnecessary juice to the merchant’s website.

It’s safe to say that dofollow external links could affect your site’s SEO unless they aren’t taken care of from an SEO standpoint.

ii. Broken Affiliate Links

When affiliate links are broken, they’re quite damaging for an affiliate marketing website. There are several reasons why a broken link is dangerous; for instance, it doesn’t generate a sale, and it drives visitors away. This can frustrate readers when they don’t land on the intended merchant page.

So no doubt, a broken affiliate link could result in a bad user experience for your website visitors. And you can’t dominate with SEO techniques if you’re providing a bad user experience to the visitors. 

Furthermore, there are WordPress plugins and online tools available that scan your site and report all the broken links.

iii. Clunky Product Links

Have you ever seen a long and clunky product link on e-commerce sites or affiliate blogs? When you hover on the products, you see unending URLs that seem scary at times. 

One of the disadvantages of those clunky URLs is that they aren’t optimized for SEO. Plus, it scares visitors off due to their scammy appearance. Such affiliate product links are a no-go.

iv. Bunch of Affiliate Banners

A ton of affiliate product banner ads could frustrate visitors that are trying to learn about the product or find an answer to their query. You don’t have to bombard the visitors with several banner ads. Instead, put a couple of banner ads on the side or in the content if you have to put the banner ads.

Moreover, these image-based banner ads often increase the page loading speed, which fails websites at core web vitals. It’s Google’s mechanism to check and analyze the website page loading speed, accuracy, and quality.

So clearly, loads of banner ads could affect your site’s SEO performance. 

Related: SEO Links for Replug Campaigns

How Many Affiliate Links Are Too Many?

The key to winning at affiliate marketing is figuring out the balance between several things, such as:

  • Niche identification
  • Target audience
  • Engaging content
  • Relevant affiliate products

However, there is no guarantee that more affiliates would bring in more money or fewer affiliate programs would earn you less money. 

It seems impossible to pull off if you’re doing something wrong in affiliate marketing. On the other hand, it may look very simple to those bloggers who figured this out. 

I’ve written a blog post about joining multiple affiliate programs and the gist of the blog post was that you should join multiple affiliate programs as long as they are in line with your content strategy.

A lot of affiliate bloggers say that building a topical authority on your blog or affiliate site is the stepping stone to start generating sales. 

The way it works is that you test out different topics by publishing a handful of articles across three to four categories.

Once a cluster of topics starts getting traction from search engines, you could double-down on that and write a bunch of more articles on that topic/category and become an authority in that area. That’s how you build topical authority around a certain topic or category.

So several affiliate links or affiliate programs won’t make a difference unless your content is worth paying attention to from the readers’ standpoint. 

However, indeed, placing dozens of the same affiliate links in a brief blog post may annoy the readers, so you need to create a balance in that area. 

Make sure that your blog doesn’t look pushy when it comes to affiliate product insertion. 

Related: How to Create a SEO Friendly URL: Ultimate Tips

Are You Ready to Cloak Affiliate Links?

We’ve explained what affiliate links are and how they work on affiliate blogs. 

The reason why we discussed this topic is that it’s vital to use link cloaking, especially when you’re monetizing blogs with affiliate marketing. 

If you have been paying attention to quality content, link building, site design, page speed, and on-page SEO, then you can’t mess up with long and clunky affiliate links.

Several branded URL shorteners and affiliate link cloaking tools are available on the market. Choose the link cloaking tool that provides in-depth reporting and click-tracking so that you keep track of your clicks on the affiliate links.


Hassaan Khan
Hassaan Khan is a freelance writer for SAAS companies, e-commerce stores, and niche websites. He has contributed to SEMrush, ThriveGlobal, BloggingCage, AllBloggingTips, and several other publications. He builds niche websites, publishes e-books, and helps website investors with his done-for-you niche site-building service.

Amplify Your Marketing With Optimized Link Sharing

Over 35,000+ marketers, agencies, businesses, e-commerce stores and brands optimize and track their links using Replug and get better returns on their marketing efforts.